Katherine Heigl - AOL (0ct. 19, 1999)

Katherine Heigl: "I do believe in aliens, because I just think that the universe is too big to house just us. It's endless."

Tvgchat: Welcome Katherine! Thanks for joining us!

Katherine Heigl: Hello everybody!

Question:: Hi Katherine. I have followed your career since 'My Father, The Hero' and think you are a stunningly beautiful and talented actress. What first drew you to acting?

Katherine Heigl: Actually it was kind of a strong turn of events. My aunt had come to take some pictures of my sister and I for a hair care product she had invented, and asked my mother if she could send some photos to some modeling agencies. My mother agreed, and so I started children's modeling at age nine. One thing led to another, and I started doing commercials. Then I did my first film at age eleven and just knew that that was the thing for me. It became my passion.

Question: What was it like auditioning for Roswell?

Katherine Heigl: It was actually a very stressful and sort of waiting expectantly experience. I started by auditioning for producers, then for producers and directors, then for the studio, then for the studio again, and then for the networks. You really have to impress them for this stuff. It's hard. You have to be inspired on that day.

Question: What intrigues you most about your character in Roswell?

Katherine Heigl: First of all, I really like Isabel. I don't know how likable she appears to everybody else, because she appears so tough. But she has so many facets, she's interesting. She appears very tough on people, but in reality, she is very down-to-earth and just wants to be a normal teenage girl and live a normal teenage girl's life. And she has a lot of fear about people finding out about her extraterrestrial heritage.

Question: Hey Katherine, I have been a fan of yours since you were in the movie 'That Night', and I want to know, when you are not acting, what do you do for fun?

Katherine Heigl: let's see. I love to cook. Last night I made an extensive dinner for my mom... which took hours to make. I find it relaxing. I love to go to the movies, I'm a huge movie fan. I love to go to the movies myself and kind of hang out. I hang out with Majandra Delfino on my Saturday Nights occasionally, the two of us will go get sushi or something or try to find boys! LOL! I read a lot, I love to read, write, and I love to draw. And on-set I needlepoint. It's the only thing you can really pick up and put down a lot. A book is hard, you get into it, and then you're interrupted every five minutes.

Question: What kind of projects do you plan to do in the future?

Katherine Heigl: I don't have anything going on at the moment. But I'm definitely hoping to find the perfect project for my haitus. I'd love to work like a madwoman for a while, but it has to be the right stuff.

Question: Are you going to be making any talk show appearances anytime soon?

Katherine Heigl: Not scheduled any at the moment. But hopefully in the future. There's not a lot of time right now.

Question: What has been your favorite of all your roles so far?

Katherine Heigl: Favorite role? I'd have to say to date 'Isabel', just because she has so many sides to her. She has such a cool wardrobe. And she has cool powers. How can you go wrong with that?

Question: Do you believe the rumors about Area 51... and the UFOs at Roswell?

Katherine Heigl: I do believe in aliens, because I just think that the universe is too big to house just us. It's endless. And my father, when the pilot was picked up, my father bought me the Official government records on Roswell. And it's these thick books, they basically go into detail about what happened. They speak to people off the record, and it's all supposed to be official. But they still claim it was just a weather balloon. It's very fishy to me. I like the mystery. Time magazine says seventy percent of Americans believe there was a crash.

Question: Will Max and Liz eventually end up a couple?

Katherine Heigl: You know, I don't think that true love can ever really be kept apart, so we'll have to see. I'm not positive, but I feel that inter-species relationships will happen in the near future.

Question: What's the best and worst thing you like about your job?

Katherine Heigl: Best thing is the acting. The worst thing is the waiting. I hate waiting around on set. It's so tedious.

Question: What was it like working with Depardieu in 'My Father, The Hero'? Would he make a cool father in real life?

Katherine Heigl: I don't know about making a cool father in real life, but he was a wonderful father to me in the Bahamas for those three months. He was such a jovial, exuberant man, full of life and humor, a really good person on set. I loved him. He was wonderful.

Question: What is it like to work with the cast?

Katherine Heigl: The rest of the cast and I, we have a great time. We are so childish on set. I feel so badly for the crew. They make fart jokes, I laugh. It's fun; we have a great time. We're always in the corner so far cracking up, holding up production. So far - in a year we'll probably hate each other.

Question: If you could play any character in film, literature or theater, who would you play and why?

Katherine Heigl: You know, I have this all thought out and then I can't remember. Probably Rita Hayworth in Gilda. That was such a great role. Or the girl in 'All About Eve'. The evil one.

Question: Are there any hints you can give about upcoming episodes?

Katherine Heigl:I don't want to give too much away, but we find more clues to the aliens' past. Liz and Max continue to fight their burgeoning love affair. And Micheal and Maria form an interesting bond. And that's about it! LOL! A couple of FBI agents are thrown in.

Tvgchat: Thanks Katherine, for coming and talking with us. Please come back and chat again soon!

Katherine Heigl: Thank you! Thanks for joining in the chat and for the great questions. And I hope you all watch Roswell!

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