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undefined Shiloh Shuffle

Choreographers: Sonny and Linda Klemm, 219-462-3874,
Type: Circle Line dance
Music: Dancing Shoes by Ronnie McDowell
Position: Start dance facing line of dance(L.O.D.)

Quarter turn to your Left putting Right foot out to side.
Left behind Right.
Turn quarter turn to right  (back in L.O.D.) with Right shuffle(R,L,R).

Quarter turn to your Right putting left foot out to side.
Right behind Left.
Turn quarter turn to left  (back to L.O.D.) with Left shuffle (L,R,L).

Quarter turn to your left  putting Right foot out to side.
Left behind Right.
Turn quarter turn to right  (back to L.O.D.) with Right shuffle (R.L.R.).

Step back Left.
Step back Right, then do a half hitch.
Step forward left foot and do a 3/4 turn to your right (toward center of circle).

Walk toward center of circle L.R.L.
Right foot up across left knee and slap Right foot with Left hand.
Place Right foot to right side.

Right foot up behind Left knee and slap with Left hand.
Walk back R.L.R.
Left foot up across right knee and slap with Right hand.
Place Left foot to Left side.

Left foot up behind Right knee and slap with Right hand.
Left foot to Left side and rock on Left foot,
Right foot to Right side and rock on Right foot.

Step quarter turn to Left with Left foot (facing reverse L.O.D.).
Step forward Right foot and pivot 1/2 turn left.


Thanks to Bill & Carole Swan