Season 3 - Part 1 Answers

1) The store was located in Salina, Utah.

2) The name of the store was Sam's Quik Stop.

3) Jesse's real name is Adam Rodriguez.

4) Liz's favorite flowers are white roses.

5) Michael was trying to get into Biology101.

6) Jess is 26 years old.

7) The name of the 'Key' for the ship is the Harrington Diamond.

8) The chemical they tested was called tetrone.

9) Kyle was the 'bread winner' for the family for awhile.

10) Michael's second job is as a security guard.

11) Max has a chevell.

12) Isabel meets Jesse in the convenience store.

13) Kyle catches Isabel & Jesse making out.

14) Michael steals snapple from Meta-chem.

15) Steve's wife's name is Cheryl.

16) Kyle orders a coke while sitting at the bar.

17) Mr. Parker will send Liz to Vermont.

18) Steve is the only one that did not help catch Carl.

19) Isabel sees Jesse proposing to her in Jesse's dream.

20) Jesse comes from New York.

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