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08:12:01 Site News for you

Hello again. My plans for the day are to update the link box that you see up above on every webpage on this site. As you can see, some things have been removed but that is because I felt they were irrelevant and of no use any longer. I've also added a link to Fan Fiction. So, if you'd like to submit your original works of Buffy fan fiction, please email me. Thanks so much. Phelicity


07:22:01 Site News for you

Hmm, well my newest catastrophe for the day is that when I went to check on my guestbook I found that the majority of the site was in Greek! Sigh. SO, now we have a new guestbook but I will keep the old one up as well because I would like to respond to all of those who wrote and hand out awards to their sites as soon as I get new awards up. But, if you wish to sign the guestbook please do so in guestcities, not phaistos. So far I have updated the tape trade page, and the guestbook. My plans now are to do some research on Buffy's move to UPN and put the bare facts up on the news page as well as update my copyrights. Not much I know, but I'm getting there! Much love, Phelicity

07:21:01 Site News for you

I did it again. Disappeared for about 6 months. Maybe this site will only get worked on biyearly...heh. Sorry again for leaving you stranded. Yea right, we both know there's a gagillion Buffy sites that are updated for my ever faithful few who continue to visit the site regardless of it's condition, I'm going to try to update it a bit for you. I'm not making any promises, but I will try. Anyway, it's good to be back in the scene. Oh, and I missed the episode where Buffy's mother died, so could someone email me and tell me what happened? Thanks so much! Love, Phelicity

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