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Nothing important

well i just have to say never trust the woman twice if she burns you once keep her far far away from you i plead with all that have ever had there heart broken by a woman be gratefull that she is gone and do not ever accept her again her love is not worth the pain in the end and her trust is not worth the effort . I no longer care if you love me i no longer care if you ever loved me because i know the truth you NEVER loved me and you cant love me because you never have loved yourself enough to be able to give back. I herd you were pregnant and had an abortion well doesnt that just fit your selfish personality so well of course you could not have a child at this time it wouldnt siute YOU .... and of course YOUR friends whom hate me for my lack of selfishness and my lack of a back bone , of course they were there for you and yet they also believe everything you say ... well hunny life will get you and you will get all the pain back even if its from a man.. I dont have much more to say after this is done you are forgotten and banished from my heart i should have never left you in my heart in the first place ....
