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 The Muse 77

Rating: PG 13





Chris Larabee sat outside the town saloon sipping his cup of coffee, lazily watching the little town go about its business. Vin Tanner leant against the post closest to where the man in black drank. To the newcomer it would appear the two men were doing nothing in particular, to the residents of Four Corners they represented protection and peace of mind to all who lived there.

Mary and Billy Travis appeared from the newspaper office. The young boy immediately spotted his hero and smiled broadly.

"Hi Chris" he called.

Larabee smiled into his coffee and tipped his hat to the newspaper woman and her son.

"Billy" he replied.

"Chris, me and ma are going to meet Grandpa when the stage comes in." the young boy announced happily. "You wanna come to?"

"Thanks Billy, but I think I’ll stay here. I’ll catch up with your grandfather later."

"O.K. Chris." He said.

The black clad gunslinger looked up at the sharpshooter who smiled at the older man and tipped his hat to Mrs. Travis. They watched as the two disappeared down the street.

"Sure does like y Chris."

"Billy?" asked Larabee raising an eyebrow in the tracker’s direction.

"Who else would I mean Cowboy."

"I wouldn’t know." Replied the man in black, now glaring at the younger man.

Tanner smiled and shook his head. Larabee smiled to himself and took another sip from his cup. "Damn mangy buckskin….." he mumbled.

"I heard that old man." Quipped Vin.



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The stage arrived as scheduled at noon. Billy Travis ran to greet it.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" he cried happily as it eased to a stop in front of the stage office. Mary joined him there as the doors opened and a weary Orrin Travis disembarked, followed by his travelling companion, Dr. Jacob Andrews.

"Well hello Billy," the Judge greeted. "How’s my grandson?"

"Good Grandpa." Billy smiled and hugged the older man.


"Orrin. Good trip?"

"Not too bad Mary." Then turning to the other man, continued "I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine, Dr. Jacob Andrews. Jacob and I went to school together a long time ago. I’ve invited him to come along and see what the Wild West looks like."

"Mrs. Travis." Andrews tipped his hat to the blond woman and smiled "That’s right, I wanted to check out the medical facilities that are out here in this god forsaken part of America."

"Well Dr. Andrews…."

"Please." he interrupted, "call me Jacob."

Mary smiled. "Alright Jacob, we don’t have any doctor or proper medical facilities here, but Nathan Jackson looks after us. I’ll take you to meet him as soon as we have you settled in at the Hotel."

The Doctor raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I look forward to meeting your Mr. Jackson."

"Well Billy," began Orrin as he rustled the boy’s hair. "What’s say we go get some lunch… I’m buying."

"Oh Grandpa, let’s go" the boy exclaimed as he began to drag the Judge along the street. "Mrs. Jamieson has some apple pie she just made, I saw it this morning. Think I could have some of that? …. Huh Grandpa, think I could?"

"I’m sure we can manage a piece or two." He replied winking at Mary.

Suddenly there was the sound of gunfire. The doctor clutched his arm and groaned aloud. "I’m shot!" he cried.

Chris and Vin, on hearing the crack of a gun, were instantly running down the road, guns drawn. They were joined by the rest of the seven, appearing randomly from areas around the town.

"Buck, J.D. go around back." Barked Larabee. "Nathan, Josiah, to your left."

Ezra had positioned himself at the window to the Hotel. Chris and Vin found cover behind an up-turned table.

"I make out four." Whispered the blond.

"Who the hell ’d you piss off this time Larabee?" teased the Texan shaking his head.

The man in black raised an eyebrow towards the tracker then said between firing his colt. "Find high ground, see if you can take some of them out." Without hesitation Tanner crouched low and, under covering fire laid down by the others, attempted to make his way to an elevated position.

A short time later found two of the gunmen dead. The sharp rapport of Vin’s rifle indicated that the man had found his target. Larabee smiled to himself. ‘Can always rely on that mangy tracker’ he thought. He was brought out of his musings by the sight of an outlaw creeping up behind Billy and Orrin Travis. He fired at the lone figure as he threw himself across the dusty road and knocked both Billy and the judge to the other side.

"Billy" he asked urgently as he rolled to a stop, "You O.K.?"

"Yeah" the boy replied, fear clearly evident in his voice.

"Good boy." Larabee looked at Orrin and nodded.

"Billy, I want you to take your Grandpa inside. You look after him O.K.? Think you can handle that?"

"O.K. Chris."

The man in black patted him on the shoulder then returned his attention to the fighting, but before he could move he heard a voice behind him.

‘You’re dead Travis!"

