Woo! There's those hotties! These boys sucked me into
their little world, and if you're not careful, they'll
suck YOU in too. I can't really explain how
the "suckage" happens. All I know is that one day I
was an intellectual high schooler, and then the next
I was saying outrageous things like "phat to death"
and "Ya'll". So don't say you weren't warned!
Cousin Kevin
AJ "Bone" McLean
Howie D.
Little Nick
Fun Stuff
Trials and Tribulations of Touring
Oh my Gosh! A bad picture?!?!
Words of Wisdom??
Things every BSB fan should know
You KNOW You're a BSB Fan When...
Isn't that neckline absolutely horrid?!? But we won't dive into my opinion of this woman any more. (She's friggin' 30!) If that's the kinda woman Brian wants... well, I'll have to learn to deal with it.... I'm learning...
Me, My Thoughts, & Other Crud
Let me introduce you to myself
Why Erin and Brian belong together
My 98 degrees concert experience
My opinion on going too far...