I wish I could know;
Could see into the future. Then I
would spend my time, just doing what
matters most.How sudden things can
happen; You never would have thought.
Just keep one thing in mind: All things
must pass in time.
But oh so hard to
think of such, our mortality, every day. Count every blessing, Or so they often
We live our lives from day to day and most things seldom change; Unknowing of the times ahead; The joy and all the
To hurt is but a part of life.
Sometimes it cuts deep. I wish I loved
you even more Before you had to
"How was I to know?" we think.
"I can't believe it's true." We all
must pass and leave this earth. Thank
every day that's new.
I wish I could
see the future. Then I would spend my
time today With those that have the
shortest stay.
But such a skill we
often lack'To weave a road so winding.
Spend time with those you'll miss the
most. Count every day a blessing.
"Written By Alan Ing"