At the sound of the hammer being pulled back Chris savagely pushed both Billy and his grandfather to the side. In one fluent movement he drew his gun, spun to face his opponent and fired. The lone gunman stumbled forward, arms outstretched, then collapsed face down in the dirt…. Dead.

At that moment the shooting stopped eerily, the town suddenly quiet and still. All of the other members of the gang were now dead so the rest of the seven slowly edged forward to view the damage.

The judge stood slowly, clutching the frightened boy beside him. "Billy," he asked. "You’re not hurt are you?"

"No Grandpa." He replied shakily. Suddenly the boy saw Larabee still lying on the ground.

"Chris!!" he screamed, and tried to move to the man in black, "Grandpa… Chris!!"

The gunslinger lay on his side unmoving, a pool of blood slowly forming in the dusty ground around him.

"Oh dear God!!" exclaimed the judge. " Nathan!!…… Jacob!!! …… hurry!" he called urgently as he grabbed the child before he had a chance to run to the fallen man.

Jackson was the first to arrive, sliding to a stop next to the prone figure of the gunslinger. He was followed closely by Tanner and Wilmington. Ezra came upon them a little slower holding an injured arm to his chest.

Nathan slowly rolled Chris over, until he lay on his back. Larabee groaned quietly. "Hey Chris, just lie still." The healer could see the dark stain forming on the front of the black shirt. He carefully undid the buttons down the front and gasped as he saw the hole in the middle of the nearly unconscious man’s chest.


"How y feelin’?" the healer asked.

"Never better." Chris managed through clenched teeth.

"I doubt that. Just stay still… we’ll get you up to my room and you’ll be just fine."

"Hell pard, reckon you gotta find another way to catch them bullets. You’re getting to old to use your body." Buck said trying to sound encouraging.

Larabee nodded and squeezed his eyes shut. "Nathan… think I’m…I’m gonna… pass …. out….. no-ow…"

"Damn" Jackson growled as he examined the wound. "Damn!"

"Nathan?" asked Wilmington "Say something?"

"Buck, we need to get him to my room…" there was a real urgency to the dark man’s words. "Can you lift him?"

"Wait!" came a voice from behind them. All heads turned to see Andrews standing behind them clutching his arm. "Don’t pick him up, we need to put him on something… keep him as level as you can."

"And who are you?" asked Buck.

"Buck, Nathan, this is Jacob Andrews; Doctor Jacob Andrews, an old friend of mine." Announced Travis.

The Doctor waved his good arm in the air and grimaced. "Time enough for introductions later, this man is seriously injured. Let’s get to work." Looking toward the ex-slave he continued, "You …..push down on his chest, try to stop the flow of blood. You…" he continued indicating the lady’s man, "Get something to carry him on… something that will keep him level."

"I’m on it." Cried Wilmington already heading off across the street.

Andrews knelt down next to the black clad man. Shaking his head he said quietly "This doesn’t look good… not good at all, but the fact that he’s still alive means it hasn’t hit his heart."

Buck arrived a few minutes later carrying one of the hardware store doors. He had used nothing more than his bare hands and his building rage against the men who had done this to rip the wooden door from its hinges.

"This alright?" the gunmen asked.

"Yes" the doctor replied, glancing quickly at the piece of timber. "That’s fine."

Larabee had not moved since being turned onto his back. Nathan had applied pressure to the injury as instructed by the medic and the blood flow had eased slightly. Satisfied that they had done all they could for the moment, Andrews directed the men to lay the saloon door down next to the man in black. Carefully, they edged him onto the door and then proceeded to carry it to the makeshift clinic. Buck and Vin carried the front, J.D. and Josiah, who had arrived at the scene now, taking up the rear while Jackson continued to apply pressure to the wound. Ezra and Jacob, who had matching bullet injuries, followed closely behind the group with the judge. Mary ushered Billy away from the unconscious man and headed back to the newspaper office.

Arriving in the small room, the injured man was carefully lifted and placed on the cot in the corner. The cramped, makeshift clinic was full of organised chaos as Andrews barked orders to the other men.

"You," he said indicating J.D. "I want you to go down to the stage coach. Go through my luggage and bring me my medical bag. It’s a small black bag with the initials JMA printed on it…. Go on now son!" Dunne nodded and hurried from the room.

Turning to Josiah he continued, "Can you look at that other man over there," he said pointing to Standish, "See what you can do to clean up that arm."

"I assure you sir, I am fine. I do not……"

The Doctor turned and glared at the gambler. "I wasn’t asking your permission…. Now do as you’re told, I’ve got more important things to attend to here."

