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In Memory of Chase

Welcome to Chase's heaven. Chase was a male Great Dane that me and my fiancee owned. In the sunlight his fur was the color of the text on this page. He was born April 16, 1998. We got Chase for free in a town called Crumbsville, Indiana. We have a cat named Kyser (Chase's little sister), and they used to play for hours on end. Kyser was 1 month younger than Chase. Chase was taken from this earth on May 4, 1999 at about 9:30 p.m. Just a day before me and my fiancee's 1 year three month anniversary. I hope that you fall in love with Chase as much as we did.
Chase's First Day

This picture was taken just hours after we brought Chase home. My fiancee named him Chase, and it was a perfect name for him too. We had to chase him all over the yard just to get him back in the house. Chase was just about 15#'s when we got him, and stood 8" at the shoulder. He was a great guard dog all though somethimes we wondered if he was dumb. Other then all the rest he became our " Baby Boy "

Chase At Play

Chase used to romp around the house no matter what hour of the day. His favorite place to go was to Playmor campgrounds. There he had to be on a leash, but when no one was looking we would take him to a field and let him run. We had to watch out for his tail though, it was like a whip. If you were hit with it you were hurting, you might even get a bruise. The day that Chase was killed was the last day that he was at Playmor.

Last Picture Taken Of Chase

This is one of the last pictures that was taken of Chase. He was 1 year and 1 month old when he was killed. The day started off like no other, my fiacee, his grandmother, me and Chase all went to the campground. We played like usual, stayed there until we got the camper back in running order. We left because my fiancee and his Grandmother wanted to do some voting. We got back into Mishawaka, and they went to vote while I sat in the car. When ever someone came out of the building Chase barked, there was one weird thing though. Chase barked when my fiancee came to the car, which he never ever did before. Well later that night Grandma was feeding the dogs and for some reason Chase went out the back door. Grandma heard him bark, and then yelled for him but Chase never came. This was unusal, as he always came when we yelled, but not when we called. We looked all over the neiborhood, but no Chase. Grandma told us to look back behind Pet Refuge, there he was lying dead. There was a guy just a little ways up and we asked him what happened and he just bluntly told us that he killed him cause Chase looked at him funny. We haven't heard anything about it lately now for what happened to the guy that did it. The last thing we were told was that the guy would not be able to own another animal in his life. I don't even think that, that was enforced. Now Chase is in Great Dane heaven waiting to see his sister again, so that they can play for hours on end again.


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