<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title>Roswell - Season 1 Bloopers</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="3"> <div align="center"> <!--Header--> <h1 align="center">Roswell - Season 1 Bloopers</h1> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Freetext--><P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Pilot</FONT> <P>1)Max heals Liz using his left hand, however, the mark on Liz's stomach was made by a right hand (note the thumb). 2)The Crash festival would be taking place on the day of the crash, right? Well, the ship crashed on July 4. What's wrong with this picture? 3)A little picky, but there was far too much paint on the Sheriff's hand to have it come from where he touched Maria's neck. 4)Out of curiousity, didn't anyone find it odd that Maria was supposedly hit by HER OWN car? 5)In the "It was You" scene, Liz's necklace is always different. It's either under her shirt, on top of her shirt, or not there at all. 6)Michael covered his hand in silver paint to put the handprint on Maria (during the Crash Festival scene), but in every scene afterwards, his hands are clean. 7)When Liz is shot, you can see her roll to the side when the camera passes by where she is. However, when Max looks at her, she's lying on her back! 8)Liz goes into the bandroom with Max, and bumps into Kyle, and tells him their trying to find a place to study for their Bio Mid-Term, but why would they study for ANY mid-Term in September? It's the begining of the year, there wouldn't be mid terms until later. 9)There is a spot of blood on Liz's bra when Max is healing her (right above his hand); when she looks in the mirror later it is gone. 10)At the outdoor taco stand, Max waits for Michael to hand him the tabasco, which he does; the next shot shows Michael putting the tabasco in his drink; then the bottle is gone period. Also, in the same scene, while Isabel is giving her "This changes everything" speech her hair goes from not being tucked behind her ear, to being tucked behind her ear, to not again. 11)In the 'Pilot' when Max gives Valenti his driver's license, it says 7632 Newton Drive. Later we learn that in 'White Room' and in 'Surprise', his address is 6025 Murray Lane. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Morning After</FONT> <P>1)When Liz and Maria are talking about czechoslovakians at the Crashdown, Liz has a piece of paper behind the notepad she takes orders on in her hands, but when when Alex pops up behind them asking, "Whose a czechoslovakian?" Liz turns around and the piece of paper is no longer behind her notepad. 2)When Kyle comes over to Max and Liz in the jeep when they`re waiting at Michael`s place, the second and third time Kyle repeats the question, "Why are you whispering?" seem to match exactly, as if they used the same shot of him saying the line twice. It makes the dialougue in the scene seem extremely repetitive. 3)Ms.Topolsky called on Liz because she thought she was day dreaming and Liz "corrected" her on the problem and said "the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees" but on the board it said "m <'s=180 degrees", but it's not suppose to have an angle sign its suppose to have "m (triangle sign)=180 degrees" so that means neither Ms.Topolsky or Liz was right. 4)The front wall of the Crashdown is plain and framed with metal in the Pilot, then in Morning after it's framed with wood. Check it out! 5)In "The Morning After" when Max, Isabel and Michael are talking about Michael going to the sheriff's station selling candy, after Max moves to the chair in front of Michael, you can see something move in the window behind him. I went back and did slow-mo, and it turns out to be someone's face in the window. 6)Max & Isabel's parents greeted Micheal like he was a regular visitor, but in 'Independence Day' Mrs. Evans said she didn't think they had ever met Micheal. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Leaving Normal</FONT> <P>1)When Liz is waiting for Max, Maria mentions that it's 'not because Max has P.E. third period', so she'd be waiting for him. However, Max must have a really bad lying system because he says 'I have an English mid-term'. And what's with the mid-terms? That all happens in December! 2)Max's jeep miraculously sprouted a roll bar and seat belts sometime between "Leaving Normal" and "285 South." <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">285 South</FONT> <P>1)When we watch the jeep with Max, Liz and Isabel come toward us and Liz is talking on the phone with her mother, her phone is in her right hand. However, when the camera zooms in, the phone is suddenly in her left hand. 2)When Michael and Maria are stopped by the cop and Maria explains to him she's 'got to pee', her seatbealt is buckled. When she's finished and she turns to look out the window, the camera goes over next to her window and her seatbealt is unbuckled. Then, when the camera goes back to Michael's window, the seatbealt is rebuckled. 3)When Michael announces to Isabel and Max how he's going to Marathon, then jumps over the stadium bar, his underwear is visible for about 1 second. It also makes a "brief" appearance when he goes to unlock the hood to Maria's car. 4)In the hotel room Liz says "Well, what are we waiting for?" It's a little obvious Liz...the roadblock to be lifted!!! 5)In the Pilot there is a store right next to the Crashdown. In 285 South there is an Ally right next to the Crashdown. