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Seanin, Mystic Knight of Swamp

Seanin, Mystic Knight of Swamp

Seanin is the Mystic Knight of Swamp, a new character which will debut this fall. Seanin was discovered from the same piece of scroll, that the rest of the knights were foretold in. Only one thing is different, Seanin is evil. Queen Maeve learns of him and decides that he will be perfect to fight against the good Mystic Knights. Seanin's elemental call is Death Below Me. His weapons is a wicked scimitar and his armour is steel plate and chainmail. He definately will give the Mystic Knights a good fight.

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~Main~ | ~Maeve, Queen of Temra~ | ~Torq, Captain of the Temra Soldiers~ | ~Mider, Dark Fairie of the Shleeves~ | ~Seanin, Mystic Knight of Swamp