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Indian Flag Salute


With unrelenting courage and fierce determination, our brave soldiers are guarding the country from the enemy's clutches. Facing danger at every step and hostile weather conditions, they put their lives at risk. Forsaking the comforts of home and family life for a life of hardship and danger, it's their unwavering love for their motherland that spurs them on. This page is dedicated to the brave men of our soil who embrace danger and even death willingly for the sake of the country. This page is the tribute to their indomitable will, their stoic courage, and their intense love for nation.

The cowards (a.k.a pakistani army) had done it again, this time pakistan-supported intrusion in the kargil sector was a blatant attempt to redefine the border between India and pakistan. *pakistan's government and ISI's strategy was to keep Kashmir on the boil to make it uncomfortable for Indians without provoking a major conflagration. While Prime Minster Atal Bihari Vajpayee was visiting on the 'lahore Peace Mission' in February, the cowards were busy preparing for a war with India.

pakistan had become increasingly frustrated over its failure to paint the sub-continent as a nuclear flash-point and was desperately looking for a way to bring Kashmir back in the focus. pakistani clandestine aim was to cut the road link between Srinagar and leh to force India to take escalatory action, so as to bring Kashmir back into the centrestage from the backburner that the lahore declaration had put it on. So India was forced to use its Air Force for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir in support of ground troops. pakistan has committed the most heinous crimes in the country, starting from the 1947 war in Kashmir to the wars of 1965 and 1971 thrust upon us, the insurgency in Punjab, J&K, the bombings all over the country and the inciting of hindu-muslim riots.

A tale of barbarism by the pakistani army in Kargil unfolded with the handing over of the bodies of six Indian soldiers in a disfigured and mutilated condition, some even without their vital parts. The bodies of the six soldiers were handed over by the pakistani army at post No. 43 near Kargil. The eyes of some of the soldiers had been gouged out, and their ears, nose and genitals chopped off. An army spokesman recalled that in the 1971 war, the Indian Army had captured over 95,000 Pakistani soldiers in the eastern sector who were handed back to islamabad unharmed.

The whole kargil operation was funded and masterminded by pakistan. India was been forced into taking strong action in Kashmir in order to meet the unconventional threat from across the border posed by the infiltrators of a large number of afghans and pakistani army personnel in the kargil sector.  In the past 4 or 5 months atleast 3000 well motivated fighters have been trained in 40 camps set up on the pakistani side of LOC. Some of the recruits were kashmiri volunteers, others were arab or aghan veterans of jihads, some were mere mercenaries who don't speak urdu or kashmiri and ofcourse the pakistani army regulars. Indian army had found pakistani army documents and identity card in the ruck sack left behind by a soldier of the 4th Northern Light Infantry. More than 1000s of pakistani army soldiers were killed in kargil.

Air strikes in kargil was a message to pakistan that India meant business and would defeat pakistan in it's own game plan. It's time for pakistanis to bring its army and ISI under political control, before it's too late for their non-existence. pakistani politicians tried misleading pakistanis from the real issues, into believing Indian military action in kargil as an election stunt. But this offensive-fiasco in turn made them pay heavily having intruded into the Indian territory.

So it all ended with pakistani army (cowards) and its foreign mercenaries FLUSHED OUT WITH HEAVY LOSSES!

Salute to the Martyrs

We salute to the following brave men
who made supreme sacrifices of their
lives to uphold the dignity of the nation :

