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Welcome To Justice 4 AniTV!

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Be forwarned: I use frames!

Specail thanks to the following:
Web Counter
for giving me a counter which counts for every person. So if someone goes to a page then hits back, it only counts once.

for providing me with this webspace, this cool URL, and best of all, automatically converting my .bmp files into .jpg.

This Animorph TV Web Ring site owned by Animorphanson.
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I'm a member of
Animorphans Against The Strangers

"It's okay to dislike Animorphs but they've gone to far!"

"The Strangers should get a life and stop ruining perfectly good Animorphs pictures!"

"Nobody disses Animorphs and gets away with it!"

Join AATS today
And let the whole world know how powerful Animorphans are!