Oyuki's Top Ten Cool Anime Chicas Page!
Trust me, there are some really kickass anime women out there. I composed this list out of who I admire most in the world of anime femmes and why. Think my list sucks? Drop me a line...my address is at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Well, go ahead. Check out Oyuki's Top Ten C.A.C.'s of all time
The NUMBER TEN Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER NINE Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER EIGHT Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER SEVEN Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER SIX Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER FIVE Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER FOUR Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER THREE Cool Anime Chica
The NUMBER TWO Cool Anime Chica
Back to Icy Neptune!
What Makes an Anime Chica Cool...
- Some attractiveness (sorry Cologne...)
- The ability to make me laugh and entertain (Sorry Ayanami Rei...)
- The ability to be deep...depressing people are cool too you know (This doesn't mean Rei is gonna be anywhere on this list)
- The ability to flaunt what they've got but not to the point where they're overdoing it
- The mere fact that they are cooler than someone more popular in their anime..take Linna for example...
Email: oyuki@penpen.com