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Key West Spring Break 2001!

For the first time in my life I went on a 'real' vacation. Just my husband, Jon, and I. We flew down to Key West over Spring Break and stayed for 6 days. I had never been on a plane before. I was ok until we started to take off. Then I about lost it, that feeling of weightlessness, the sense of being powerless, I was almost in tears. I am not a brave person, I hate roller coasters. I can be fun, really I am just a little bit of a chicken:) So once we were up in the air I had a few drinks and I loved the landing. LOL

We were staying at the Ocean Key Resort it was a great hotel. The room was so small you couldn't turn around but it was worth the price.

Our first day down there we were to take a seaplane to Dry Tortugus. We went to the airport and find out that the brakes went out on the plane so there will be a slight delay while they fix it. Ok, this make's me feel better. After an hour and a half they got the brake fixed and wheel that little bitty plane around. Wow, it was a little 6 person seaplane. OK so the pilot makes me sit up front with him, a couple behind us, and my husband is in the very back. So much for my support system. LOL

We start to taxi down to the runway. We get to the runway and we cant turn towards it. Pilot starts gritting his teeth and shaking his head. I hold my breath. He says, we just lost that same break we have to go back. Ahhh, I start to breath again.

Since our agenda for that day was shot we went back to the hotel and rented what is called a Key Cat. It is sort of like a sea doo only you sit side by side and have a little more room. It was awesome. We spent the rest of the day playing in it.

The next day we did Danger Charter. I highly recommend you do this sometime. It is an old style schooner (sail boat). First we sailed for about an hour then we set out on kayaks to explore the backcountry, complete with a guide. We kayaked around two small islands in the Bermuda Triangle. It was so incredible. Then we went back to the boat the loaded the Kayaks and we set out to another spot where we would get to snorkel. I did not enjoy the snorkeling. I had to rent a prescription mask from the Lost Reef as I am blind as a bat and the mask was crap, it kept leaking. I say it was a crappy mask because Jon, had also rented one and it leaked. So don't rent from them.

After the snorkeling they open up the bar and you have a sunset cruise back to Key West. Let's just say I had a little too much to drink...

Next day: We were both supposed to go diving from Captains Corner. After the way I handled the snorkeling I don't think so. So I chicken out and just go along for the ride. Jon, however did go diving and loved it. While I was on the boat waiting for Jon to go diving one of the mates tell me I don't get to just sit around and wait on him I have to go snorkeling. He has made it his mission to see that I like to snorkel. I am thinking he is out of his fricken mind but he was cute and persistent so I give in. He gets me in a wetsuit, prescription goggles which they happen to keep on board, and in we go. Now I am not a very good swimmer so I am holding on to this baywatch type of can and he is just kind of leading me around.

He was so patient and great. Thank you Jeremy! I loved snorkeling. It was incredible.

The last day we did deep sea fishing. The boat was this big, 3 story thing. We head out to the Bermuda triangle to go fishing. What is it with these people and that triangle!

So the water was so choppy that Jon got sea sick and has to take Dramamine. I am barely able to keep from getting sick but I hang in there.

This was not my idea of fishing. The 'mate' baits your hook, throws the line out and then put the pole in a holder in front of you. Then you sit and wait until he sees you have a bite. The water was so rough that the poles are bent over so I never could tell how he knew it was a fish anyway. He get the hook set in the fishes mouth they you get to reel it almost all the way to the boat where he take over.

Where is the sport in that! No thanks. I won't waste my time doing that again.

We came home the next day. I had such a great time in Key West. I missed the kids but I was so glad that they did not go. That place was nothing but a drunken madhouse. It was Spring Break and so crazy.

Still a great time, I just would not recommend going over spring break. Any other time would be great.

Thanks for letting me Bore you to death!

Me on the balcony at Ocean Key Resort

Me on the balcony at Ocean Key Resort Again

Jon on the balcony at Ocean Key Resort

Danger Charter

Jon and I on Danger

Kayaking from Danger Charter

Key Cat from Ocean Key Resort

Key Cat from Ocean Key Resort

Key Cat from Ocean Key Resort

Captains Corner The Seaeagle (I am the one in the funny hat)

Captains Corner Jon and Jeremy

Captains Corner Jon

Captains Corner Jon

Captains Corner Jon

Captains Corner Jon

Captains Corner Baracuda

Captains Corner Fish

Captains Corner Brain Coral.

Captains Corner Sponge

Ceder Point
Marengo Cave