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Using this site for Linking and Learning
Web Searching, Sleuthing and Sifting 
(tutorial series)

Register for Web Super Searching and Sleuthing 


Lesson One:
What is the Web and why can't I find what I want? 
Lesson Two: 
Where do I start? (Web Directories) 
Lesson 2a:
Evaluating what you find (Tips for Selecting Resources) 
Lesson Three:
 What's next? (Web Indexes and Search Engines) 
Lesson Four:
Power Search Techniques (Boolean and Field Searching)
Lesson Five:
Locating Images: Photos, Pictures & Graphics 
Lesson 5a:
Photos, Pictures & Graphics -- Quick Reference 
Lesson Six:
Using Meta-Search Engines (Searching several web indexes at once) 
The Cyberlibrarians' 
Rest Stop
Web Searching Tutorials
Keeping Current -- Web Resources
 Course Announcements
Search Tools
Virtual Collections--Tools

This site contains helpful tools for the web searcher,  research on virtual library collections, web searching methodogies and a collection of resources for keeping current with Web-Based resources. Your suggestions are welcomed!

Smart Searching on the Web
Web Searching Sleuthing and Sifting 
Need some guidance finding information on the web? Neophyte and advanced searchers have found the  
Web Searching, Sleuthing and Sifting tutorials useful. 
Need specifics or a greater challenge? Register for Web Super Sleuthing and Searching
How can I keep up?!
Keeping abreast of new web-based research tools and techniques can be very time consuming. The sites listed in Keeping Current with Web-Based Resources are an excellent way to keep up to date with the best of the web.
Developing Virtual Collections
Interested in building a Virtual Collection of resources? Learn tips on evaluating sources or consult an extensive list of types of resources to include. Then, just build it! using the collection development "tools" (specialized resources) that will help you find the good resources no matter what your subject focus or user needs.
Search Tools
In a hurry and want to just search it! but not sure where to start? check out Basic Tools.You'd like more of a choice? see the extensive categories under Searching and Sleuthing.

Angela Elkordy
Last Updated: May 29, 2000 

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