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">River Dog</FONT> <P>1)How did Maria's car get fixed? It was damaged to the point where Michael and Maria went in the jeep, but they drove home in the Jetta. How? <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Blood Brothers</FONT> <P>1)Max tells Liz after their "date" that he's got to get to trig. However, we saw in "The Morning After" that he's got geometry with Liz. This story took place before the semester change (remember Alex's conversations with Topolsky?), so how could this be? 2)When Alex is talking to Liz in the halls, he has books in one of his hands. Suddenly his nose starts to bleed and he dabs at it with both hands, as though he's not holding anything. He beelines for the bathroom, and he's holding books again. However, when he re-amerges from the bathroom after cleaning up, he doesn't have them anymore. 3)In Leaving Normaal Maria makes a comment to Liz about waiting by the sports schedule, hoping to bump into Max, because he has 4th period P.E., but in the beginning of the Blood Brothers episode, the two of them skip 4th period, a class they both have, because there teacher, Ms. Hardy, is out with the flu. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Heat Wave</FONT> <P>1)When Liz and Max are talking in the lab and she is trying to get the slugs to mate she has a glove on, miraculously though without taking off the glove she touches max's hand with the same hand she had the glove on. 2)First, when Liz is walking down the school halls at the beginning she is wearing her hair down and when she bumps into Kyle and Vicky she is wearing her hair in a ponytail. 3)In the opening scene, Michael pushes open the door from the outside, even though the sign says "push" from the inside! <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">The Balance</FONT> <P>1)When you look at the three aliens walking away from the top (in Michael's dream at the very end) you can see by the shadows that it goes Isabel-Michael-Max. However, when the camera watches them go from the side it's suddenly Max-Michael-Isabel. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Toy House</FONT> <P>1)At the end, Isabel asks Max if he told their mother about their being aliens, and he tells her no. She starts to cry and he hugs her. From each shot, their arms switch places. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">UFO Convention</FONT> <P>1)During the scene with Max and Hubble in the desert, Michael suddenly appears there but how did he get there so quickly? He doesn't have a car and it seems way too far for him to have walked. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Blind Date</FONT> <P>1)When Maria was singing, she took the microphone off the stand and stepped to the side. Then they showed Liz. When they went back to Maria, the mic was on the stand again. 2)When Liz is getting ready for her date, the picture of her, Alex and Maria was on her radio. When Max changes the faces its suddenly on her side table. 3)When Kyle is calling Max from outside while Max is in his house one of Kyle's friend's says "Come on down Behr!" <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Independence Day</FONT> <P>1)How come Michael couldn't heal his eye, even after he did heal River Dog's ankle? <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Sexual Healing</FONT> <P>1)When Maria is driving Liz back home after she finds her in Michael's apartment, if you watch what they're driving by through Liz's window, one round of footage is repeated (they drive by what looks like a car dealership sign and an intersection twice... and hey, they're magically exactly alike!) <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Crazy</FONT> <P>1)In the makeout scene with Michael and Maria she has her shirt completely unbuttoned but when Michael yells at Max her shirt is buttoned. It also appears to be dark in his apartment and when he gets up the lights are on bright. 2)After Isabel gives Tess her soda, Tess reminds her to "bring the extra sugar", and Isabel nods. However, she only snaps at Max and Michael, she totally forgets the sugar. 3)When Valenti's looking through his little Rolo-Deck phone number thingy, the zipcode on Stevens' home address is 6 numbers long. 4)Sheriff Valenti phones Agent Steven's residence. Agent Steven's address is 6025 Murray Lane. (the same as Max's address) <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Tess, Lies and Videotapes</FONT> <P>1)When Liz breaks the sculpture the camera goes dead but some how when she repositions it it is on again. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Max to The Max</FONT> <P>1)When Liz and Nasedo were going into the bus Nasedo was leading, but when the camera shows from the inside, Liz is leading. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">White Room</FONT> <P>1)At the end of "The White Room", Agent Pierce is shot in the left shoulder ("missing the heart by 6 inches). Yet at the beginning of "Destiny", he wears a sling on his left ARM --no bandage on his shoulder, mind you. The sling miraculously disappears when Max ties both of Pierce's arms behind his back. <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Destiny</FONT> <P>1)Unlike in the pilot, Max didn't need to make skin-to-skin contact with Kyle, and he cleaned up the blood, which Max couldn't do before, getting them in trouble with the FBI in the first place. 2)In the last scene, when Liz runs off, her underwear is visible for several seconds, causing many Shiri fans to probably wear out their VCR pause control. <P><A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/in2/JasonBehr">Back to 'All About Jason Behr' (main page)</A><!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href="mailto:fiberchic@angelfire.com"> fiberchic@angelfire.com</a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </div> </body> </html>