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undefined Dog Shows & Jr. Handling
Dog Shows and Jr. Handling

Christine Schira
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Can. Am. Ch. Butterblac's Back In Fashion
Flat-Coated Retriever

Welcome to my web site:) My name is Christine Schira, I am 19 years old and have been involved in dogs for almost 6 years. I had the honour to compete at the national Jr. Handling competition in Calgary last year however, I am no longer able to compete in Jr. Handling due to my age. I have since moved on to bigger and better things. I am currently working with CPHA member, Jody Paquette, travelling North America for dog shows.

I live with four dogs; a rough collie, a golden retriever, a mutt (cross english setter/springer spaniel -- we think!) and our newest addition a flat-coated retriever.

I more than enjoy being involved in dogs, particularily conformation, although I do like to participate in obedience and agility as well. Both my golden and collie have their CD (companion dog) titles and the flat-coat is on his way. In the conformation ring I have shown multiple dogs from each of the seven groups as well as the miscellaneous class and rare breeds.

In my showing career I have achieved many Best Overall placements in jr. handling, 2 rare breed best in shows and 8 group firsts as well as multiple puppy groups. I have assited for professional handlers in Canada and the USA and have aquired a lot of experience with grooming and handling of many different breeds.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in finding a handler for your dog. I would be honoured to enter the ring with your future champion.

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Paws have crossed my site since June 18, 1999.

Last Updated: April 5, 2001

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