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Type 1 Diabetes



My name is Leann and I am a mother of a 17 year old son, Alex . Alex is an all around great kid(non-biased opinion). He loves sports, music, and teasing his little brother, Hunter (11 years old). When Alex was 5 years old in Kindergarten, he was diagnosed with Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus(Type 1). In November 1994 he had a strep throat and ear infection and he was drinking large amounts of liquid. Upon the recheck for his ear infection, I mentioned his thirst and frequent urination to the pediatrician. Her recommendation was: if he was still thirsty in a couple of weeks to bring him back. Well he made it a little over a week before he bottomed out and we ended up in the ER with a blood sugar level over 600 and was diagnosed with IDDM the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Since then we have been battling this disease. Alex is now on the insulin pump (Read about Alex's pump story) and is doing well but we feel that the need for a CURE is NOW!
Through our battle with this disease I have met alot of great friends both online and off. I used to run a support group in the Porter/Lake County area of NW Indiana. Once the kids all started to grow-up there was less and less time for the group and I couldn't find anyone to take over, if anyone is interested in starting a group I would be happy to give you tips on how to get started: Support Meetings, NW Indiana

This page does not get updated very often, I hope to improve it over time. Please check back often to see what we have added. If you have any suggestions for my site please email me.

Please come back and visit again!

Please email me


Ways you can make a difference!

Write your representative - Lookup Rep.
Make a Noise
Postcard Campaign
Grey Ribbon Campaign

Diabetes Info
Children With Diabetes
Insulin Pumpers Website
Melissa's Diabetes Site
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
American Diabetes Association
Islet Foundation
Islet Regeneration Research
Diabetes World
Welcome-Kids learn about Diabetes
Diabetes Teens
Free CD ROM - Kids Learn About Diabetes

Pump Info
Article on Children & The Pump
Insulin Pumpers
Minimed -Pump Mfg.
Disetronic -Pump Mfg.
Diabetes Mall


Foods and Carb Counting

Calorie King
Deliciously Diabetic
Fast Food Carbohydrate Counts

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This web site owned byLeann Olson
Ringmaster: Mark Fitzsimmons

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