"Vampires are make-believe, just like elves, goblins and eskimos." ~ Homer Simpson
Yeah, sure. Look around to find out for yourself.
If you have any questions or comments about anything on my page, feel free to email me.
Last Updated >>>>>5!26!00
I realize that on some servers, my pictures are unable to be seen. I have found the problem and am currently working on fixing it. Please be patient, as it will take me quite a while. Thanks!
Please sign the GuestBook and/or SlamBook! It only takes a minute (or two...or three, depending on the length of your message.)
~~In light of the recent school shootings, WB excutives decided to pull two "Buffy" episodes. They have since been shown, but it took a while. In order to prevent violence and the delayment of future "Buffy" episodes, we must stand up and help. Many of us, myself included, just sit back and comment on how sad we are and that our prayers are with them. Prayers can do a world of good, but God only helps those who help themselves. If you would like to know more about the fight to stop violence please check out the following website: Fight For Your Rights
If you would like to help in the fight against senseless acts of violence, please lock up any and all guns and help to keep them away from children. If you know of anyone who threatens violence to you or others or talks of suicide please speak to an adult; such as a parent, teacher, guidance counsler, etc. It could save someone's life.~~
Are you upset at FOX for shutting down "AleXander's Transcripts" and "Sounds of the Slayer"? Do you feel that they've taken it too far? Are you ready to take a stand and fight back? Well, then! If you're one of the thousands of "Buffy/Angel" fans that just can't take it anymore, then check out "The Buffy Bringers". Go ahead. We don't bite. Very hard...
Sorry, I just couldn't choose which banner I wanted, so I grabbed both!
I'd like to thank Jen for my gorgeous image map and banners!!
All of the pictures and info on this site are thought to be public domain or copyrighted to their owners, respectively. They are not mine. The characters and storylines about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" are, unfortunately, not mine, either. They belong to Joss Whedon, and all the excutive people at FOX and WB. No infrigement upon *anyone's* rights are intended nor are they being done. Everything on this page is in accordance with all federal laws. Check out Fair Use Clause if you have a problem with that. No profit is intended to be made nor is being made with this site.