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United in Marriage May 14, 1999

Welcome to our homepage!!! We are from Loogootee, Indiana. It is a very small town in southern Indiana with a population of about 3000 people. We love it here and plan on never leaving. We love our small town community. Loogootee is one of those towns that everyone knows everyone. It is a wonderful place to live!
We have many pages on our website. Please wait while each page loads! On the following pages you will find some of our wedding pictures and some pictures from our family albums. If you would like to know more about David, just click on his link. If you would like to know more about Cindy, just click on her link. We are always under construction here at our website, so please check back often. Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire.
Please come back and visit again soon!
Please don't forget to sign our guestbook! We would greatly appreciate it!

This website is dedicated to the 152nd
Infantry that is now stationed at Camp Doha, Kuwait. Support our Troops!
God Bless!

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