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CederPoint Trip

I must say that out of all of the trips that we have taken,
CederPoint was the worst. The employees were so rude
the entire time we were at there that I have sworn never to return.
In fact my husband and his friends were in line for one of the
roller coasters and as they were boarding they were told they
had to take their stuff with them. They had the big souvenir
cups and they were full of pop.At Kings Island You can set them
off to the side. If they are gone when you get back it is your loss but
at least you wont drop it on anyone. Not here, they had to take
them with and one of the girls were soaked with pop at the end
of the ride. They are lucky they didn’t drop them and hit
someone. I could go on and on about how we were treated.
However I will just sum it up with this. NEVER AGAIN will I
go there. Poor service, and rude employees. JMHO.

Here are two pictures of Lauren at CP.

Here is Lauren with Snoopy at CP.

And these crazy people are my husband, brother,
and future sister-in-law.

Key West Trip
Marengo Cave