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<title>Roswell - Season 2 Bloopers</title>
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<h1 align="center">Roswell - Season 2 Bloopers</h1>

<!--Freetext--><P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Skin and Bones</FONT>

<P>1)Maria's hair is suddenly longer than last season which they didn't bother to explain at all.
2)If you look at the bathroom in Crazy you'll see that it's a small hallway without a door that leads to men and women sections. Look at the bathroom this season. Big difference, heh? Also check this out in Ask Not and in Wipe Out.


<P>1)They said that they recived the message from there parents on May 14th when the episode aried on the 15th.

<P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Summer of '47</FONT>

<P>1)First, and most importantly, Hal, Richie, and the Admiral's hair was FAR longer than army regulations. Alex was pretty much the only one who would've sufficed.
2)When Michael and Hal are hugging, the position of their arms changes from every angle.

<P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">End of The World</FONT>

<P>1)In the FANTASTIC scene where Alex hits Michael, after Alex walks in Michael closes the door. After Michael says "it was one big misunderstanding", the door is wide open.


<P>1)When Max, Liz, and Tess are at the Universal Friendship League, and the husks are just destroyed, Max and Tess are on the ground, because they used their power, when they get up and the doors open, Max is in front of Liz, but when the next scene of them running out is shown, Liz is very much in front of Max.

<P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Meet the Dupes</FONT>

<P>1)Although it couldn't have been known at the time when they were filming, Brody asks Maria what she thinks of the new president, well, um...hate to tell you but we didn't have a new president yet!
1)In the Rath/Liz kiss scene, Rath didn't have his nose or lip ring, but he did when we saw him at the UFO museum.

<P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOO">Max in the City</FONT>

The New York scenes aren't very accurate. While standing at the East 51st St. & Lexington Ave. Subway, Isabel says that the EmpireState Building is 3 blocks away. The Empire State Building is on 34th St. and 5th Ave., that's about 20 blocks away!

<P><A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/in2/JasonBehr">Back to 'All About Jason Behr' (main page)</A>

<P>Other Roswell Fans have sent these to me via Email.<!--EndFreetext-->

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