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Here are some desktop wallpaper/backgrounds made by Kat. Choose a style you like and follow the easy step by step instructions.

*note* you may NOT use these for your own website, distribute them to others with out permission, or deface the copyright. Please respect people's original work.

640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768

640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768

640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768

640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768

640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768

  1. Choose which size is best fit for your desktop.
  2. Wait until the wallpaper loads COMPLETELY. (this may take a few minutes or so)
  3. Right-Click the pic and select "SET AS WALLPAPER".
  4. That's it! Now you can enjoy your awesome new desktop wallpaper! yay!!!