OAHSPE, The Wonder Book Of The Age.
Since the day the Pilgrims left England to brave the
wilderness of America, many Americans have shown a
willingness "to come out boldly" for liberty of
conscience, at least their own. Currently, thousands
of them, as anticipated in OAHSPE, are putting
obedience to conscience above obedience to the law of
the land. A few are attempting to "lead all nations
in the way of peace, love, and righteousness" and to
"put away war." Others, in accordance with the
dictates of their consciences, are for "the
deliverance of the nations of the earth" by a show of
force, if necessary.
Thus, like the above quotations, hundreds of other
passages in Oahspe have a direct bearing on the
important questions, worldly and spiritual, which
bewilder people these days. Many fateful challenges
have arisen both at home and abroad which Americans
must meet successfully if they are to avoid going
downhill. To meet them victoriously, people will need
to know a lot more about man's nature, history, and
destiny than they commonly do now. Hence, OAHSPE.
Even a brief examination of OAHSPE will convince
the reader that it is something special, that it is
not just another book by another man looking up and
writing about God. On the contrary, it reads like a
book from another world. The point of view manifested
in its pages is always that of someone above the
earth and above man in the hierarchy of the universe
looking downward and back to man, calling to him to
improve himself and his society so that he may the
sooner rise up and enjoy the greater splendors of the
higher worlds. If only for this, its tranquilizing
view of our affairs from a great height, its
sanity-restoring perspective, OAHSPE is well worth
reading. But essentially, OAHSPE is a new revelation,
a veritable revelation, more reasonable, more
consistent, and more complete than any other so far.
This is, while not claiming infallibility, OAHSPE
purports, to be new help from above, new light from
the All Highest on mankind's most enduring questions,
including some of the grave ones of this era. In
order that we may intelligently direct our lives
toward trustworthy goals and eliminate much
wearisome, self-canceling toil and error, and in
order that collectively we may stay on the road to
the stars, we are given in OAHSPE vital,
indispensable information we could not otherwise get
for ourselves in time to do us much good. We are
given information about causes and origins, about
things, personages, and events, about right and
wrong, about space, gravity, and extraterrestrial
organizations, and above all, about the continued
life of the human spirit and what this really means.
Who gives us this information? It is our present
conviction that OAHSPE consists of authentic and
official disclosures made for our orientation and
guidance by organized space-dwelling entities above
us in the hierarchy of life forms. These
space-dwelling entities of OAHSPE claim to be, and
indeed may very well be, members of a cosmic society
older than the earth.
Does this sound impossible? All down through
history there have been countless reports of strange
phenomena, of apparitions and hauntings, and of
people with inexplicable powers such as clairvoyance
and precognition (prophecy) and telepathy, which
transcended space and time. But, until recently, the
agents commonly held to be responsible for such
occurrences were never called space-dwelling
entities. They were called demons, devils, ghosts,
spirits, angels, virgins, gods, or Gods, etc., or
simply higher powers. As such, everybody knew about
them and most people regularly worshipped and did
service to one or more of them even as they do today.
Apart from OAHSPE, five thousand years of
testimony from all quarters of the globe, sworn by
witnesses often at the cost of their lives, indicate
there is something disquieting going on here,
something concerning all of us that ought to be
investigated. Mountains of evidence--giant pyramids
still standing, glistening temples once stately,
massive cathedrals intricately sculptured, dark ruins
hidden in tropical forests, all bear silent witness
to the great and enduring power of the unseen over
Crucifixions and solemn processions, persecutions,
and religious wars, thousands of books in the
libraries and a great mass of data painstakingly
accumulated by parapsychologists, all this evidence
(archeological, architectural, spontaneous,
historical, and experimental--show the great and
enduring power that some spirits (they could hardly
have been mere hallucinations) have held and still
hold over millions of men and women.
Especially do the persecutions of unbelievers, the
massacres, the witch-hunts, the inquisitions, and the
burnings at the stake warn us that the question of
the role of supraterrestrials in the history of this
planet should not be dismissed lightly. They suggest
that the thesis of OAHSPE is essentially correct,
that from the beginning supraterrestrials have played
a decisive role in the history of this planet; that
from the beginning man has been raised up, inspired,
haunted, obsessed, beguiled, tormented, and recruited
by space-dwelling entities normally invisible to
most, but not all of us. What, then, is going on
here? Are we property? A colony? A part of some other
world's scheme of universal conquest? Is there an
invisible war going on, a struggle for our minds, a
battle for our loyalties? Is there danger now that we
may throw off all the ancient yokes and explore and
colonize other worlds on our own? Have we, as the
Communists and many scientists claim, progressed in
spite of the Gods, or, as the worshippers of Brahma,
Buddha, and Christ proclaim, progressed because of
them? To deal with the crisis created by our coming
of age, has there been a change of Gods? Who, now, is
God in heaven and what is His name? The authors of
OAHSPE give good reasonable answers to the foregoing
questions, answers you won't find in other books.