Ezra began to open his mouth to argue, but Josiah stepped in front of him and gently guided him to the other side of the room. "Ezra… come on now. We need to give them room to work."

"But Mr. Sanchez, I assure you I am not injured at ….. OW!" he hissed as the preacher began to remove his shirt.

Josiah smiled at the smaller man. "Of course you’re not brother, of course you’re not."






He came back to awareness slowly. The first sensation he felt was pain; a crushing pain in his chest. There were voices; one, then another, then another. They sounded far away but he knew they were right there, close to him. There seemed to be an urgency to the main voice, but he couldn’t make out the words. Then there were hands touching him, removing his clothes … gently, carefully wiping his forehead.

His eyes were closed and he couldn’t seem to open them no matter how hard he tried. He raised his hand to his chest but it was gently taken by another and replaced by his side, still held by the other.

"No" The voice soothed, "Lay still now, alright?"

He wanted to ask them what was happening but his voice would not work. He felt himself frown and was sure the groan that he heard was his own.

The other voice was back again now, soothing him, reassuring him. "Chris, pard, Nathan’s gonna patch you up." The voice broke, then continued as he felt the hand holding his tighten. "You just hang on Chris, hang on."

The pain intensified. He tried to draw in a breath but his chest felt like it was caving in. He struggled to breathe again. Something…. no someone was pushing down on him. He wanted to tell them to leave him alone, but he couldn’t make his voice obey him. Suddenly the pain increased beyond anything he had known before. He wanted to scream and he thought that he had, but he felt himself falling, fading away…. and then… nothing.





"We need to get this bullet out. Looks like it’s going to be pretty close to his heart. We’re going to have to open up the chest area and search for it and hope that there’s no permanent damage in there." Stated the Doctor.

"But how Jacob?" asked Travis, "You can’t use that arm as it is."

"I know that." Andrews replied flatly. "Where’s this Nathan Jackson of yours? Maybe he can do it."

"Ah… Sir, I’m Nathan Jackson."

Jacob looked up and stared at the ex-slave seemingly studying the man. Looking towards Travis he raised inquiring eyes and received a nod back. After a long pause he continued, "You’re going to be my hands Nathan. I’ll tell you what to do and when to do it."

"But Sir, I aint never done nothin’ like this before."

"Nathan…. you’ll be fine, son. " Jacob said, placing his good hand on the ex-slaves shoulder. "Your friends trust you and Orrin trusts you. That’s all I need to know. Now… let’s get to work. We’ve got a man’s life to save."

Just then J.D. burst through the door clutching the small leather bag. "This it?" he asked.

Andrews nodded in the affirmative then motioned for the bag to be brought to him. Returning his attention to the man on the bed, the doctor ordered everybody else out of the room except Nathan and Vin. It would have been impossible to make the Texan leave as it was, so Tanner was the designated assistant to the two men working to save Larabee’s life.

It was decided Vin would control the chloroform to ensure the patient was kept under, while Nathan would be guided through the delicate operation by the more experienced man.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound from the bed as Chris struggled once again to awaken. Slowly, pained eyes opened, blinked, and then opened again. Vin looked at the man on the bed and smiled. "Hey pard." He said.


"Don’t talk Chris, O.K." said the Texan quietly,

"But.." began the man in black as wide confused eyes turned to his friend.

"Hell pard, you’re a stubborn old man, aint y’." began Vin trying to sound strong. "I done told y’, be quiet… Nathan and this fella here are gonna fix y’ up… gonna make y’ as good as new."

Larabee frowned and looked deeply into soft blue eyes. Sighing, he relaxed into the bed.

"O.K.," the doctor began, then turning to Tanner continued. "I need you to place this cloth over his nose and mouth gently….then, when I tell you to, slowly pour this," he indicated the small brown bottle, "onto it until I tell you to stop. I’ll need you to keep alert, if I feel it necessary you’ll have to re-do this during the operation. Can’t have him waking up half way through it."

The Sharpshooter listened intently. Looking toward Jackson, they nodded their silent agreement then got down to business.

"Alright Chris, I’m gonna put this over y’ mouth now… it’s gonna make y’ go back t’ sleep." That said the Texan placed the material over the gunslingers nose and mouth. Larabee held his gaze on the Tracker as, following Jacob’s direction, he slowly allowed the liquid to drip onto the cloth. The man in black blinked, then his body went limp as his eyes slowly closed.

"Mr. Tanner, Mr. Jackson… we’re ready to begin." The Doctor said.

Nathan opened the small black bag and emptied the contents into the water that had been simmering on the stove nearby. Vin, having moved away from the head of the bed, was instructed to wipe down Chris’ chest with whiskey to try to clean the area as best as he could. The small wound in the man’s body belied the seriousness of the injury.

When the instruments were removed and placed carefully on the clean cloth next to the bed, Jacob took a deep breath and began instructing Jackson. "Alright Nathan, we’re going to make an incision next to the bullet wound."

The former slave picked up the scalpel and pushed it through the pale skin. Steadying himself he began to slice downwards until Andrews directed him to stop. Quickly retrieving a fresh cloth he dabbed away the bleeding that had begun anew and then repeated the incision, this time pushing deeper through the layers of flesh. Finally, after several delicate and deliberate strokes, the area was opened enough for Jackson to begin the search for the bullet.

"Alright Nathan, you’re doing fine. Now, get the probes and put them in there…. yes, yes that’s it…. just a little firmer….. good, good. Careful now, don’t want to do anymore damage than ’s already done." He said. "Now, can you see it?"

Nathan stood frozen, unable to speak. Before him was the exposed heart of Chris Larabee. He watched spell bound as it beat rhythmically under his hand. Vin was standing next to him now, mouth slightly apart. Both men watching in silent wonderment at nature’s miracle before them.

Pulling himself from his musings, Jackson frowned then announced quietly, "I see it, I think I can get it."

"Good man.. now be careful. Just slow and steady and don’t knick anything."

Slowly the probe was inserted and gently wrapped around the small piece of metal embedded next to the beating heart. The healer held his breath as he carefully lifted the object from the gunslinger’s chest then dropped it into the metal cup next to the bed.

"I got it." He cried finally. "God Almighty, I got it."

"Great, great, but we’re not finished yet. You’ve got to stitch him up." Smiled the Doctor. "Think you can handle that by yourself? I need to sit down and tend to this arm."

"Sure Doc. Reckon I’ve done my share of stitchin’ before." Smiled Jackson, then turning to Tanner asked. "Vin, could you see t’ the Doc there? Reckon he could do with a hand."

The Texan was still staring at the open chest of Larabee and seemed lost in thought.

"Vin, can you hear me?"

As if struck, Tanner turned to where the voice had come from. "What?" he asked.

"Can you tend to his arm?" Nathan nodded toward the other man.

"Um.. yeah, sure."





Josiah made his way up the wooden stairs.

Nathan had been unable to get Vin to leave the clinic since the surgery. Now, it was Sanchez’s turn to try and convince the tracker to allow somebody else to watch over their leader.

"Vin, you need to go get something to eat; have a break. You look about done in." Said the preacher.

"Think I’ll just sit a spell.. just in case he wakes up." The Tracker replied without looking up.

Josiah sighed, realising that he was wasting his breath. "I’ll be back in awhile Vin…to give you a break."

That said, Sanchez left the room, looking back as he did at the two men. Reaching the edge of the landing he leant over the railing and saw a lone figure sitting on the bottom step. The preacher removed his hat and frowned as he watched the small boy intently studying an object in his hands. He glanced back through the partially opened door, then walked down the stairs, stopping behind the child.

"Billy" he said.

The little boy glanced sideways up at the big man but said nothing.

Sanchez moved closer and eased himself down next to the blond child.

"What have you got there?"

Without looking up Billy raised the small object in his hand toward the man. Josiah smiled sadly, then said "Is that the horse Chris made for you?"

"Uh – huh." Came the whispered reply.

"You’ve looked after it really well."

"I keep it with the one my Pa made for me…..before he died."

Reaching a decision, Sanchez placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder. "Billy… how about you go sit with Chris for awhile?"

Large blue eyes turned immediately toward Josiah. "Can I? …… Can I really go up there?" he said hesitantly.

"Sure Billy, you go on up… stay for awhile and keep Chris and Vin company."

Billy immediately turned and hugged Josiah to him. "Thank you Josiah. I’ll be real quiet… promise."

"That’s alright son… you just go on now" a large hand ruffled the blond head. "Go on… scoot."

Without further hesitation Billy turned and walked purposefully up the stairs to the clinic, hugging the wooden horse to him.






Mary was concerned for her son. He had withdrawn into himself, hardly responding to anything around him. All he wanted to do was be near Chris Larabee.

"Orrin he won’t talk, he won’t eat. And now I can’t find him." Mary said quietly. "It’s the same as when Steven died.

"Mary, maybe the boy needs to see Chris …. re-assure himself that he’s still alive."


"When Steven died, what happened? I mean with Billy?"

