Katherine Heigl - Teen Mag (Nov 2000) Chart your Stars

It's not her fault, but Katherine Heigl can make a girl feel so doggy and butt-ugly. The Connecticut native is beautiful, but so modest about it that you're forced to like her because she's undeniably down-to-earth (her most prized prossession is her dog), good natured and real. Here's an example: When we told her she was gorgeous, she said, "You need glasses." Welcome to the high-profile world of a fiery Sagittarius, Katherine is a textbook Sag: hard-working, sharp tongued and a believer in the power of the stars.

Susan: "As beautiful as Katherine is, she is so much more than a pretty face. This girl is a thinker. She's very detail-oriented, and can tackle any crisis knowing she can figure things out. She's very responsible."

Teen: "Is she describing you, Katherine?"

Katherine: "Depends. I'm definitely detail-oriented, and remembering my lines has always been very easy for me. I have to be organized for any kind of sanity and peace in my life. If I'm not, I feel very chaotic, like I'm not even touching the ground, like my world is spinning. Right now my room is a mess and it's driving me insane. I have this dresser that has a little drawer on it, and I thought 'Oh, this so cute, I'm going to use this as my secret drawer where I put all my special things like old love letters from boyfriends.' But right now I've thrown crap in there and just shut it, so every time I open it things slide out. It's killing me."

Teen: "That's not very Sagittaruis of you, you know."

Katherine: "I know."

Susan: "Katherine is also a very public person. She'll always be in the spotlight."

Katherine: "That's true. I don't hide myself. I'm not very mysterious."

Susan: "Then there's Mars, hanging out in her house of creativity. This means her creative life dominates everything else."

Katherine: "I'm very focused on working. I'm doing this sort of horror film with David Boreanaz (Angel) called 'Valentine'. I'm just going to really let loose and be terrified and scream at the top of my lungs."

Susan: "Her mother is a very strong persence on her charts. There's something here - it's big - something her mother sacrificed or carried on her shoulders so that Katherine could be where she is today."

Katherine: (looking at mom) "Are you crying?"

K's mom: "No."

Katherine: "Don't cry."

K's mom: "I'm not crying."

Katherine: "Yes, you are."

K's mom: (misty-eyed) "Katherine's older brother was killed when he was 15 and she was 7. It shifted everything. If the astrologer saw that shift, then this is legitimate."

Katherine: "It created a bigger prespective in my life and I think I see things differently than other people my age. My career and living my life with passion are very important to me because I saw life is precious. It drove my mother to be a part of my career - it gave her sort of an escape from her reality for a while because life at home was pretty difficult after Jason died. It was so heavy all the time. But we connected on it - we wanted to work on my career together and let it take us away from the heaviness."

Susan: "That connection is very prominent in your chart! Now, in money matters, she's a saver, cautious. She also likes precious stones."

Katherine: "Hmmm...Actually, I am a saver... until I see something I like! I just bought this cashmere cape, and it's the dumbest thing I could have bought because I like in California! But I had to have it. I slept on it and everything."

Teen: "You slept on the cape? You really were in love with it."

Katherine: "I slept on the decision to buy it! I didn't sleep on the thing. But she's right about the jewelry - it's my new thing. Two years ago I bought this really beautiful ring with my birthstone, topaz. Any my watch! See? It's got diamonds all around it."

Teen: "Glamorous! OK, let's end your reading by describing what superpower you'd have if you really were an alien."

Katherine: "I'd fly. I love the sky I love the stars, I love the clouds. It would be awesome to be up there. Maybe I'd fly all the way to Paris. Just hang out, eat the food and watch the people. I don't do the tourist thing. I'd fly to France and just BE in Paris."

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