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Triple X
Watch out for the rattlesnakes...
(Hunter Hearst Helmsley)
Mrs. Helmsley 
Oh come on, how else do you expect Triple H to get out of the main even at Armageddon?  Like he's never gonna get another World Title Shot....
(Stephanie Mac-Man)
One of my favorite guys when he was with the other company.  He got screwed.   Oh yeah, & he's Jewish.
(Shawn Waltman, 1-2-3 Kid, Syxx, X-Pac, Cartman's Mom)
Pukey-Ass Stan Gun
That's Mr. Ass to you.  Trust me people, he's not out of DX, he's getting surgery, then he'll be back in DX.... Marks...
(Bad Ass Billy Gun)
Road Dog Sissy Stan
Ladies and Gentleman, Children of all ages.... The New Age In-laws!!!!!!!!   This guy should quit wrestling and start working for a radio station.
(Road Dog Jesse James)
El Queso Negro
The Lethal Weapon is trying to get over with the fans.  WWF's answer, make him part of Head Cheese (then again, I gues eating Black Cheese could be lethal...).  
(Steve Blackman)
Lovely Lita, not the meter maid...
All the faithful ECWites knew she had, er, potential.  Now a nationwide audience gets to gaze at her potential on a weekly basis!  Chicks with tattoos rule...
(Lita / Ms. Congeniality)
Super Rios
Hardy boys, meet your daddy...
(Essa Rios)
Survive, if I let you.  Or if you just beat the hell out of me first. 
At first I thought D-Lo was making fun of The Godfather, and then I realized, of Jesus, this is his new gimmick.  I'm still not over the shock, for you see this means that the greatest European Champion of all time is nothing more than a street corner Huggy Bear.  I think that if he's gonna continue this, he should dress up like the pimp from I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, complete with the platform shoes with the goldfish in the soles. Then he can say he's a better pimp than The Godfather and have a Battle of The Pimps at WrestleMania.  Just a thought.
(D-Lo Brown)
The Fairy Godmother
You just gotta like a guy who's whole gimmick is based around "lightin' up a fatty" and "Pimpin' Hoes Nationwide"
Pimpin' Hoes, it's not only a profession, it's a lifestyle.
(The Godfather)
Scotty 2 Snotty
My last gimmick sucked, what else can I try to keep myself on the active payroll?
(Scott Taylor)
Grandmaster Stink-A
My dad's playin' with The Kat's kittens I stuck dancin with a 400lb sumo wannabe.  Somebody kill me.
(Brian Christopher)
Imgonna Beatchu
Gotta love that pile driver.  Nothing funny to say about this man.
(Rashiki Fatu)

