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Age: 62
Date of Decease: 9mo. 4 1862
Throg's Neck, W. Chester Co., N.Y.
He was fond of reading, and possessing a retentive memory, his mind was stored with facts and opinions culled from the best authors in our language. A natural refinement and a cultivated taste fitted him for the enjoyment of country life; its serenity and peaceful communing with nature giving free scope to his love for and sense of the beautiful and the sublime.
His heart was thus often raised to the great Creator of all things, while contemplating the wonders of the universe, and he would repeat the words of the Psalmist: "When I consider the Heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou visitest him."
His disposition was kind and sympathising, prompt in forgiving injuries, and ever ready to cast the mantle of charity over the faults of others. The poor and the sorrowful found in him a devoted friend and self-sacrificing helper. Services of kindness to those who needed them, and words of love and encouragement, were the ready answer to every appeal. The friends who witnessed his daily life were often reminded of those who queried "Lord, when saw we Thee ahungered and fed Thee? or thirsty and gave Thee drink?" so little consciousness of merit mingled with benevolence.
But all the recitude of a moral life, and all the esteem of men, all mental acquirement and all human conception of the power and majesty of the Creator, were realized by him to be utterly insufficient in the great work of the soul's salvation. His knowledge of scripture was extensive, and he was comforted and encouraged by its holy promises and blessed teachings. He was earnest in the application of the text: "Ye must be born again," and fully realized the necessity of Divine aid in this regeneration.
His later years were marked by suffering and its depressing influences. Humbled under a sense of his own unworthiness he sought with fervent prayer to be admitted among the redeemed of the Lord.
His affections were now set on things above, seeking that communion with God, and that peace and joy in believing, which are His gift. Maintaining his confidence in the truths of the Gospel, he was at last enabled to say that his hope was in Jesus and "that He is able to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by Him.

"Thou art gone to the grave- and its mansion forsaking,
Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt lingered long,
But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking,
And the song which thou heard'st was the seraphim's song.

Thou art gone to the grave- but 'twere wrong to deplore thee,
When God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide;
He gave thee, and took thee, and soon will restore thee,
Where death hath no sting, since the Saviour hath died."

Age: 1
Date of Decease: 3mo. 1 1862
Baraboo, Ind.
Son of Isaiah and Achsah FRAZIER.

William FRY
Age: 87
Date of Decease: 7mo. 26 1862
Salem, Mass.