They dispel some of the clouds of mystery
surrounding the origin of man on the earth, although,
of course, this means transferring the mystery, in
part, to other, far-off worlds.
They disclose how and why, since that day 78,000
years ago, when their predecessors first came here
and raised man upright, we have been under their
society's jurisdiction. They explain the manner and
object of their government. They relate how we have
progressed under their vigilance and inspiration.
With many examples from their history and ours, they
explain the laws of our progress and development.
They tell what we and they have accomplished so
far and what we and they in collaboration may
accomplish during the present, the KOSMON era, as
they call it. They make it clear how and why,
eventually, we will find ourselves among them, doing
more or less as they have done. So far, OAHSPE is the
only book which even attempts to give the full story
of the whole man, corporeal and spiritual. OAHSPE is
the only book which amply portrays man's activities
both before and after death in that cosmic society
into which his spirit is born an indissoluble part.
For even as all men are born elementary parts of a
nation and of a humanity, neither of which they will
ever see or know in its entirety but which undeniably
exists and has power over them, so are they born, too
elementary, immortal, conscious individualized parts
of that still greater social organism, the cosmic
consciousness, or Person of the whole universe. In
OAHSPE this Person of the Whole, or Supreme Being, is
called JEHOVIH.
Why tell us these things? Couldn't we in time
discover them by and for ourselves? The answer is, we
could, of course, but why does any society set up
schools for its future citizens? With respect to
OAHSPE, the object appears to be not just instruction
but action; planned, remedial, revolutionary action
explained in the latter part of OAHSPE. The time has
come to the earth, and particularly to America when
mortals can be told the truth about themselves, the
truth about their natures, their pasts, their present
situation or predicament, and their future, including
the place and the condition awaiting them after
death. The time has come when mortals can,
understandingly, and for their own immediate and
everlasting good, become active and collaborating
members of that greater society of which they are, in
any case, an inescapable part.
To accomplish this, men must be awakened to an
understanding of their condition and to some
appreciation of their spiritual powers and
responsibilities. Although many profess a belief in
immortality, very few have given the matter much
thought. For the few who want to know what life after
death is really like, or may be like, OAHSPE is by
far the most enlightening book on the subject. As an
aid to an appreciation of one's inborn significance
and insignificance in the universes it is
unsurpassed. And with the greater appreciation of
one's possibilities which OAHSPE is capable of
arousing may come a desire to do something about it.
Is it necessary to do something about it?
According to OAHSPE, it is. By itself an increased
awareness of the potentialities of the spiritual man
within all men will not produce any great individual
or social improvement. Exertion is necessary just to
keep from going backward. At all times man has two
roads before him: one leads downward to ruin, sorrow,
helplessness, and everlasting darkness; the other
leads upward to joy, love, knowledge, power, and
everlasting light. There is no third path; neither
can anyone stand still.
With many examples from history (theirs and ours),
OAHSPE's authors make clear which road is which and
also the fate of those who have gone far on either
road. Their illumination of the two principal
alternatives before us is of inestimable value
because, despite the recent example of Germany, where
not long ago "everyone" was with Hitler and took the
downward road, today other millions believe that the
road chosen by the majority is by definition the
right road. It isn't. In order, then, that we may
avoid the downward road, and that the earth as a
whole may rise to new heights of achievement, the
authors of OAHSPE show us a road which all men may
travel. They show us a task worthy of everyone's best
and capable of drawing it out of many. That task is
the building on earth of a new world order which will
be at the same time an integral part of that
universal or galactic order so thrillingly described
Clearly, any order (U.S., or U.S.S.R.?) that
aspires to blossom into a stable world order and
then, as we advance into space, a cosmic order,
should begin now to lay down a foundation on which
all nations and peoples of the earth may build their
highest hopes, a foundation truly universal,
everlasting, and scientific. That foundation,
according to OAHSPE, is widest, firmest, strongest,
and most lasting if it is the ALL Person (the Person
of the All of Whom we are all parts). How does one
build on that foundation? To build on and at the same
time build up the Self of (in) all selves (the Person
of the Whole), one needs some understanding of that
Whole and one can begin by trying to understand what
it means to be an elementary particle of it. One can
begin by trying to understand one's self.
That consciousness is the central, most important
fact of our lives is easy for us to understand. What
most people ignore, forget, misunderstand, fear, half
believe, half deny, make fun of, and never think to
investigate is that the self-awareness of man can and
does survive as the same person, with memory and
conscience, even after the decomposition of the flesh
or animal body with which it has enjoyed an embryonic
and a symbiotic relationship. (Symbiosis is the
intimate, semi-parasitic living together of two
organisms in a mutually profitable relationship.)