Cartman Style
a.k.a. The Angry Show

The Big Slow
So now The Giant is illegitimate, well that's just great.  Not only is he supposedly big & dumb, but now he's a bastard, this guy can't get any breaks.
(Paul Wight, Paul Wright, The Giant, Captain Insano, whatever....)
Kyle Malenko
Goin' to Texas, goin' to Texas... let me see.  Yeah, that sounds like a good true Texan name.  Malenko.  Maybe if his name was Bean Malenko.
(Dean Malenko)
The definition of B@d A$$ Mo Fo
(Perry Saturn)
Canadian Crappler
One of the toughest little scrappers in the whole bunch.  The Crippler.   Note the huge bruise on his forehead.
(Chris Benoit)
Taco Burrito
Mmmmmmmmm, Gooey.
(Eddie Guerrero)
What's My Angle?
OK, I really hate it when "real athletes" come into the Pro Wrestling word and try to act.  It really stinks up the place.
(Kurt Angle)
They're Hardly Boys
These two scrappers are the new Kings of Match Working, simply awesome...
(Matt & Jeff Hardy)
Stop screwing with my storylines....
Hardcore Holly
Enter the Super-Heavyweight
(Bob Holly)
Crash Holly
He dreams of someday being as powerful as his big cousin
(Crash Holly)
Stan Jericho A.K.A. The Y2J Problem
I'm sorry I puked on you, it'll never, EVER happen again.
(Chris Jericho)
gangrel.jpg (1618 bytes) Gan-Green
Cool gimick, this guys gonna get a HUGE push.  Wouldn't it be kinda wierd to have a Blood Sucker go up against Val Venis?  Just a thought.
Butt-Ugly Dudley
Nobody can insult your mama like this guy can.
(Buh Buh Ray Dudley)
Dis-Owned Dudley
Lots of talent, needs to teach the guys in WCW how to get some respect.
(Devon Dudley)
Vane McMuppet
The biggest sissy boy in the WWF today.
(Shanee McMahon)
3 To The 4th Power
Ever notice how he seems to have his hands up everyone's ass?
(Vince McMahon)
The Undertaken
Let's here it for the phenom!  The phenom?  What the hell, this guy has 3 moves, some pyro, and some neat makeup and you call him a phenom?  Guess I'm a phenom then huh?
(The Undertaker)
Lard Bearer
Talk about your walkin mental ward......
(Paul Bearer)
The Demonic Texan
Yes, you too can go from chap wearin' hick to a satanic murderer in a matter of days....
From the leader of the strongest African American faction in the WWF to beatin' up jobbers for the man....
Would sombody PLEASE buy this guy some pants with belt loops?  We want to see Debra's T&A, not this guys!
(Vicera/King Mable)
A little plastic surgery is good for everyone.
The Big Gay Traylor
Check out this COP from Cobb Co., GA.
(Big Boss Man, Ray Traylor)
Stone Cold Eric Cartman and SC Kyle Austin
I think he needs to do a deoderant commercial, just look what it did for Hogan & Bo Jackson...... nevermind.
(Steve Austin)
The Rock
I like this guys attitude.  Whatever it takes wherever possible.  That & he does a good job at being his opponent's bitch and then doing something at the right moment to win.  I smell what the Rock's cookin.
(Rocky Maivia)
Humanity & Sucko
The Picture of Corporate Excellence and foot fungus.
(Makind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack, Mick Foley, The Easter Bunny)
Jew (Get it?  I know, that was pretty bad)
The reclusive and much uglier brother in the brood.
edge.jpg (2702 bytes) Ledge
Hey look, WWF has a vampire hunter now.
Kenny Shamrock
The Most Unlucky Boy in the World
(Ken shamrock)
I just don't care for this guy, he ranks right up there with Droz in my book.
Jim Hoss
He's back and he's got an attitude ladies & gents!
(Jim Ross)
Heart Breaker Stan
He barfs whenever Wendy comes around, then he tells the world to "Suck It".
(Shawn Michaels)
Kyle Snow and the Head
(Al Snow)
A-Sexual Fudge
The Name says it all man...
(Mark Henry)
Hairy "The Comedian Beater" Lawler
Meet the guy who damn near BROKE Jim Carrey's neck. Ahh, it was a shoot. Look for Carrey to to manage someone to fight The King, or do it himself.
(Jerry Lawler)
Hello Ladies! Stan the Stud
WWF's starting to make a good habbit of employing washed up porn stars these days.  Good job guys!?
(Val Venis)
Old gimmicks don't die, they just get new tights.
(LOD 2000, LOD, Road Warriors, Bonnie & Clyde, Adam & Eve)
this guy has more personalities than I've got graphics.
(Makind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack, Mick Foley, The Easter Bunny)
Spastic Jack
No teeth, Lots of scars, Does not play well with others.
(Makind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack, Mick Foley, The Easter Bunny)
Crowbar Man
Walking proof that Power Plant failures can go from working at a gas station, to taking huge bumps.  Maybe he was the real reason The Brain got bumped to Thunder.  His wrestling knowledge astounds us all...
Crowbar Boy
Well, little David Flair finally flipped out, all it took was getting pummeled with a crowbar and getting run over by a Lincoln Town Car.
(David Flair)
I knew this guy was cool when we first saw him live at the Dome in July of `98.  He used to be a Mexican backstreet boy from the looks of it.
Big Sexy, The Giant Kyler
Ok, I think he now holds the record for saying $hit the most times on a live broadcast on TNT.
(Kevin Nash)
Stan Hall
Just when you thought he was out for good again, the man comes back and gives you a crotch chop to let you know who's runnin things.
(Scott Hall)
Kyle Goldberg
Watch out, he'll dreidle you in the nutz.
(Bill Goldberg, a.k.a. `Da Man)
This guy pretty much has the same premise as Goldberg, except he's bad and he can't count.
(Sid Vicious)

