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The Bodyguard

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"…We do have the stereotypical burly bodyguards to protect us, but they have never had to do anything rougher than hold a few people back from the stage. Promoters don't want the audience standing too close. I think our bodyguards spend most of their time introducing us to fans so that they can get a quick autograph or photo." - Kevin

...he's got another thinking coming.

Now I really don't want to restrict this 'fantastic' story to anyone, but for the sake of decency, I have to warn people that there's the ultimate censoring on all my stories- BAD LANGUAGE. (What IS a story without swearing?? come on!) If you can't handle it, too bad, really. Other than that, it's pretty clean. There's enough sleazy stuff out there, I reckon. O_o;;

'kay, listen up. I'm going to divide the stories into books cos face it, we all detest scrolling down. I've noticed the page getting longer and longer (I wonder why...hmm...) People who's just after the updates can make their way straight to book 2- new readers, please make your way to Book 1. Now, everyone's happy, right?

 Chapters 1-25 chapters 26-35

Book 1
Book 2

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