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Author: Jackie

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em...although I flippin' wish I did own a certain buckskinned tracker. I just borrowed 'em and * sigh * I'll give 'em back....grudgingly.

Author's Notes: Well, this is my second fic, written in answer to the Winter Wonderland challenge on the Black and Buckskin list. Just couldn't ignore the li'l plot bunny that kept bouncin' around! Hope y'all enjoy the read!

Thanks Ingunn for being my beta. Yer one in a million pard!

Okay, I'm English so sorry about the cowboy talk iffen it's not quite right * bg *.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!



"Now Vin, you mind how you go back to town, and you keep wrapped up warm too." Nettie's eyes swept over Vin's attire. He would be chilled to the bone by the time he reached Four Corners. She tilted her head to one side and regarded the young man thoughtfully. "Just hold on before you leave young man, I've got something for you."

Vin was about to protest but closed his mouth in defeat as Nettie turned away from him and headed back inside the house. He hated to admit it but he was cold already, and the longer he sat there on his horse without moving the colder he was going to get.

Just as he was about to call out, Nettie came out of the door. She was carrying something over her arm and Vin creased his forehead in a frown as he wondered what Nettie was up to.

"Don't frown, you'll get age lines before ya time." The old woman scolded, hitting Vin on the ankle.

"Aw Miz Nettie, I was jist wonderin' why ya had me holdin' on here, I gotta get back to town." Vin explained.

"This won't take a minute, and I want you to get back to town without catching pneumonia." She placed a hand on Vin's leg. "Now come on get ya down from there, I want to give you something."

Vin sighed and got down from his horse to stand in front of the woman who he had come to regard as kin. "What d'ya wanna give t' me Miz Nettie?" Vin asked resignedly.

Nettie tapped Vin on the arm. "Now don't you be takin' that tone with me Vin Tanner, or I'll tan your skinny hide for you."

Vin's cheeks flushed slightly at these words and Nettie wondered again how a man who had seen and done so much in his young life could be embarrassed over something so small.

She thrust the garment she had been holding over her arm at Vin. "Now here, this was supposed to be for Christmas but you need it now, and it's only a few days away, so i figure its alright for you to have it."

Vin took the offered present with both hands and stood staring at it. "Reckon it's been a while since I had a present." He said, his voice not hiding the threat of tears.

"Well now." Nettie fussed. "Why don't you stop standing there gawking at it and put it on."

Her own emotions threatened to pour forth as she took the blanket coat she had made out of Vin's shaking hands and helped him put it on.

After pulling the two sides together in front of the slight tracker and doing up the buttons she stood back to admire her work.

"There, now that's much more cosy, don't you think?" she asked Vin, clasping her hands in front of her.

Vin looked down at the coat he now wore. He could not recall ever having been given such a nice present. He felt a lump in his throat and swallowed before he spoke.

"Miz Nettie, I don't quite know what t' say." He nodded his head. "Thank ya ma'am I ain't never had me a nicer present."

Nettie's eyes filled with tears. "Oh Vin, come here you clutz." She stepped towards him and circled him with her arms, hugging him close.

Vin hesitated for a few seconds and then reached his arms around the old womans small frame and hugged her back. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut as the tears that were threatening to come moments ago finally arrived and slid silently down his cold cheeks.

Nettie finally pulled away and held Vin by the shoulders. "Now then, you best be getting along." She said, swiping at her own tear filled eyes. "I want you safe back in town before it gets any colder."

A smile appeared on Vin's face, making Nettie's heart flutter. My, but he was a handsome young man. She just wished he smiled more often.

"Now git." She said releasing him and swatting his behind.

Vin's grin widened as he climbed once more onto his horse. "I'll try and come by in a coupla days Miz Nettie." He turned his horse and, looking back, tapped his hat before riding off in the direction of town.

Nettie watched until he was out of sight and then, smiling fondly she walked towards her house.

* * * * * * *


Vin rode steadily towards town. All the while, his thoughts were on the old woman he had just left. When had she come to mean so much to him? How did he let her creep around all of his defences and find a place in his heart? He looked down at the coat that felt so snug and warm on his body. She knew him so well it scared him a little. She had even made the coat big enough to fit over his buckskin jacket. He smiled widely at that. Hell, she knew him almost better than he knew himself.

Vin was so deeply lost in thought, he did not hear the sounds that would have alerted him to impending danger. Before he knew what had hit him he felt himself being propelled from his horse by a heavy force from his side. The air left his body as he fell hard to the ground, with something weighty landing on top of him.

Before he had time to catch his breath and gather his wits he felt himself being grabbed by his new coat and hauled to his feet.

Holding his arms across his winded body he looked up and found himself surrounded by four men.

The one standing in front of him spoke. "Well, lookie here boys. We got ourselves a half breed."

Vin struggled against the hands that held him tightly. "Least I ain't no bushwhacker." He spat out, sensing that that was to be his fate.

The four men laughed. "Well, ain't you the clever one." The now obvious leader spoke again. He stepped towards Vin and punched him hard in the stomach, causing the tracker to double over as the air was once more knocked from his body.

"Harley, Tom, get the coat offa him before he eats the dirt." The leader instructed. "Sam you help 'em too."

Vin was held fast by two of the men while the other struggled with the coat, finally getting it off of the trackers body, while the leader watched.