BSF Deputy Commandant Sukhbir Singh Yadav
Captain Anuj Nayyar
Captain Amol Kalia
Captain Aditya Mishra
Captain Haneefuddin
Captain Jerry Premraj
Captain Jintu Gogoi
Captain L Clifford Nongrum
Captain P.V.Vikram
Deputy Commander Sukhbir Singh Yadav
Driver-Soldier Gopinath Moharana
Flight Engineer Raj Kishore Sahoo
Flight Lieutanant S Muhilan
Grenadiar Amardeep
Grenadiar Bajinder Singh
Grenadiar Mohan Katha
Grenadiar Munish Kumar
Grenadiar Raj Kumar
Havaldar Abdul Karim
Havaldar Beejay Singh
Havaldar Daler Singh Bahu
Havaldar Jai Prakash Singh
Havaldar Khazan Singh
Havaldar Padam Singh Dhama
Havaldar Ram Kumar
Havaldar Sarwan Singh Sengar
Havaldar Surendra Singh
Havaldar Sultan Singh Narwaris
Havaldar Tan Bahadur Chhetri
Havaldar Tsweang Rigzin
Havaldar Yashvir Singh
Jawan Arvind Kumar Pandey
Lance Havaldar Ramkumar
Lance Havaldar Samandar Singh Hooda
Lance Naik Ahmed Ali
Lance Naik Balwan Singh
Lance Naik Bijender Singh
Lance Naik Eknath Khairnar
Lance Naik Gurmail Singh
Lance Naik Hera Singh
Lance Naik Keshan Singh
Lance Naik Madan Singh
Lance Naik Manas Ranjan Sahu
Lance Naik Om Prakash
Lance Naik Rakesh Chand
Lance Naik Ram Kumar Pradhan
Lance Naik Surianam Singh
Lance Naik Shankar Shinde
Lance Naik T.S.Jaswant Singh
Lieutanant Haneef Uddin
Lieutanant Neikezhakou Kengurusie
Lieutanant Sourav Kalia
Lieutanant Vijayant Thapar
Lieutanant Col R.Vishwanathan
Major Ajay Singh Jasrotia
Major Kamlesh Prasad
Major Padmapani Acharya
Major Parmanand
Major Rajesh S. Adhikari
Major Vivek Gupta
Naik Anand singh
Naik Bharat Singh
Naik Birender Singh Lamba
Naik Buta Singh
Naik Chaman Singh
Naik Dharam Singh
Naik Ganesh Prasad Yadav
Naik Guardian Mekh Bahadur Gurung
Naik Jagat Singh
Naik Kasmir Singh
Naik Krishan Pal
Naik Mangat Singh
Naik Narayana Rao Desai
Naik Nirmal Singh
Naik R. Kamaraj
Naik Raj Kumar Punia
Naik Rakesh Chand
Naik Ram Swarup
Naik Sachidananda Malik
Naik Samunder Singh
Naik Shatrughan Singh
Naik Shiv Vasayya
Naik Surendra Singh
Naik Surendra Pal
Naik Surjeet Singh
Naik Subedar Lal Chand
Naik Vikram Singh
Naik Yoginder Singh
Rifleman Ansuya Prasad Dhayani
Rifleman Bachan Singh
Rifleman Dabal Singh
Rifleman Dilwar Singh
Rifleman Jaideep Singh
Rifleman Kuldeep Singh
Rifleman Linkon Pradhan
Rifleman Mohammed Aslam
Rifleman Mohammed Farid
Rifleman Rattan Chand
Rifleman Shaukat Hussain Kalgam
Rifleman Sunil Jungt Mahat
Rifleman Varinder Lal
Rifleman Vikram Singh
Rifleman Guardian Johar Singh
Rifleman Guardian Sarvan Kumar
Sergeant PVNR Prasad
Sergeant Raj Kishore Sahu
Sepoy Ajmer Singh
Sepoy Amardeep Singh
Sepoy Anil Kumar
Sepoy Arjun Ram
Sepoy Arvind Kumar Pandey
Sepoy Bajinder Singh
Sepoy Bhanwar Lal Bagaria
Sepoy Bhikaram
Sepoy Chara Nicholas
Sepoy Dharambir Singh
Sepoy Dineshkumar Vaghela
Sepoy Gangching Konyak
Sepoy Gazpal Singh
Sepoy Gopinath Mohrana
Sepoy Harendragiri Goswami
Sepoy Jugal Kishore
Sepoy Har Prasad
Sepoy Karan Singh
Sepoy Keolanand Dwivedi
Sepoy Kewal Anand
Sepoy Khem Raj
Sepoy Krishan Kumar
Sepoy Moola Ram
Sepoy Naresh Singh
Sepoy Pramod Kumar
Sepoy Rajinder
Sepoy Rajvir Singh
Sepoy Raswinder Singh
Sepoy Satvir Singh
Sepoy Satnam Singh
Sepoy Senthil
Sepoy Shaikh Mastan Wali
Sepoy Sheesh Ram
Sepoy Shiv Shankar Prasad Gupta
Sepoy Sukhwinder Singh
Sepoy Suresh Chhetri
Sepoy Suresh Kumar
Sepoy Varinder Kumar
Sepoy Vijaypal Singh
Signalman Rajan Sahu
Signalman Vinod Kumar
Subedar Bhanwar Lal
Subedar Harpaul Singh
Subedar Lal Singh
Subedar K. Medappa
Subedar Randhir Singh
Subedar Sumer Singh Rathore
Squadron Leader Ajay Ahuja
Squadron Leader Rajiv Pundir
Squadron Leader Lal Singh
Squadron Leader Ojha
Zrfn Man Singh

While our brave jawans are
still on a tough mission to uphold the dignity of our nation, the least the rest of the countrymen can do is give them moral support. Though we are hundreds of miles away, living in the comfort of our homes and with our families around us, we must assure them that we are with them all the time. 

Please donate for the welfare of families of martyrs and rehabilitation of the wounded soldiers, please donate your funds : Army Central Welfare Fund


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Ladakh Scouts: The heroes of Batalik
Who are the infiltrators?
Capt Amol Kalia and his 13 gallant men
Excerpts of the conversation between pakistani generals on pakistani army's involvement in Kashmir
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pak recruiting teens to fight in Kargil
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Grenadiers' history is replete with stories of valour
pakistan army's misadventure in kargil
Israel helped India during Kargil

So far   people have paid homage to the Martyrs.

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* Anything related to pakistan has been deliberately mentioned in lowercase.
This page was updated on October 28, 2002. Authored by Rock