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Welcome to a brief and incomplete but will have to do tour of my world! Obviously this page is under construction! In the mean time feel free to look around and by all means enjoy!

*^@!?^*Doorways to further explore my world*^?!@^*

Intro Page } Intro my brain
Bio } A bit more info then you needed or wanted to know about me.
Artist History } A Brief description and history of events I have played @
Links page} Doorways to other worlds
Music Page } Opening this door will lead to a lesson in sound and intellectual vibrations. Sure to soothe your mind body and soul. Breath slow and enjoy my tempo.
Guest book } If I have left any sort of impression good or bad on you with my page. Please do the same for me. Sign my guest book! = )
View my guest book } The title pretty much speaks for it's self = )