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Hi. Welcome to the part of my site dedicated to hating Emily H. First's a list of the reasons WHY she's a loser...

1. She insists on trying to be exactly like me...

2. She doesn't know the theme to the Curious George song

3. She's obsessed with me playing Disarm

4. She's obsessed with me

5. She went to a DMX concert on Friday

6. The stupid crack hound went to Rent without me (her and that skank, Rolando)

7. She likes Matchbox 20...

8. She can't do anything without consulting that damned dragon ring of hers

9. there's not that much I hate about her...

Ha, ha, ha! Just kidding Emily. You know you're one of my best friends... I'll quit making fun of you...(even though I know you LOVE the attention...)