Chat With Wanda - Feb. 14, 2000

Maria Mouths Off: Roswell's Majandra Delfino Came to Chat--and Dish!

This week, Wanda has Majandra Delfino as her special chat guest. Check out what the sassy star has to say about malling around with Brendan Fehr, groovin' with her band and an upcoming death on Roswell. Plus, Wanda has all the scoop on Buffy, Ally and The Practice.

Hey, guys. Happy Valentine's Day! Majandra's here--let's chat!

From Shelly: What is your favorite book and movie?

I'd have to say Prozac Nation is my favorite book. As for the movie, I'd say The Last Unicorn. It's one of those very profound cartoons that you wouldn't expect to have a message, but it does.

From Tori: Do you have any input on your wardrobe?

The woman who does all of our wardrobes, Laura Goldsmith, is really good. But yeah, I get to have a say in it. We work together.

From Lvergirl: What is your favorite sci-fi movie?

You're going to laugh, but I'd have to say Tron, and then Hackers, and then The Matrix. I truly believe in the theory of The Matrix.

From Henrie: Which character on Roswell do you like the most? And which one do you relate to most?

I absolutely love it whenever Kyle Valenti comes on the set. He's so humorous. He really cracks me up. A lot of people don't get it, but I think he's really funny. I relate most to Valenti, the dad, because I can really feel his pain. He believed in something for so long, but everything changed.

From Karen Jones: What's going to happen in the "Crazy" ep?

Me, Michael, Max and Liz go on a double date, and the results are kind of disastrous.

From Snuggle bear: Do you know if Kyle's going to get a honey?

Yes. In a very sort of conflicting, Roswell way, he does.

From Steph: Do you have an official Website?

No, I don't think I do. But I'm sure eventually I'll have one.

From Maurin: How much of your life has changed since the beginning of the show?

Actually, not that much. I did The Tony Danza Show, and that was a bigger network where more people were watching. So, this feels like the same kind of thing. I'd actually have to say my life was more interesting when I was living in Miami.

From Lupe: Do you speak Spanish?

Yeah, I do. My mom is Cuban, and my dad is Venezuelan.

From Jo: Do a lot of people recognize you when you're in public?

No. Nobody recognizes me. It's really funny, because I hang out with Brendan [Fehr] a lot, and people will go up to him and say, "I love your show!" But they have no clue who I am.

From Meredith White: Of all the actors you have worked with, who did you like best? And who would you like to work with in the future?

I'd have to say it's a tie between Kathleen Quinlan and Linda Hamilton. I would love to work with them again. I'd also want to work with Jack Nicholson and Johnny Depp, baby.

From Johnson: Who played in the band when you sang on the show?

Colin Hanks really plays the bass. All the rest were actors they hired to play. This one guy, Ben, played the guitar, and he was really good.

From Mara: Is Roswell a fun show to work on?

Yeah, it totally is. It's so much fun. All the kids hang out, and we all get along so well.

From Georgie: When are your next movies coming out?

The last movie I worked on is a Scream spoof called I Know What You Screamed Last Summer. I made fun of the Neve Campbell character. I dyed my hair and everything. It was really fun. And Simon Rex is in it, who is a hottie.

From Red: Who is your favorite musician?

I love Portishead right now.

From arjs: Who were your teen idols growing up?

Debbie Gibson. Hey, listen, I was born in '81, so Debbie Gibson and Madonna were my two idols.

From chacha: What is the one thing in your closet that you can't live without?

My Doc Martens. If they are not in my life, I might not be able to go on.

From Roswellianchica: Please give us any spoilers...

Well, someone might die, and there's some really scary FBI situation coming, like "trust no one." Oh, and Julie Benz will be back.

From socal: What do you do when you're not working?

Play guitar and write songs or hang out with my sister or Brendan. We just hang at each other's house. You know, just go eat at a low-key diner by Brendan's house that he's obsessed with. Or I take him on the Majandra tour, which means we go to a shopping mall. We're mall rats.

From Catty: Is there anything romantic between you two?

No. It's more of a love-hate, love-to-hate kind of thing.

From bluebear: Do you have any pets?

Yeah. I have a royal standard poodle named Gertrude who is really huge--like, three feet high--and then I have a white Pekingese named Tattoo.

From alienhunter: Where is the coolest place you've ever traveled?