Vin cursed and struggled the whole time, he was mad as hell at himself for being so off guard that he hadn't heard the men approach.

When the coat was safely off of the tracker the two men that had held him fast suddenly let him go. Vin was not ready for the kick he received in the stomach, and he fell to his knees, clutching his arms around his body.

"Okay boys, have yer fun, but make sure ya check his pockets before ya kick 'im too much." The leader walked towards Peso to check Vin's saddlebags, leaving the other three men with Vin.

A sharp kick to the back sent Vin face first into the dirt. He felt someone holding him down, while hands searched his pockets. He couldn't struggle, the pain in his back rendered him useless for the time being.

"Hey look what I found here." One of the men exclaimed in delight. He sat on Vin's back and held out the trackers harmonica for the others to see.

"Wooee we can have us a dance tonight." Another of the men added. "Shame you won't be comin' along." He directed at Vin before a boot met with the side of the trackers head.

Vin shut his eyes and clenched his teeth against the pain in his temples. His ears were ringing and he barely heard the mens next words.

"He ain't got much has he? This is about all we found."

"Well, we'll jest get our fun by beatin' the shit outta him then, won't we."

Vin heard a loud curse and the sound of horses hooves. "Darn horse o' his got away." He heard the leader say. "Got the saddle bags though, so I got all he had."

The pressure on Vin's back was eased as the man who had been sitting there rose to his feet. He started to move but kissed the dirt once more as a heavy blow from yet another boot caught him in the side. He let out a small cry of pain, as he felt his body once more kicked, this time in the hip.

He could hear laughter as he was grabbed by the shoulders and hauled to his feet. Pain seered through his back and sides and he had barely lifted his head when he was sent sprawling back by a heavy fist hitting him square on the side of the face.

Stars danced in front of his eyes as he lifted his head. He saw four men descending on him, and his thoughts went first to the lady he had left a little while ago, and then to the town of Four Corners where his six friends were probably in the saloon, playing cards and drinking whiskey. As he felt blow after blow and kick after kick battering his body his final thought was that he was going to die alone after all. The last thing he saw in his mind before losing consciousness was the smiling face of Nettie Wells.


* * * * * * *


Chris pulled his jacket tighter around his body as the cold penetrated through his clothing and bit into his skin. He was headed towards the saloon, hoping that the whiskey he had been craving during his ride from his cabin would have the effect he intended it to and would warm him up a little.

His hand paused on the batwing door as he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye that set off alarm bells in his head. He watched the rider-less horse as it trotted towards, and then past him, obviously making its way to the livery.

Chris felt his heart jump in his chest and it continued to thump loudly and steadily as his breath caught in his throat. Dread filled the gunslingers mind and his body shuddered at the thought of the possible reasons for Peso arriving back in town without Vin.

Pushing open the batwing doors, he turned his head to peer into the darkened interior of the saloon. Spotting Buck first, seated at a table by the bar he strode up to him, grabbing Buck's attention immediately.

"Think we got trouble, Buck. Peso just rode in. No sign of Vin."

Chris turned on his heel and walked briskly from the saloon, confident that Buck knew what he had in mind.

Buck did. Grabbing his hat from the table, he made his way hastily to the card table where Ezra was seated.

The gambler had seen Chris's actions moments before and was sitting puzzled but alert. "Mr Wilmington..." he began but was cut off.

"Ezra, we gotta round up the others, Vin could be in trouble."

That was enough for the Southerner. Excusing himself quickly from the card game he had been participating in, he rose from his chair and followed Buck out of the saloon.

"I'll get Nathan, you get JD and Josiah." The ladies man barked out as Ezra joined him.

Ezra nodded his head and made his way to the jailhouse. Buck turned the opposite way, his forehead creasing into a frown as he spotted Chris outside the livery, holding onto Peso's reins.

Chris nodded as Buck passed him and then turned his attention back to Vin's horse. He could find no signs of blood anywhere on the animal. But Vin's saddlebags were gone. The gunslinger wondered fleetingly whether Vin and Peso had had one of their famous run ins and Peso had galloped off without his master just for the hell of it. But he dismissed the idea almost immediately. The pair certainly knew how to rub each other up the wrong way, but Peso was totally loyal towards the tracker.

The cold was forgotten as Chris led Vin's horse into the livery and handed him over to Tiny. He walked over to where Pony was chewing lazily on some hay and began to prepare the horse for a ride.

Chewing his lip anxiously he tried not to think of what could have happened to Vin. He hoped that there was a perfectly logical explanation for Peso and Vin being separated, but deep down in his gut, there was a gnawing sensation that told him he was clutching at invisible straws and that Vin was in serious trouble.

Grabbing Pony's reins, he closed his eyes and bowed his head for an instant, in an effort to steady his pounding heartbeat and to get his thoughts in some kind of order.

"Chris, whats the plan?"

The sudden sound of Nathan's worried voice startled the gunslinger, causing him to jerk his head up. Five anxious faces looked at him, waiting for guidance.

"Saddle up boys, we gotta find Vin."

Chris climbed into his saddle as he spoke, and his lips quivered in a strange amusement as five bodies darted to various parts of the livery.

The horses were prepared in record time and six men galloped out of town in search of their missing friend.


* * * * * * *

Vin lay on the ground where the four men had left him. He had curled himself into a ball to try and keep out the cold air. Heck, he hurt everywhere. But he wasn't dead. No, he hadn't died like he thought he would. He didn't see the going of the men. His body had been kind to him and had shut down while the attack was still in full swing. He thanked himself for that. Could you thank yourself? He wondered. Hell, there was no-one else to thank. He frowned as he wondered how long he had been there. Couldn't have been too long, it was still light. Early afternoon he guessed as he sniffed the air and moved his eyes skyward.

Cold. It was so cold. Nettie was going to skin him alive for getting so cold. Why was he cold?

Vin's heart sank. His new coat was gone. His Christmas present from Nettie had been taken by the men who had attacked him.

This led to other thoughts.

They had taken his things. His spyglass. His harmonica. His book.

The realisation that his book was gone made his heart clench and the pain in his body seemed to dim in comparison to the pain that had now grabbed at his heart.

He had taken his book to show Nettie. It was the one thing that connected him to his Ma. She had written his name in it and given it to him a few weeks before she died. It had been the last Christmas that they had spent together.

And now it was gone.

Those men had stolen his life.

Tears stung Vin's eyes as he remained huddled in a ball. He shivered as the cold bit into him. He felt lost, alone and empty.

"Merry Christmas." He whispered as he once more lapsed into unconsciousness.


* * * * * * *


The six men rode on in a troubled silence. They had pointed their horses towards Nettie Well's place. They knew that's where Vin had been going when he had ridden out early that morning.

Their concern grew the nearer they got to their destination. There was still no sign of Vin and although they were still quite a way from Nettie's it felt like they had been riding for hours.

"Maybe he's still at Nettie's and Peso got loose." JD thought aloud.

The other men glanced at him, their faces saying what they thought of that idea.

The young sheriffs shoulders sagged. "Guess not." His body lifted off of his saddle as he was startled by a sudden movement to his left. A blur passed in front of him, and it took a few seconds to realise that it was Chris who had taken off at a gallop. Leaving five stunned men staring after him.

Their eyes followed his progress into a clearing, surrounded by bushes and trees and, knowing that Chris did not do anything without a damn good reason, they all spurred their horses on, following in his wake.

Chris jumped from his horse before it had come to a complete stop. His eyes never leaving the still form that lay curled up on the ground. As he approached, the feeling of dread he had been harbouring eased a little as he saw the figure move.

"Vin." He said softly as he knelt down beside the prone body of his friend and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder.

Vin lay still. He knew there was someone there. Had the men come back? Were they going to finish what they started and kill him? A small smile crept onto his bruised and bleeding face. So much for Christmas. He had actually been looking forward to this one. Spending it with his friends in a town he had come to think of as home. The smile disappeared from his lips as he felt someone touch his shoulder. He heard someone say his name. He knew that voice. He concentrated hard, trying to fight through the fog in his mind so that he could think clearly. Whose voice was that?

His body stiffened, reminding him that it hurt when he moved. He could hear horses, and more voices. What was happening? His heart started to hammer in his chest as he felt himself begin to panic. He decided the only way he was going to find out was to open his eyes.

Chris held up a hand to halt the five men who were approaching them. "Wait. We're scaring 'im. Don't think he realises it's us." Looking back at the tense tracker he tried once more to communicate with him.

Before he could speak, Vin's eyelids fluttered open and two disturbed blue eyes looked back at him. Recognition slowly dawned on the trackers face and his body relaxed when he realised he was not about to be attacked again.

"" The voice was barely a whisper but it was enough to make a smile appear on the gunslingers face.

"Where ya been cowboy? We've been lookin' for ya."

"B...been right here." Vin's voice whispered again. He fought to keep his left eye open, it hurt when he blinked and he guessed that before long, he wouldn't be able to open it at all.

Chris looked down at Vin's bruised and bloody face and winced. He could feel the anxiety emanating from the other men and knew Nathan was chomping at the bit to get his prodding hands on Vin.

The healers voice clarified his thoughts. "I ain't standin' here much longer Chris. Vin needs tendin' to."

Chris smiled in spite of the worry he was feeling. "Hey Vin, we're all here. Okay if the others join us?"

"Hell why not. Already h...had me a par..ty."

The other men moved in slowly, and Nathan barked out orders.

"Ezra, get a fire goin'. Josiah, can ya get my saddlebags? Buck, JD grab some blankets."

The men ran off in different directions to perform their tasks.

Nathan turned to Vin and touched his arm making Vin wince.

"Vin, can ya straighten up for me? I wanna see how bad hurt you are?"

"I c..can tell ya Nathan. I'm ba..bad hurt."

The healer smiled. "Well then, let me make it feel better." He slowly took Vin's arms and pried them away from his stomach. Pulling gently on his right arm and leg he eased Vin gently onto his back.

Vin could not help the groan that escaped from his lips. Every bone and muscle in his body seemed to protest and he felt bile rise in his throat. He swallowed a couple of times to rid himself of the feeling that he was going to throw up, and opening two pain filled eyes he saw a look pass between Nathan and Chris.

"Don't want pity." He rasped.

"That's good 'cos you ain't gettin' any." Chris put his arm under Vin's shoulders and lifted him up enough for him to drink some water.

"Thanks." Vin couldn't believe how good it felt as the liquid rolled down his dry throat. Right at that moment, he believed that Chris had given him the best Christmas present he could wish for.

Christmas. The thought reminded him of what had been taken from him.

Vin grabbed Chris's arm "Chris. They t....took m' life."

Chris creased his forehead at Vin's words as he laid the trackers head once more on the ground. He couldn't make sense of what he was saying. It obviously had something to do with what had happened to him but he could not figure out what.

His thoughts were waylaid when Vin clenched his teeth against the pain Nathan's probing hands were causing him. Grabbing the trackers hand he held it firmly in his own. An anger was rising in him, aimed at the people who had done this to his friend. It was obvious that he had been beaten. But why? And by who? Obviously not bounty hunters because they had left Vin behind.

"Chris, pass me the blankets." Nathan's voice brought Chris out of his thoughts, and he picked up the blankets that had been placed beside him by Buck and JD. The other men were now all seated at the fire that Ezra had made near Vin, waiting for Nathan to tell them how he was.

Nathan placed the four blankets over Vin's body and moved around to sit beside Chris.

"I want him back in town. Can't take care of him properly out here. It's cold and I don't wanna take 'is clothes off."

Chris nodded. "How bad's it look Nate?"

Nathan shook his head. "Been beat up pretty bad. Not sure if theres any broken bones. His ribs feel okay, but couple of 'em might be cracked. Don't know how he got away without breakin' anythin'. Looks like they laid into 'im pretty bad."

Chris's anger rose again. Oh boy, if he ever got his hands on the ones that did this......

He watched as Nathan gave Vin a dose of laudanum.

Why did this have to happen now? He asked himself. Vin was so looking forward to Christmas. His eyes had danced like a child's as he listened to all the plans people were making in town to celebrate the holiday. Chris guessed that Vin had not had many happy Christmases in his life, and it looked like this was going to be no exception.

Two blue eyes met two green ones as Vin turned his head towards Chris.

"Christ...mas is c..cold." Vin whispered before his eyelids drooped and he fell into a laudanum induced sleep.


* * * * * * *


When Vin next woke up he was cosily tucked up in warm blankets, in the clinic. His head was pounding. He was afraid to move and had closed his eyes again almost as soon as they had opened as the pain he felt in his head threatened to empty the contents of his stomach.

He groaned as he slowly remembered what had caused him to be in his present situation.

As the sound issued from Vin, Chris, who had been sitting dosing in the chair beside the bed, leaned forward and studied the trackers beaten face.

"You want some water?"

"Mmmmm." Was all Vin could manage in response to the question.

Chris grabbed the cup from the table by the bed and lifted Vin's head enough for him to sip at the cool fluid.

"Mmmmm." He said again as Chris laid the trackers head once more on the pillows.

"Mighty talkative today ain't we pard."

"How long....I" Vin decided he was not going to get much more talkative than that. Every word he uttered hurt his battered face.

"Day and a half." Chris replied. "Wondered if y'd turned into Ezra the way you were sleepin' the time away."

Vin tried to smile as a whispered chuckled escaped his split lips. Hell, it even hurt to do that.

Chris felt the anger well up in him again, as it had many times over the last two days. Watching his friend in pain had not been his favourite pastime, and the thought of how or why it had happened only added fuel to the angry fire in his gut. They had not been able to make any sense of Vin's fevered outbursts when he had obviously been reliving his ordeal, and now that Vin was awake and more coherent, Chris was still a little uneasy about asking him what had happened.

"'s it Christmas....yet?" The mumbled question startled Chris out of his trance. Looking back at Vin, his eyes were met by one and a half of Vin's watery blue ones.

Chris smiled at the childlike question. "No Vin, few days to go yet. Expectin' a gift?" The gunslinger was not ready for the reaction that his innocent question caused.

Vin's eyes were suddenly cloaked in a different kind of pain. The water welled up in them and tears slid silently down his cheeks. Netties gift, they had taken his coat. They had taken his......things. He turned his head away from Chris, not wanting him to see his moment of weakness. But Chris was not going to let Vin off that easy. Cursing softly, he leaned forward and gently placed his fingers on Vin's jaw turning the trackers face towards him. "What brought this on Vin?" he asked gently.

Vin closed his eyes as tightly as he could without causing himself too much pain. He needed to get in control again.

Chris waited.

Vin opened his eyes once more and looked at the concerned face of his friend.

Chris said nothing and continued to wait.

Vin swallowed. "They took m' life." He rasped. His voice shaking with emotion.

"You ain't dead." Chris said softly.

"Not what I m....meant."

"I know that Vin. I figure ya knew you weren't dead." Chris smiled. "Just my attempt at humour. Guess it was the wrong time and place."

 Vin chuckled and then cringed as various parts of his body screamed at him to keep still. His smile fell from his lips as he looked back at Chris. "They took m' stuff, Chris. All of it."

Realisation dawned and Chris wanted to kick himself. He should have guessed that Vin's things had been stolen from him. Why hadn't he figured that out? Now he knew what Vin meant. The tracker had very few belongings, but Chris knew that what he did have meant something very deep and personal to him. But he still couldn't understand why the mention of Christmas gifts had made Vin act that way.

"I'm sorry Vin."

"Why? You didn't take 'em."

"Alright, think that's enough talkin' for now." The two friends were startled by Nathan's voice. They looked over and watched as Nathan raised himself from the cot in the corner of the room. He rubbed tired eyes as he walked over to the bed.

"That my fault?" Vin asked guiltily when he saw how tired the healer looked.

"Now don't you go doin' a guilt trip on me, Vin. You were fevered, I stayed with ya. End of story." Nathan looked at Chris and nodded in his direction as he added. "Anyway, he stayed too, so I didn't tend ya alone."

Vin's eyes dropped and he studied the blanket. Guilt filled him at the thought of his friends losing sleep while they helped him through his fever.

"'m sorry." He muttered.

"Think on it as a Christmas present."

Chris clenched his teeth as he looked at Nathan. Hell, he mentioned Christmas presents. Please don't let Vin get upset again.

"S'alright Chris. Ain't gonna go all t' pieces again." Vin could hardly say the words as exhaustion suddenly enveloped him. His eyelids drooped and closed, and he was soon lost once more in sleep.

"He gonna be alright Nate?" Chris asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Nathan stepped up to the bed and pulled the blankets higher over Vin's body, tucking them in tight. "He'll be fine Chris, just needs a lot o' rest."

Chris sighed and leaned back once more in the chair. "Guess he ain't gonna have a very good Christmas." He stated. "But I figure he's used to that." His eyes closed almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth, and he fell into a deep sleep. He frowned as Nathan placed a blanket over him, but did not wake up. Instead he began to dream. He saw Vin amongst a sea of people. They were kicking and beating him. He tried to get near him to pull him out but Vin was being dragged further away from him. He turned to see a room full of people laughing and exchanging gifts, calling to him to join them. Looking back to where he had last seen Vin, he looked in horror as he realised that Vin had disappeared and all he could see was a harmonica and spyglass, trampled and broken on the floor.

He jerked awake, and looked into the worried eyes of Nathan.

"You alright Chris? You were havin' a bad dream."

Chris nodded dumbly and turned his eyes to Vin, who was still sleeping soundly in the bed.

"I'm gonna make sure he has a Christmas he can remember with a smile, Nate." He said to the healer, as he settled back into the chair and pulled the blanket closer around him.

Nathan nodded his head in agreement. "Count me in on that one." He replied. "And I reckon I know four more men who'll wanna help us too."


* * * * * * *


Chris could see his breath it was so cold. The day after tomorrow was Christmas Day and each new morning brought with it colder weather. He hunched his shoulders and rubbed his hands together in an effort to keep them warm.

"Cold enough to freeze hell over ain't it Brother." Josiah said as he came up beside Chris, on the boardwalk outside the saloon.

"Sure is Josiah."

The two men began to walk towards Nathan's.

"Nettie's visit was hard on 'im wasn't it?"

Chris glanced over at the ex-preacher as they continued to walk. "Yeah. Thought he'd be happy when she came. But he looked...."

"Guilty." Josiah finished for him.

Chris nodded. "Can't figure it out Josiah. From the little bits Vin's told us about when he was attacked I can't think of anything that would make 'im act that way in front of Nettie."

"He was alright by the time she left. Seemed like they had a bit of a talk."

Chris had not seen Nettie leave the day before so he could not comment. He had been in the saloon with some of the other men, planning a Christmas celebration.

They reached the steps leading up to the clinic and stopped. "Tell Vin I'll be by later. I'm gonna go do some work on the church." Josiah tapped the front of his hat and walked away.

Chris ran up the steps and walked along the veranda to the clinic door. Hell, how are we gonna keep him in here today, he thought to himself. Vin had been bursting to get out of the clinic. He was healing slowly but surely, but had been declaring himself fit enough to be set free for the last two days.

Chris opened the door and stepped into the dimly lit room. He cursed as he looked over in the direction of the bed.

Vin was not there.

Cursing again he stepped back out onto the veranda, and stood, thinking.

"Where the hell are ya Tanner?" he asked aloud. Nathan had been right. One of them should have stayed with Vin at all times. It was just like him to do something like this.

He stalked along the veranda and descended the stairs standing still once more as he reached the bottom.

"Mr Larabee, you seem perplexed." Ezra's voice jolted Chris out of his reverie.

"Vin's done a disappearing act." He informed the gambler.

"Ah, once again Mr Tanner has absconded from the confines of the clinic."

Chris looked sideways at Ezra. "Ain't that what I just said?"

"Do you need any assistance in tracking down our wayward friend?" Ezra asked.

"Nope, got a good idea where he is, thanks Ez." Chris nodded slightly at the gambler and began to walk in the direction of what Ezra knew would be Vin's wagon.

"Dang sorry excuse for a Texan." A wide gold toothed grin appeared on Ezra's face as he heard Chris's words floating back to him. "Oh my, Mr Tanner, I do not envy you." He said to himself as he thrust his hands deep into his pockets and walked towards the saloon.


* * * * * * *


"You hidin?"

Chris climbed into the wagon. The feeling of relief at finding Vin there was reflected on his face.

"Figured it'd be best." Vin was leaning against the back of the wagon, a thin blanket was wrapped around him. Chris couldn't help smiling as he noticed Vin's bare feet that the blanket did not quite cover.

"Nathan's not gonna be happy 'bout you bein' out of the clinic. 'specially when he finds out you've been walking around with no boots on."

"Couldn't find m' boots." Vin explained. "An' I don't need t' be in the clinic no more."

Chris raised an eyebrow at the last remark. Vin did look better he had to admit, but he trusted Nathan to know when Vin was fit, better than he trusted Vin to tell him. "Well, least ya got yer two eyes back pard."

"Reckon so."

Chris leaned forward and pulled the blanket over Vin's feet. "So, did ya enjoy Nettie's visit?"

Vin did not say anything for a few moments, his eyes studied the blanket that covered him, before he raised them to look at Chris. "She made me a coat fer Christmas."

Chris smiled. "She gave it t' you early huh? So, why ain't ya wearin' it?"

Vin looked steadily back at Chris. "She gave it to me that day, the day...." Vin swallowed and looked away. "They took it."

Chris closed his eyes, his mouth was set in a firm line. Boy, what he would give to get hold of those bastards right now! It explained a lot though. Vin's reaction to Nettie's visit the day before made complete sense now.

"They ain't gonna get much fer m' stuff. So why'd they take it?"

Chris looked back at Vin, not missing the catch in his friends voice.

"They took it 'cos they could, Vin."

Vin nodded slowly. "Should never've happened. I was off guard, thinkin' on Christmas." The last word was hissed out angrily.

"Seems to me yer blamin' yerself for somethin' that coulda happened to any one of us. They had numbers on their side, Vin. Way I figure it, even if ya had been aware of 'em, they would still've got the drop on ya."

Chris watched Vin's face closely. Hoping that he would accept the words as the truth. He smiled as Vin nodded his head "Reckon yer right Chris."

The two men fell silent. Each lost in their own thoughts. Chris was wondering how he would get the look of wonder and excitement back in Vin's eyes at the mention of Christmas. And Vin was reliving the attack that had led to where he was now.

"It hurts Chris."

The gunslinger's eyes roamed over the bruises that still remained on Vin's face. "I'm not surprised Vin. Ya took quite a beating."

"Didn't mean that. They've taken m' things from me." He looked up at Chris as he said his next words. His eyes watery. "They took m' book."

Chris's face could not hide his shock. "Not the one yer Ma gave t' ya?" He wiped a hand down his face and sighed as Vin nodded. "Hell, Vin. I'm sorry."

"It was in m' saddlebag. I took it t' show Nettie. She wanted to see it. To read it."

He had shown the book to Chris a while ago. His Ma had written a journal that contained the first five years of Vin's life. All the things he had learnt and when he had first accomplished them. His first words. His first steps. Everything was chronicled in the book that had been taken from him. His Ma had told him what she had written.

"I never got to read it."

Chris knew that Mary was teaching Vin how to read and write. Vin had shown him the book one day when they had been talking about their pasts. The gunslingers heart tugged. He knew how much Vin had been looking forward to reading the book himself.

"Hell, I'm sorry Vin." He said again.

Vin took a deep breath, and winced as his still bruised body protested. "No use me cryin' 'bout it now, It's gone an' I gotta accept it."

Before Chris could answer, Buck's face appeared in the opening of the wagon. "Well, look what we got here. Nathan's ornery as a beaver wi' fleas."

"Aw hell, I ain't goin' back."

Another face appeared next to Bucks. "Aw hell." Vin said again as he looked at Nathan's agitated face. Chris grinned and slid along on his butt towards the opening the two men were peering in at. "Well, I'll leave you all to it. I got a wire t' send."

"Fine friend you are." Vin called out to Chris's retreating back.

Vin looked back at Nathan as Chris disappeared. "I mean it, I ain't goin' back there."

Nathan sighed in resignation. "I ain't askin' ya to Vin. I know when I'm beat. Just let me give you some instructions 'bout what not t' do." His eyes caught sight of the trackers bare feet, the blanket had shifted off of them once again. "The first one is to get some boots on 'fore ya catch yer death."

The sound of Buck's gleeful laugh made Chris grin as he walked towards the telegraph office. He had been trying to find out if there had been any more attacks like the one on Vin, and had wired all of the towns within a few days ride.

He entered the tiny telegraph office and walked up to the counter. "Got anythin' for me today Tom?"

Tom Larkin looked up from the piece of paper he had been staring intently at. "Mr Larabee, I was just gonna come find ya, just received this wire from Eagle Bend."

Chris took the piece of paper being held out to him and began to read it. A small smile started to form on his lips, and as he continued to read, the smile grew wider. He looked up when he had finished. "Thanks Tom." He grinned at the man seated behind the counter. "Yer welcome Mr Larabee." Tom replied to the retreating back.

Chris stood outside on the boardwalk, the smile still on his face. He flicked the piece of paper with his finger and headed off to find Ezra and Buck. He had an errand for them.

Hell, maybe it would be a Merry Christmas after all.


* * * * * * *


Vin stood by the bed in the clinic and shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other as he watched Nathan studying his latest urine sample. The healer frowned as he looked at the pinky tinge that was still visible in the liquid. "Sorry Vin, still gotta bring me two samples a day, it's not cleared up yet."

"Aw hell Nate, it's near as dammit." Vin sat heavily on the bed. He would never admit it to anyone, but he still had trouble standing too long. The ache in his back never seemed to ease up and his ribs still screamed at him whenever he lifted more than a beer glass.

"Near as dammit ain't good enough fer me, Vin. Them kidneys took a poundin' and until that pinks completely gone, I wanna see them samples."

"It's Christmas Nathan. Let me off easy why dontcha." Vin turned two pleading eyes up to meet Nathan's unyielding face.

"I let you off easy by not haulin' your ass back up here two days ago, Vin. So don't try that look on me, it won't work. Twice a day and that's the end of it 'til I say otherwise." Nathan turned away to hide the smile he couldn't stop. Vin looked defeated, but at least he was doing what he was told, for now at least.

"Reckon you forgot it was Christmas." Vin mumbled as he eased himself up from the bed and started towards the door.

"Where ya goin' Vin?" Nathan asked, trying to stall for time.

"Figure I could use some more festive company than I'm gettin' round here." The tracker grumbled as he opened the door to the clinic.

"Hold on there for a second, and I'll come with ya. Wherever it is yer going." Nathan quickly disposed of the sample and washed his hands while Vin waited by the door impatiently.

"C'mon Nathan, Christmas Day only lasts 'til midnight."

Nathan hurried towards the door. "Hell, Vin. It's only just past breakfast time. Yer worse than Billy Travis."

The healer almost had to trot to keep up with Vin as he made his way along the veranda and down the steps. "Stop movin' so fast. Yer still healin'." Nathan scolded.

"Need a beer, Nate. 'm parched somethin' awful. Must be that airless place ya call a clinic that's left me wi' such a thirst."

Nathan cast an irritated look in Vin's direction as they walked along the boardwalk. The look was answered by a Tanner grin that dissolved Nathan's exasperation and he found himself grinning back.

"What's all the excitement about Christmas, Vin? Thought you weren't interested this year." Nathan wanted to grab back every word and eat it as he watched the change come over Vin. The sharpshooters pace slowed and his head dropped so he was looking at the ground. His face held a serious expression and he gulped.

"Aw no, I'm sorry Vin. Shoulda kept my mouth shut."

Vin stopped walking, and as the men stood on the boardwalk Vin turned his face up to look at the healer. "Don't be sorry Nate, none o' this is yer fault. Hell, all you've done is help me." Vin looked away, his eyes scanning in front of him. "Jest figured it weren't worth dwellin' on. Whats done is done. Can't change it. Gotta accept it and carry on."

"So, you gonna try and enjoy Christmas then?" Nathan asked, hoping the answer would be yes.

"Reckon I'll show m' face an' then I figured on takin' a ride." He held up a hand as Nathan opened his mouth to protest. "I know how much I can do Nathan. Heck, I don't wanna finish back in that hell hole ya call a clinic anymore than you wanna be saddled wi' me up there."

Nathan couldn't argue with that. He smiled a crooked smile and as they began to walk again he raised his eyes skyward and hoped against hope that what they had waiting for Vin would make him change his mind. About the ride and Christmas.


* * * * * * *


Ezra and Buck had arrived back in town earlier that morning and had not been surprised to find Chris waiting for them.

"Ya get everything?" the gunslinger asked the two weary men as they left the livery.

Ezra held up a large package and sported a lop sided grin.

"It's all there, Chris." Buck informed the gunslinger.

Chris smiled broadly at the two men and took the package from Ezra. "Did ya see 'em?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah we saw 'em." Buck answered with a sheepish look on his face.

Chris's mouth twitched. "And?"

"Well, Mr Larabee. Shall we just say that we spent a few uh, moments with the miscreants." Ezra rubbed his knuckles as he spoke.

Chris looked from one to the other of the men. His mouth broke into a broad and wicked grin. "Glad ta hear it boys. Nice to meet people this time o' year ain't it."

"Sure is my friend. It surely is." Buck agreed cocking his head.

"Alright, we gotta get organised. Vin's up with Nathan, but he ain't gonna be there fer long, if I know Vin and how much he hates that clinic."

The two men chuckled as they followed Chris along the boardwalk and into the saloon.

"I must confess, I have never encountered anyone quite as adverse to a soft warm bed as Mr Tanner." Stated Ezra as the three men passed through the batwing doors.


* * * * * * *


"Hell Nathan will ya stop fussin' 'fore i hav'ta shoot ya."

Vin let go of the batwing doors after he had passed through them, and Nathan had to grab at them quickly to stop them from hitting him in the face.

"Vin, you'll never be able to lift that gun o' yours." The healer replied. He nearly walked into Vin's back as the sharpshooter came to an abrupt halt a little way inside the room.

"What the....?" Vin's voice trailed off. The other five peacekeepers were seated about the saloon. A table had been placed in front of the bar and a large box, wrapped in brown paper, was sitting on top of it.

He looked around at the men, who were all watching him.

Vin gulped and darted his eyes from one man to the other. Chris sensed the trackers unease and, standing up, he walked over to Vin and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Got somethin' for ya Vin." He said, gently leading the puzzled man towards the bar.

"What fer?" Vin asked cautiously. His legs moving reluctantly.

"Fer Christmas." Chris feigned shock. "Ya did remember it was Christmas didn't ya?" He led Vin past the table and up to the bar. Picking a full glass of beer off of the counter, he handed it to the bewildered tracker and then turned him around to stand in front of the table.

"I know what day it is Chris." Vin managed to say. He wanted to curl up and hide. He knew these men were his friends, but he had always hated being the centre of attention, and now was no exception.

Chris pushed him into a chair and retook his seat at the next table.

"Open it Vin, it's for you." JD could not hide his excitement.

"Didn't get anythin' fer y'all." Vin said quietly. He was more embarrassed than ever now.

"Just open it, Vin. Then you'll see."

Vin looked at Chris and saw the unspoken words in his face. Trust me.

The tracker turned his eyes back to the box and swallowed hard.

He had to stand again to be able to peel off the paper and lift the lid without hurting his sore ribs. With shaking fingers he pulled aside the straw that hid the contents of the box. His eyes grew wide and were stung by hot tears as his mind slowly registered what he was seeing. Taking quick breaths to try and control his emotions he reached inside, his heart clenching painfully as his trembling fingers gently touched each item in turn.

The men around the room watched as different expressions crossed Vin's pale face. He seemed to be lost somewhere far away, they just hoped that when he came back he would be whole again, and he could put the events of the last week behind him for good.

Vin raised his head slowly, and turned moist eyes on the men seated about the room, sending a silent message to each of them. The deep emotion he was feeling was too much to handle. He parted his lips to speak but closed them again as his mind stayed empty and no words would come. He had no words to express how he was feeling at that moment.

He cast a pleading look to each of them, begging for understanding as his craving for air overcame him and he walked hastily from the room.


* * * * * * *


Vin sucked in a lung full of air as he leaned against the saloon wall. His eyes were closed, and he rested his head back against the hard surface.

He heard the bat wing doors as they swung open and then closed again, and he sensed Chris beside him rather than saw him.

"Better put this on or Nathan'll bust a blood vessel." Chris said, handing Vin the blanket coat he had retrieved from the box in the saloon.

Vin took it from him silently. He held it in his hands and stared at it until Chris cursed quietly, took it back from him, and helped him put it on.

"m' coat from Nettie." Was all Vin could manage to say.

"Figured that." Chris replied. "Here, sit down before ya fall down." He pulled a chair over and gently pushed Vin into it.

"How?" Vin asked. His mind was still a jumble.

"Got a wire from Eagle Bend. They caught 'em Vin."

Chris watched Vin's face as he absorbed the information.

"They did?"

"Yep." Chris smiled. "Ezra and Buck paid 'em a little visit."

"They did?" Vin asked again. But this time he had a slight smile on his face.

"Yep, they did."

"Don't rightly know what t' say, Chris. 'Bout havin' m' things back I mean."

"Don't have to say anythin', just glad they didn't have time to get rid of 'em."

Vin nodded slowly. "Josiah'd likely say 'Amen t' that, brother'."

The two men looked at each other and laughed, and the five men inside the saloon heard them and grinned stupidly at each other, each breathing a sigh of relief.

Back on the boardwalk, Chris frowned as the smile fell from Vin's lips and his face turned serious.

"What ya thinkin' pard?" he asked.

"I was just wonderin'." Vin turned to look at Chris again. "Are wishes meant to come true? Or are they just so's y' have somethin' t' wish fer?"

"Wish I knew the answer to that Vin."

Vin turned away again as the two men grinned.

"What do you wish for Vin?" Chris asked. He watched as the tracker seemed to mull the question over.

"Peace." Vin answered finally.

"Sorry t' say this Vin. But that ain't ever gonna happen, pard."

"Reckon I know that. But I'm wishin' fer it anyway." Vin shivered as the cold wind finally got through the warm coat he wore.

"Let's go back inside. My beers gettin' warm."

"Hell, don't reckon there's any chance o' that in this weather." Vin answered as he got to his feet and followed Chris inside the saloon.


* * * * * * *

The other peacekeepers were now seated at one table, by the bar and all raised their heads as the two men entered.

"Well there you are, we were just gonna send a search party." Buck stated. "Hell, Nathan was about ready to skin you alive, Vin."

"Yeah well, I was just worryin' on 'im." Nathan defended.

Vin grinned as he sat down. "Thanks Nate. 'preciate you worryin'"

Nathan raised an eyebrow, and Buck dug Josiah in the ribs at Vin's words. "Not like you to admit somethin' like that Vin."

"Well Buck, it ain't no ordinary day." Vin replied.

His eyes rested on the things that had been placed on the table. His harmonica, his spyglass and his book. He looked around at the men and saw the open friendship on their faces, and he realised that it wasn't only the present from Nettie that was keeping him warm.

Picking up the book he leaned back in his chair as the men turned their attention away from him and began a lively conversation.

That was all except Chris.

Vin leaned over in his chair and spoke quietly to the gunslinger. "Will ya write somethin' in m' book fer me?" He opened the journal to the next blank page and handed it to Chris.

"Sure I will." Chris replied, taking the book and reaching in his pocket for a pencil. "What d'ya wanna say?"

"Write the date at the top." Vin instructed and watched as Chris wrote neatly on the top line.

"Okay, now what?"

Vin thought for a moment and then nodded his head. Leaning closer to Chris he almost whispered the words.

"This year fer Christmas I got all I ever wanted."