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  HELLO! On this page you will find pictures of two special people, Elaine (ecs55play) and Mary (tddibr7513). Elaine and I met back before Thanksgiving 2000, in POGO games while playing Blackjack. Mary and I met in POGO while playing Ali Baba slots. As Elaine and I chatted that night in Blackjack, for some unknown reason, a bond of friendship was starting...I just didn't realize it at that time. Soon I left Blackjack and returned to my *home* in POGO ~Sands of Time~ room in Ali Baba Slots. One night in the Sands room, Elaine came in and said hello. At first I remembered the name but wasn't quite sure as to where I had talked to her. When she mentioned that we had talked in Blackjack, I remembered her. She had been looking for me, asking everywhere if anyone knew me. (I think she thought I had fell off the face of the earth...LOL) Then someone suggested that she put my name in find a friend. When she did, there I was in the Sands room. :-) Since that day Elaine and I have become close friends. I can't help but feel that God put us together from the beginning for a reason.
Mary and I started chatting after her and Elaine became friends. When Elaine was coming for a visit, I invited Mary to join us. I think I may have invited the whole Sands room...LOL That was a week end that won't soon be forgotten. Mary, Tracey (my daughter) and I went to the airport to pick Elaine up. I was hoping I'd know her when she came off the plane...LOL Mary and I both spotted her at the same time because lo and behold...she was the lady with the BIGGEST smile...LOL Elaine, Mary, Tracey and I spent the next few hours traipsing around garage sales, antique malls and having a good time...LOL We decided against the slumber party...after all at our ages we needed the rest...LOL...but we did spend time at my home talking and trying to cram a lifetime into a few hours. That was one of the best times I can remember. Elaine and Mary were all I hoped they would be. Friendships were made that week end that won't soon be forgotten. I knew that if the time ever came I needed a friend...they would be there for me and I for them. I love the both of them dearly. A year has passed since our visit and I hope one day soon we can share more laughter and maybe a few tears. I LOVE YOU BOTH!!

1.Mary, Aggie, Elaine and Tracey (my daughter)
Tracey was our chaffeur that week end...LOL
2.Mary, Aggie and Elaine

Aggie and Elaine

Aggie and Mary

Elaine, Mary and Rick
AHA! Mary caught chasing my hubby...LOL


Sad but with smiles on our faces.

Elaine giving Aggie good advice


The "Three Pogosteers" saying good bye
till we meet again.

A tearful farewell between two people
who knew they may not be sisters by blood
but would be sisters forever in their hearts.

Some of the graphics are from: