Many of the original sources of this page are unknown to the compiler.The compiler wishes to acknowledge the original authors,whoever they may be,But has confidence that they would urge with her, Do not inquire as to who said this, but pay attention to what is said.
The evening slowly covers me, light rain tapping at my window. Birds singing too early, mocking my yearning for the sweet release of daylight, making the time seem to come to a stand still. For so long this same evening has seemed to drag on, pushing the breath from my lungs and covering my time with "wait". Wait for tomorrow or the tomorrow after that, but once it's gone, it's never coming back. I've cried all the tears I'm missing, hot burning years crave internal fixing, and everyday is "just a new day"; I can shine with exuberance on the inside, but lack of sleep and ambition is too hard to hide Counting down the days 'til I can live Creating precious memories that never really existed pouring through me like the truth and you.
Carrying a picture for a weapon, who needs a gun when we've already shot heaven? like a fire rising higher and higher- It's not the weight of the crime, it's the sign of the time Who can do what for who? Make an example out of you! Now my lover sits in prison, like a beaten dog that's been bitten still gets hidden behind a cage and it's locks. Rain is actually cold, but feels hot to the touch on my skin, burning from the outside in, my fingers tremble and my mind turns away in disgust, hoping I won't have to see anymore what I dream of everyday and live every night
It ain't right, it's never right When I'm presented with an ocean and get stuck in the mud leading up to it Where's my hand now? Reaching out to the arm attached I'm not afraid of where we're going, I just need to know why you're touching me- leading me if you're gonna let go when you're drowning I washed myself in the tears of pity and hid faster than I should Time makes a man out of some, but what about the little engine that could? That story disappeared with my pigtails and confidence, and now I'm standing in the place where she stood... not good enough for me, but good enough for them; Well, if I can't see myself, then what about him?
And as I watch myself get weaker, feeling my heart pounding faster and deeper, wondering why I snapped when she was smiling; I see that words can only go as far as we let them, like the skies that never end because I can't see it The sign says "wet paint" but I think it means "Go ahead and rest your weary feet." It's hard to believe what we can't see, When we SEE things happen that we can't believe!!! ~Nikki C.
"Yes!" yelled Dean."Yes! Dig him! Now consider his soul- stop awhile and consider!!" And he slowed down the car for all of us to turn and look at the old jazzbo moaning along. "Oh yes, Dig him sweet; now there's thoughts in that mind that I would give my last arm to know!" ~Jack Kerouac
Thou reader
Thou reader throbbest life and pride and love the same as I, Therefore for thee the following chants... ~Walt Whitman
~I awoke~ Lying upside down I gaze through the window staring at the sky that smiles back at me. My back slightly arched, I can see the tips of the tree branches My front peeking out at me from the mirror across the room- I earnestly listen to a song that I knew when I was ten nostalgia in its purest form, And I sigh with sweet relief at the safety that is you- all of you! I know now that no plan is better than some and the riches are the most even when there's small few. I apprehensively wait for my destiny- A journey which I'm most certain to take-- The fork in the road says "Come this way- come this way."
My eyes linger on the same- which is comfortable... My heart sneaks past and pulls me toward different. "Different" must be such a beautiful place, everyone tries to find it... castles and princes- happiness and roses... like a fairy tale, only with truth potential. There IS no try!! I gracefully wreak poets' havoc like the son, which is love, but people don't know, yet they want it more than anything. A hearts desire- when I get there, no longer afraid of the unknown- I'll send directions. ~ N. Counelis
~Lies~ I love it when you wear your fuzzy-faced duck look so early in the morning, I love it when you get excited and suprise me without warning. I love it when you get me flowers- just to see a sparkle in my eyes, I love you dearly- But I hate it when you lie. I love it when you get so happy and giddy like a boy, I love it when you feel like your "new" car is a new toy. I love it when you do your best, I love it when you try, I really love to see you smile, But I hate it when you lie.
