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Welcome To The
Collectible Toys WebRing
  Thanks for your interest in joining the WebRing.... any and all pages containing information, pictures, sales or anything else dealing with collectible toys are welcome into the ring. Joining the ring is free and will never cost you anything. We already have sites with Barbies, Hot Wheels, Beanies Babies, Assorted Action Figures, Transformers, Dolls, and lots of other great Collectible Toys and toy storage products, even if you have a site with any of these things there is always room for more.
No Sites with Adult content please!

OK so how do I get my site in this WebRing?

You will probably want to bookmark this site or at least keep the URL handy if you plan on joining the ring.

All  of the first 4 steps must be followed to be considered for the ring.

1. Fill out the short form by clicking the link at the bottom .
Please finish reading this page first.

2. Download one of the graphics below and upload to your server (no exceptions). You must have one of the pictures below ! If you have webtv please contact me for picture information.  Everyone else must upload the picture to their server. You must have one of the pictures below !

3. Cut and paste an HTML code into your web page. After submitting your site you will receive the code on the submit page and also via e-mail to add to your web page.
( AOL pages must use the code from the submit page, the code gets messed up when sent through e-mail  to AOL. If you cut and paste it and still can't get it right one of our AOL ring members has graciously agreed to helping out those of you with aol you can reach him via aol his user name is DarkMonkE)

The Code must be placed on the page submitted or a webring page. It must be easily found and not have to click more than once from the page submitted.

We've had some complaints that our code was hard to find on some sites and people have been giving up on traveling through the ring. This rule applies to all ring members for as long as you wish to remain in the ring no exceptions.

4. Send me an E-mail containing your site ID # and let me know you've added the code.   Please always include your site ID# when sending e-mail pertaining to the ring.

You will only have 14 days to complete this process before webring removes your site from the queue so please make sure you e-mail me. If your site gets deleted you may resubmit your site again. I will not e-mail you and warn you when your time is running out you will only get e-mail once it's been deleted. It's an automatic thing from webring.

I will check your site for toy content and make sure there are no adult references and add your site.

That's it basically!

General Ring Rules and Info:

This Ring was started on Dec 23 , 1997 and we have over 160  pages in the ring and growing everyday.

I want this WebRing to benefit all of us involved so if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know.

If you ever need to change your site information you can use the link below.

We have 2 mailing lists for our webring, The first being listbot(It's highly recommended you join this one so you are informed as to what is going on with the ring) This list is for our newsletters, they come out twice a month(unless something comes up and I have to send an extra one), this is where you will find our ring stats, info about the ring, the vote for site of the month and members news. You will not be able to recieve any information from me about the ring unless you are on this list.
The second list is the collecttoys list, this one is for all ring members to participate in, we can share ideas, help our customers find what their looking for, and just chat with each other in general. This second list is only open to current webring members, this does not include pre members (sites in the queue) you may sign up for this list when you put your site into the queue but you will not actually be added into the list until your site is in the ring. Please let me know ahead of time if you are going to use another e-mail address other than the one submitted to webring, if I do not know then you will not be added to the onelist mailing list. You can sign up for either or both lists below. All Collectible Toys WebRing members are welcome!

Join our mailing list! 
Enter your email address below, 
then click the 'Join List' button:
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Augusts's Winner for the Collectible Toys Site of the Month is:
site#74      Frank's Hot Wheels Home on the Web
Thanks for reading this whole mess and
Welcome to the Ring!!!

E-mail here!!

Click here to submit your site into the ring

Click here to change your site's information! you must have your site ID and password to do this, if you forgot your password e-mail me and I'll get it for you .

Check out the sites in our Ring This is a listing of all the sites in the ring.

Look to see what sites are waiting to get in the Ring If you submitted a site and have not received an e-mail check to see if you are listed here, WebRing has been having a few problems the past few days and may not have received your submission.

P & T Collectible Toys Home page

Collectible Toys WebRing Site Of The Month Winners Archive

Collectible Toys WebRing Newsletter Archive login

This is what the finished code will look like.....

This Collectible Toys WebRing site owned by 
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To get more info on how to get your site in this ring      Click here


This code will pick up your page's background and link colors, that way it should fit right in.

Please feel free to choose any of the images below for your ring, the default picture is the one with the smiley on it. Just right click the picture you want and choose save as. Then upload to your page. You will need to add in where your image is located behind the IMG SCR="

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Last Page Update 10/21/98 