That is the most enduring, the most important fact of
our lives, and that is the first great truth which
the authors of OAHSPE seek to drive home to our
What is the second great fact? In the vastness of
the universe, just one of anything is as nothing. In
isolation life everywhere is weak, and everywhere it
manifests a tendency to any association which can
bolster or raise its potential. First, the
association is of atoms into molecules and then of
these into the still bigger molecules that make up a
living cell. Then, the association is of cells into
tissues, of tissues into organs, of organs into
organisms, and finally of organisms into societies.
Thus, the chief characteristic of life is,
apparently, a power to organize and release energy in
such a way as to promote, perpetuate, and add to
itself, which includes consciousness. Organization,
therefore, is the second great fact of life. In
importance ranks equal with that other great fact of
life, the immortality of man's consciousness. The one
without the other is as nothing in the universe. The
one with the other makes all things possible. The two
(or organized intelligence) are the key to the
mastery of all things. That is the second great truth
which the authors of OAHSPE try to drive home to our
Accordingly, throughout all of OAHSPE we are urged
to become "organic" (meaning a part of a growing body
or group), not for preaching but for good works and
the pursuit of happiness. Affiliation with others for
doing good is held to be, at this stage of our
development, an indispensable condition of our
further development and progress. "There is no such
thing as individual resurrection or salvation," we
are told in OAHSPE. "Any number of individuals are as
nothing unless united." We are urged to form
voluntary, co-operative associations of compatible,
like-conscience individuals; to form fraternities,
brotherhoods, societies, and communities wherein all
can be dedicated to doing good to, for, and with one
another with all their wisdom and strength.
Organization, however, can be a man's worst enemy
as well as his best friend. Fortunately, this danger,
that of over sacrificing individuality to conformity,
or a minority to a majority, and vice versa, can be
minimized by putting first and foremost liberty to
the voice of the ALL Highest in every man
(conscience), and keeping it there. With liberty
first, perpetual improvement in both individuality
and organization is possible, and minorities can get
along peaceably with majorities. With liberty first,
perpetual improvement in both individuality and
organization is possible, and minorities can get
along peaceably with majorities. With liberty first,
the voice of the Self of (in) all selves can be
heard, and when it is heard over all the earth, all
mankind will thrive.
Millions can and do find happiness in forgetting
themselves in service to others who are less
fortunate. Many, too, have discovered that virtue
(not just charity) must be organized to be effective
against any great evil. The advantages of teamwork
over isolated, individual effort constitute a great
and enduring fact with a great future which people
are just beginning to realize. It will not go away by
calling it regimentation, socialism, communism, or
fascism. And since this same principle governs our
spiritual life and progress too, as we are reminded
in OAHSPE, the sooner we learn to become organic, not
for war, business, or politics but for righteousness
and good works, the better for us both here and
OAHSPE's authors suggest that we organize to raise
and educate orphans to become the first citizens of
that improved society which, emerging from a decaying
America, will grow and spread to other parts of the
world. But it is plain that not everyone is suited to
that kind of service. Additional suggestions are
provided so that all who earnestly desire to do so
may become a better part of a better society with a
better future. Thus, because it describes a solid,
everlasting, universal foundation on which a new
world order may be built, and because it exalts
liberty of conscience even about the voice of the
group. OAHSPE may be, in fact, the key to the
greatness of American's future and the hopes of
Such are a few of the highlights of OAHSPE. But,
shall a man light a match and say that the sun is
like a flame, only bigger? Can a drop of water taken
from the ocean tell one much about the ocean? In
scope and implications OAHSPE extends to infinity. It
staggers the imagination and comprehension. It defies
description and comparison. The evaluation which
William James attached to parapsychology applies
particularly to OAHSPE, the most important book in
the world today and certainly the magnum opus of
parapsychology. James wrote:
"Hear Me, O My Son! Hither
(referring to North America--w.w.) have I
brought thee... When the earth is circumscribed around about with
such as choose
Me, I will come hither with a great awakening light
to the souls
of men... On this land will I raise up a people who
out boldly against all dominion save Mine... Neither
shall they
know the cause, but they shall come forth in tens of
putting away all Gods and Lords and ancient tyranny
for My sake,
... for it is My land, which I planned for the
deliverance of the
nations of the earth...
And they shall become
the power of the
world. They shall establish peace and put away war,
leading all peoples in the way of peace, love,
OAHSPE, P.30:4-7 & 468:19
"Hardly as yet has the surface of the facts called psychic begun to be scratched for scientific purposes. It is through following these facts that the greatest conquests of the coming generations will be achieved. 'Bold is the effort, rich is the reward.'"