Katherine Heigl - Teenmag.com - Roswell Rocks

When you go to interview Roswell's Katherine Heigl, you can't help but be blown away by how smart, well-spoken and sweet she is... even when she's got 10 qoute-hungry reporters circling her. Here's what the lovely Ms. Heigl had to say when she very graciously afforded me a few minutes of her time...

Q: Congratulations! You guys are back for another season!

A: "Yay! Thanks! (smiles) I think everybody has worked so hard, the cast and crew, the writers, the producers, everyone really wanted the show to come back and wanted it to be a success because it has so much potential! I think that this year is our year! We'll find our groove."

Q: What direction do you think the show will take now?

A: "I think it'll be a little more sci-fi driven but the relationships will remain prevalent... they're not going to want to lose the heart of the show - that's what makes it unique. So the relationships will stay but there will be a little more "X-Filian" theme to the show."

Q: Are you much of a computer person? Do you spend hours online and that sort of thing?

A: "I don't go on that much but if my mother is around she'll log on to see what everyone's saying about the show and call my upstairs to check it out! But I'm bad, I don't know how to do anything - I'm terrible at it."

Q: There are a LOT of "SAVE ROSWELL" sites out there - she must've called you upstairs a whole bunch of times!

A: "There were and it was great, REALLY great! They helped a lot and made a really big difference! I so think that it was the fans who put our show in the minds of the producers and the WB network to keep us here."

Q: What can we expect from Isabel this season?

A: "I think that it's been so long that she's been trying to hide her feelings and her identity that now it's time for her to come into her own."

Q: Agreed. What did you do this summer to come into your own?

A: "I've been doing publicity for the show. I wanted to take an art class and horse back ride but I never was able to get around to it."

Q: Yikes! You have to take some time off! What's your idea of a perfect Sunday?

A: "That would involve driving out to "Neptune's" in Malibu which is a fish dive out there. And eating a pound of shrimps and corn and butter and cole slaw and beer and going to the beach afterwards and hanging out and listening to waves and watching the sea gulls. Then going home, watching a DVD and going to bed early!"

Sounds heavenly... even for an alien!

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