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The "Boys' Team"

The Best Men

My brothers, Brian and Kevin are my co-"Best Men". They will be tasked to keep me cool on the big day, keep me from leaving the country, and above all, get me to the church on time!! This picture was taken before we went "out on the town" when Kevin and I visited Brian in Los Angeles


Doesn't Brian look BEEFY in this picture? (He really doesn't look anything like this!)


Kev, show us your pearly whites!

Kevin Borrowing the car

The Ushers


This is Paul - don't know exactly how we ever started hanging out, but here we are, 11 years later...


Here is yet another Brian, and his fiance' Julie. I wanted him to be my groomsman, simply because he looks so damn good in a tuxedo!

This is Matt (the one on the left).

This picture was taken ten years ago, when we were in college. I only put this up because I know he doesn't have web access, so he won't see it and seek revenge.

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