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Soul Mates

Have you ever met a person
You never met before,
That seemed much like a dear old friend
Who knew you to your core?

A person whom you trusted
With no good reason to
Aside from you just knowing
It was the proper thing to do.

Have you ever met a person
Who swept you off your feet?
With eyes that danced and sparkled,
Above a smile so sweet.

A person who confused you
Although you knew not why.
One who caused your eyes to mist
But never made you cry.

Do you believe in soul mates?
A person matched to you.
Someone in who's presence
You never could be blue.

But when you find a person
You think was made for you,
What do you do, where do you go
When they don't feel it too?

When you realize the something
That you thought must flow two ways
Was your imagination,
Dreaming through a haze?

There is no doubt they like you
And might even think you sweet.
But they make it plain through silence
Your souls will never meet.

You realize you have nothing
To offer or to give.
Your friend would never choose you
As one with whom to live.

You gather resolution
And swallow foolish pride.
You tell your heart it won't work
And prepare to step aside.

You raise your soul's defenses
Ands tuck your heart away.
Then slowly start back down the path
Toward another day.

Alone again, into the night
Dark and bitter cold.
Perhaps someday you'll meet the one
Who can finally warm your soul.