Diamond Dallas Trash
Love him or hate him, you'll never forget him due to the 4" gash he left in your forehead.
Mad U.S.A.
Still one of my favorite women in wrestling, tall women.......uuuhhhhhh
Wasn't she supposed to retire when she got beat by Akira Hokito about 3 years ago?
Bulk Togan
Do your homework, eat your vitamins, say your prayers, take viagra, buy stock in the company you work for, take over the corporation, and leave.
(Hulk Hogan)

Ham Ham Jigello
I'd pay good money to see him actually break a 2x4 over Hak's head.
(Bam Bam Bigelo)

Bear with wide Kanyon
Who better than Kanyon?  Well, pretty much everybody, but Mortis kicked ass.


Kanyon without the dumb shirt...

Dancin' Syxx Spicolli
Whether he's officially Wolfpac or not, they just had to find a replacement for Syxx and the late Louis Spicolli.....
(Disco Inferno)
Flex Luger
Lex joining the Wolfpac, yeah that made sense.
(Lex Lugar)
I doubt he's gonna drop from the rafters anymore...

Moanin' Mona
Did I miss something?  Why does this woman have a gimmick?
(Ms. Madness)
Muff Daddy
What can you say, he's Buff according to Lori, he's the Stuff.
(Marcus "Buff" Bagwell)
Saggy Boy Ric Flair
Woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Who farted?  While I was watching Mortal Kombat Anialation, I kept thinking `any minute now Ric Flair is gonna run in and put Shao Kahn in the figure four'.  Didn't happen.  My heart was broken.
(Ric Flair)
"I'm Always Hurt" Hennig
Once he was perfect, now he runs around with Curly "Shane" Bill.
(Curt Hennig)
Pukey Juice
This guy is great.  Personally I liked it more when he had the mask.
(Juvintud Guerrera)
Another "great" Mexican star in the LWO
La Enforcierro
The best luchedore there is, there was, and ever will be.  Let's face it, if he's not in the LWO right now, he will be eventually.
(La Parka)
El Fatty
This guy's got lips as big as Mick Jagger, and the belly the size of a whale. Now this is a Luchedore.
(El Dandy)
Norman Frowny
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your next WCW World Heavyweight Champion....
(Norman Smiley)
Sucky "Frenchie" Pipper
Damn, You Suck Pip.
(Roddy Piper)
6 months ago he was from parts unknown and had a pact with Satan, now he comes out to Van Halen.  Go figure.
Please kick my ass!  I need the dough. The Unknown Jobber
Can someone please tell me why this guy has a job?
(Lodi, if your too ignorant to notice the hidden joke by WCW.  His look is a rip-off of Billy Idol, spell Lodi backwards.  Now don't we all feel dumb.)
Jay Leno
Ok, if Malone didn't kill any of WCW's respect, here comes Leno to take up where Karl left off.  The thing is I could make myself believe Leno, but Kevin Eubanks?  This guy can't discuss the subject without laughing.  This is gonna suck soooooo bad.
(Mahatma Ghandi)
Waco Guererro
Come on little trooper!  ¿Necessasitas tu pelo?   No, no nesassito mi pelo.
(Chavo Guerro)
Cooker T
I'm gonna lay down by the fire, Sucka!
(Booker T)
Wenderly Page
Ok horndogs, you can stop sending the emails asking me to draw your favorite ring escort in as little as possible.  This is as close as you'll get to a drawing of Kim like some of you asked for.
(Kimerly Page)
I See Pee
Insane Clowns on the loose, I'm sure glad Kenny G hasn't tried to get into the WCW, it seems they'd let anyone in these days...
(Insane Clown Posse - Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope)
Rey Broflovski Jr.
You'd turn hardcore too if somebody took away your favorite Halloween costume.
(Rey Mysterio Jr.)
`Lil Kid
You see, under all the grease and oil, he really was a good wrestler.
(Billy Kidman)
The Gordita Avenger.  That Tequila Sunrise looks like it would hurt like a bitch!  

Please Visit Kenny's Krib