I'd have to say Venice, Italy, because I was so amazed with the gondolas--the concept of having a home with a garage on the water. It was the coolest thing. I was all about that.

From roswelgirl2000: What is your favorite show?

Charmed. I don't know. I like the witch stuff.

From spacecamper: Was it true you were in American Pie?

No. I have a movie coming out called Life of the Girls, which was originally called American Pie and had Eugene Levy in it, but then he went to do American Pie, and they changed the name of the movie.

From angellver: What is your favorite word?

Probably "you know"? That's always my thing.

From tangi2: Did you originally audition for the role of Maria?

No. I originally auditioned for the role of Liz, but I had an age problem, and they wanted someone over 18. So it was Maria or nothing, and I thought Maria was so damn funny.

From jerjer: Do you believe in aliens?

Yes. I just do. I have a feeling that exactly what goes on in their planet goes on in ours, so they probably look like people.

From Majandraaddict: Will you be exercising your vocal cords in any future episodes of Roswell?

I hope so, but I don't know myself. They just made me do it last week.

From shatty74: Majandra, Roswell is such a well-done show. Were you surprised by how well it's turned out?

No. I'm not suprised at all. I'm actually surprised that it hasn't been more successful, because it's so well written.

From Majandraaddict: How do you feel about Maria DeLuca action figures?

Sounds damn exciting to me. Nothing I've ever heard about, but it sounds great.

From shelby: What's Brendan Fehr really like?

He's a big dork. He never wears his hair like that. He's a dork with glasses. He's a homebody who plays with his dog, and I harass him on occasion.

From callie: Will there be more of Michael and Maria anytime soon?

Oh, yeah. Get ready for plenty. Let's just say the "Sexual Healing" ep is about what it sounds--lots of making out and just lots of sexual healing.

From nowheremegurl: Are you going to have a CD coming out, Majandra? You have the best voice!

Yes. I'm working on a record now, which I'm coproducing. I write my own songs. But I don't have a name yet for the group.

From Lillia: Majandra, what is your favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite place to relax?

Color: purple. Food: I love so much food, so that's really hard. I love whole milk. And place to relax? That would be my bed. I love my bed.

From shelly: What's it like to kiss Brendan Fehr? He's so hot!

I get to do it every day, so it's really no big deal.

From kee87: Hi, Majandra! Who is the prankster on the set?

Me. I don't know why. I'm just real sassy with people. I put tape on people's backs, and we take these crazy pictures, and I'm always up for the weird stuff.

From rockybeach: Hi, Majandra! I am so addicted to your show. Do you know if it has been renewed for next season yet?

We don't know. Nobody knows, but they don't tell us until April, so I'd love to answer, but I don't know.

From roswellianroue: I heard a supporting character on Roswell dies. Is this true?

Yeah, it's kinda true, kinda maybe in the supernatural world. Death is not always a bad thing in our world--doesn't have to be permanent.

From c_johnson: Majandra, do you know anything about the new character Tess? Can you give anything away about her character...please?!

She's going to be a real cute girl--kind of mischievous--and you might not like her at first. She's more of an Isabel, the popular type who doesn't let anyone in.

From aliennumber5: Can you give us any info on the fourth alien?

The fourth alien is a shape-shifter, so you never know who is being themselves or who is the shape-shifter. He can be Valenti. He can be me. He can be anyone.

From ssv: What is your favorite episode so far?

"285 South," the one where I was kidnapped by Michael. It dealt with a lot of sci-fi, and they put everyone in funny situations.

From majandra_love: Majandra, would you ever do a nude scene?

Listen, if I look good, sure, but so far, no.

From ageoldtuna: What inspired you to cut your beautiful long hair?

Angelina Jolie--biggest mistake of my life, though. You have to have a face like hers, though, or you look like a little boy.

From michaelnmaria: What is Colin really like?

He's really fun. He's never stressed out, like a chill sort of guy--different from his character in that sense.

From steph4913: What is Shiri like? Some people have said she's conceited (can't be true)...

No, she's not conceited. She's actually a lot like her character.

From tina: Did you watch a lot of TV growing up?

No. Well, I watched a lot of Nick at Nite. I love Rhoda and Bob Newhart.

From nowhereme_gurl: Is there going to be a Michael-Isabel relationship?

It has been talked about, but they're not going to go there. It's a pretty gross concept because they're like brother and sister. I think that would gross people out.

Majandra's gone, but she had a blast. I'll scoop a bit now.

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