Welcome to Crowe Illumination

NOTE: All submissions are the property of the authors / artists and are used here with their permission. Absolutely no copying or reproduction of any kind is allowed without the express consent of the author / artist. By entering this website you are acknowledging your legal status as an adult and your right to view adult material.

Dear Crowe Mates,

I've posted Part 2 of "Lost In Heaven" by Roo and since I've received many, many e-mails asking for just that, I won't hold you any longer...

Enjoy your visit, and remember, "It's possible..."

The purpose of this site is to provide a place for all who have been inspired by Russell Crowe to share the results of that inspiration, be it fan fiction, poetry, artwork or...? It might be Russell himself or one of the many roles he has played or a TOFOG song you can't get out of your head - whatever it is, the creative urge is released. When the muse strikes you, here's an outlet for your talent.

Illuminated Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction page revised 08-27-01.
Part 2 of the Original story by Roo - "Lost In Heaven"!

Illuminated Lyrics
Read the lyrics to popular songs with a Russell twist!

Illuminated Photographs
Click on the pointing fingers to move around the 5 pages...

Illuminated Crowetry

Illuminated Crowe People

Illuminated Journal(Under Revision)

Gruntland - 30 Odd Foot of Grunts Homepage

The rules are simple:
  1. Send it to me and I'll post it (see rules #3 & #4). I will not accept enclosures of any kind, so please include your work in the body of your e-mail.
  2. Please do not try to send your work to me with html tags. I will add the tags to format your work to my website.
  3. I reserve the right to make minor editing changes - I run spelling and grammar checks on everything. Twice. If I see an obvious error, I'll correct it. I will not, however, change the spirit or meaning of your work in any way. If I have a problem with something you write and I can't resolve it without making major changes, I won't post it until you and I have resolved the problem to our mutual satisfaction.
  4. I have final say on what does or does not make the cut.
  5. Give credit where credit is due - if your work is based on a pre-existing character or role or story, please use a disclaimer.
  6. One more thing - the pictures on my site are from friends and a variety of print media, none of whom I intended to impugn in any way. If you see something you think shouldn't be here, please let me know as no infringement is intended.

Thanks for visiting. Come back soon.

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Visit the site of my favorite rugby team,
The ARU Vodafone Wallabies
1999 Rugby World Cup Champions!
Just click on the link below and visit the site of the only team to bring home Bill (the William Webb Ellis trophy) twice!


The Wallabies!

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