I love it when you're gentle, but strong at the same time, I love it when you feel special just hearing that you're mine. I love it when we're alone together & there's contentment in your sigh, I love it when we just sit and talk, But I hate it when you lie. I love it when you hold me close & say sweet things that flatter, I love it when there's no fixed plans and that doesn't really matter. I love it when you kiss me- makes me feel like I could fly, I love your heart, your looks, your mind, But I hate it when you lie. ~N. Counelis
~Your kiss has inhaled me whole... and left me breathless. ~N. Counelis
~Altitude~ Whatever you say sticks to you the giver of wars makes the glue half-wit memories swirled, misconstrued flying at zero altitude. Discovering mystics and plastic forks deliver a bag from misguided storks a bottle of pills washed up on the shore I've never heard this story before. Don't do the dishes for weeks on end written intentions with nothing to send hide behind warlords, that never did blend This is my holy, I will defend. Whatever I say sticks to you You are rubber, you are glue give it up easy, untried and untrue Flying at zero altitude. ~N. Counelis
~I noticed~ What I did was mean. I made him feel... like he was alone, like I didn't care, like I had other things in my life and he wasn't them, and frustrated, and sad, and upset and lonely, But I don't know how I did it, or when!?! By being myself. I'm not so sre why that makes him feel so bad, I just know that what I did was mean. I made him feel. ~N. Counelis
~Metaporically speaking~ It might've been the picture on the cover, or maybe just the length of the chapters. Seems that you might've picked it up a coupla times, skimmed through it, and then put it down. Something in the middle may've scared you- you didn't like how much it drew you in, or the uncertainty of the outcome. I know you're interested, 'cause you keep picking it up- But you just never can seem to dive right in. I know, a paperback would've been much easier, but a hard-cover was all they had left. It's gathering dust, but at least it's still there. One day, You'll get the guts to read the whole thing. ~Nikki C.
~PULL~ How can you say she's dirtier than me? I bleed filth from my wounds and try to lick them clean with a hypocritical tongue Then later wring my hands from the damage done I pummel and squeeze my way into your life, Then I hide from any chance you might give me to be myself hide behind what you believe you see when I'm still just me all along even after the curtains have been drawn back and I step out into the limelight vulnerable and afraid. Like reading a poem out loud... knowing all the while that you'll be naked and they'll explore and deplore and pick and prod their way in deeper so that you can feel them under your skin and you almost like it, but it's so close it's scary so you tuck your tail in and disappear leaving a shell of yourself standing there and you forget how it was when you were there before, because the excitement swept you off your feet, something you actually need- like water- like me- standing here pretending to be what you believe you're seeing, slightly discomfitted and mad cap dashed, but mostly mad, like love, and its crazy sense of rhyme Hey, she's right on time, and she doesn't look dirty - at least not to me. ~Nikki C.
Define content... Maybe I am, But there's so many dark songs in my head, trying to invade my words And so many types of warriors pull at the pieces of my wounded heart... But NO- My definition ends here- I don't want to say too much. ~Nikki C.
To You
Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, Why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
~Walt Whitman
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.~
"Once you have tasted all the secrets, you will have a strong desire to understand them."~Unknown
Sometimes I walk up on top of a hill and sit and stare up in the sky and I breathe in some air from between two stars. I think of the crisp fresh stars that twinkle in your eyes.I know in all my life, that those are the most precious ones I'll ever gaze into.~Oran Clark
~Lord Byron to Contessa Guiccioli~
My sweetest treasure-I am trembling as I write to you, as I trembled when I saw you- but no longer- with such sweet heartbeats. I have a thousand things to say to you- and, alas, how many Sighs! Love me- Not as I love you- for that would make you too unhappy, love me not as I deserve, for that would be too little- But as your Heart commands. Do not doubt me- I am and always shall be your most tender lover.
P.S. How much happier than I is this letter: which in a few days will be in your hands- and perhaps may even be brought to your lips. With such a hope I am kissing it before it goes. Goodbye- my soul.~George Gordon, Lord Byron
I presume to be innocent and somewhat naive But you must think me stupid If I'm to believe You no longer feel me; All of it's lies! And I look into your EYES BEGS to plead otherwise! I see you look at me with wonder and care; Sometimes you think of me and wish I were there Oftimes you shrug it off as if I do not know And don't try to deny it- Because IT IS SO. ~Paul Counelis
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~God Bless You
Diamond gets her resources from the movie "With Honors"!!!! hee hee hee
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