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Anthrax Magovian Plu (Amp)

Standing at 1.7 meters tall, weighing over 200 lbs. and bein composed of orange rock, Amp image can be a bit intimidating. However, his personality is far from it. The Vaathkree is a peaceful being, who whould prefer to read a book or feed birds rather than fight. Amp comes from a fairly prominent trading family in the Kroutrak sector. His family was trying to groom him to follow in their footsteps by getting him the best education possilbe, but their plans did not interest him. His family absolutly furious with him, disowned him completly, and even put a small bounty on him to have this disgrace eliminated. Amp quickly found out that besides being a merchant the only thing Vaathkree were used for in the galaxy were strong arms, but that occupation was even worse to him. So he wondered around until he stumbled upon the Shren'threl monks. There he found acceptance and other people who shared his reverance for nature. Amp found himself born anew, so to speak and became a devout monk. When Master Mal'chi came to him and told him of his vision, Amp supported it. He knew that he would have to do much fighting, but it was the only way to restore the great circle.

Amp (as of leaving Miti'opop)

Type: Educated Monk

Dexterity: 2D+2

Dodge 3D+1, Brawling parry 5D, Melee combat: belt 5D

Knoweldge 4D

Willpower 5D, Cultures 4D+1

Mechancial 2D+2

Starship gunnery 3D, sensors 3D

Perception 2D+2

hide 3D, Search 3D, sneak 3D

Strength 4D

Martial Arts: Jujutsu 6D+1, Brawling 5D+1

Technical 2D

Special Abilities:

Natural Armor +2D physical, +1D energy

Trade language, Meditation

move: 6

Force sensitive: no

force points: 1

dark side points: 0

Character points: 4