Jason's Biography

About everything I could find about Jason!!!

Name: Jason Nathaniel Behr

Birthdate: December 30, 1973

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Raised in: Richfield, Minnesota

Graduated from: Richfield High School in 1992

Currently resides in: Los Angeles, California

Hair: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Family: Grew up in a single parent home

Mother: Patricia

Siblings: Brothers - Andrew, John, Aaron

Pet: Dog - Ronin, an Akita

has a Girlfriend: No

Hobbies: Basketball, Golf, and hiking in the mountains with his dog

Guilty Pleasure: Cartoons

Fav. Junk Food: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (they're AWESOME!)

Fav. Movie: "The Godfather"

Fav. Band: Dave Matthews Band

Fav. Book: "Where the Wild Things Are" - by Maurice Sendak

Fav. Childhood TV Show: Tom and Jerry (my fav. too!)

Most worn article of clothing: old black baseball cap

Actor who inspires him: Paul Newman

Competed in: the Celebrity Pro-Am Classics Tour

Just like his character Max: The idea of still trying to find out who I am. I think that we all are.

Not like his character Max: He's under pressure to keep quiet. I'm sitting here telling you what my guilty pleasure is.

Top three Passions: Basketball, my family, and Kristy Kreme Doughnuts. "Nothing beats the original Krispy Kreme."

Always in his Fridge: Orange juice, water, leftover pizza, and beer.

Splurges: I'll spend a lot of money on a good dinner, but also love stuff -- buying technology stuff like a TV or a DVD player.

Daily Uniform: Jeans, T-shirt, boxers, and work boots.

On playing a Teen: It's the Peter Pan in me. I don't think I'll ever grow up.

Alien Encounters: It would be presumptous of me to tell you that we are the only intelligent life form that ever existed. I thought my high school principal was an alien. He was so bland."


Jason Behr

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Moon Sign: Pisces

Remember these dates: Sept 17, 2000; Oct 2000; and April 2001.

Love matches: Aquarius, Capricorn, and Taurus

Element: Earth

Birthstones: Garnet, white sapphire

Stone ruling: Granite

Colors: neutrals

Fashion style: black and white, power colors

Power sign with emphasis in leadership

Planet ruling: Saturn

Destiny: He's a leader, good at managing money, should have his own production company.


My best friend: "My dog, an Akita, is named Ronin. His name comes from a dark comic book I read as a kid."

Not-so-tall tale: "Back in junior high school, I looked just like Mini-Me. I came up to the shoulders of all my friends."

My alter ego's day job: "I drove a stock car once at California Speedway. There's something about the fact that you're that close to death that I really like."

My dream car: "A Porsche. The Germans make great cars."

Desert island must-have: "Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Nothing beats the original Krispy Kreme."

Unidentified foreign objections: "Until there is tangible evidence that aliens exist, it's still up for debate."

On the good (working) life: "Whether I am on the sand on a beach in Tahiti or in downtown Los Angeles working in the middle of the night, I am happy. As long as I'm acting, that's the most important thing: to be able to find a really good story and tell it the best way I can."

Jason in Winter 2001 Teen Beat

Jason - Capricorn gives love his ALL!

VIRGO: ...The Best Celebrity Love Match for You is: Capricorn, Jason Behr (born Dec. 30) is a guy who works as hard at making his girl happy as he does playing Max on "Roswell"

Facts About Jason:

His favorite sport to watch and to play is Basketball. Since Minnesota didn't have a team, he became a Chicago Bulls Fan, particularly because of Micheal Jordan. Now that he's living in Los Angeles, he likes the Lakers.

Jason has a sweet tooth, especially for Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The bachelor keeps his fridge stocked with such essentials as leftover piza and juice. He doesn't have a computer yet because he fears he might get addicted to it. "That's why I don't play video games anymore." Sound familar to anyone???

Like his character Max on Roswell, Jason says: "I'm still trying to find out who I am." He doesn't go for the glam side of Hollywood, preferring to watch movies at home with friends. "It is important for me to surround myself with people I trust and care about."

In 8th grade, he was only 4'11". "I was like Mini-Me. I came up to the shoulders of all my friends." Now he stands around 6 feet tall.

"If you sit and you look at a map of the galaxy and the universe, you feel really small, you feel like there had to be something else out there, at least you hope. The idea that there is no one out there is really sad."

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