"Well," Mary frowned and thought for a moment. "Oh Orrin" she cried. "We…. We took him away ….. Billy I mean. He kept asking about his father… wanted to see him, but I didn’t let him. I didn’t tell him he was dead, not for a long time, and then I sent him to stay with you."

"I bet I know where he is." The older man smiled sadly. "Let’s go see if I’m right."

The Judge wrapped his arm around his daughter in law and led her toward the other end of town.





Mary and Orrin made there way up the stairs that led to the clinic. They were greeted on the landing by Josiah Sanchez. The preacher smiled. "He’s inside… with Chris." Then turning to the blond woman continued, "he needs to be there Mary, just for a little while."

Opening the door they found Vin leaning against the wall and Billy kneeling at the side of the bed. He reached out his hand and tentatively touched the injured man’s. Billy looked at his friend and said quietly, "I love you Chris. Please don’t go away like my Pa did."

Mary turned tear filled eyes to her father in law and said "You were right." Then she gave into her emotions. Clutching the judge, she allowed herself to weep openly into his shoulder.

Josiah looked from the little boy to his mother. He nodded sadly to the judge as he moved to the bed.

"Come on Billy, I think it’s time for you to go with your Ma now."

"Josiah?" asked the boy. "Is Chris gonna die like my Pa?"

Sanchez reached down and scooped the child into his arms.

"Billy," he began. "We are going to do everything we can to make sure Chris stays here with us."


"I promise we will try out best."

The preacher carried the boy over to his mother. Mary turned and hugged her child to her.

"Don’t cry Mama," he said raising his mother’s face and looking into her eyes. "God won’t take Chris from us."

Mary Travis smiled and hugged her child to her "I hope you’re right Billy" she answered quietly. She looked with tear filled eyes at the man in the bed, then slowly turned, holding the little boy to her and left the room.




Buck joined Ezra and J.D. at the bar.

"How is Mr. Larabee doing?" asked the gambler.

"How the hell you think!" the gunmen growled, "the man just had a bullet taken out of his chest!"

"Now Buck… Ezra was just asking….." defended Dunne.

"Shut up kid."

"But Buck….."

"I said… SHUT…. UP!"

"It’s alright J.D. I can defend myself" smiled Standish.

"Don’t you start up on J.D. now" Wilmington said as he turned his attention back to the southerner.

"Mr. Wilmington, I was merely pointing out the fact that…."

The ex-sheriff threw his glass on the ground at the feet of the gambler and glared down at him.

"Buck! Ezra! That’s enough" the booming voice of Josiah Sanchez reached them. He had walked into the saloon unnoticed, watching the exchange between the men.

"Keep out of it Preacher." Buck warned.

"No! Now Buck I know you’re angry. Lord knows we all are, but the last thing Chris needs… any of us needs right now is to turn on each other."

Wilmington’s shoulders sagged suddenly and he lowered his head. "Aw hell" he sighed and rubbed his hand across tired eyes. "Sorry Ezra… J.D."

"That’s perfectly alright Mr. Wilmington. I think everybody here understands your feelings." Reassured Standish.

"Buck, I want all of you to come over to the church tomorrow." Stated Sanchez firmly.

"I aint one for praying and such Josiah." Admitted Buck

"Me neither." Added J.D.

"The good Lord and I are not exactly closest of friends Mr. Sanchez." Stated Ezra.

"Well… it’s not for anything other than to be together; to offer each other support and comfort. You can talk or say nothing, it’s up to you, but I think we need to help each other get through this while Chris is laid up."

"Damn Josiah, you sound like he’s going to die!" Wilmington exclaimed.

"Now calm down Buck." smiled the preacher patting the ex-sheriff on the back. "I’ll see you all at 1.00 p.m. tomorrow then. Mary, Billy and the judge are coming too. "

"See you at one Mr. Sanchez." Agreed Ezra, then added "we’ll ALL see you at one." The three men nodded to the other and pulled up chairs at the nearest table.

"Inez, darlin’" shouted Buck, "Whiskey!"







The following morning back at the clinic, found Vin where he had been for most of the previous day, watching and waiting for any sign that Chris was waking.

"Hey Chris, I know we aint never needed words ‘tween us before, but I was just wantin’ to talk today." He smiled inwardly but his blue eyes held a deep sadness. Settling himself gently on the bed next to the unconscious man, Vin rested his hand on the blond’s.

"Josiah’s holdin’ some sorta prayer meetin’ at the Church for y’. Figures the others might be needin’ somewheres t’ sit a spell… together." Taking a deep breath he continued. "I reckon I just as soon be here…. with y’ … for when y’ t’ wake up. Reckon you’ll have a few questions you’ll want answerin’."

"Turns out the fellas that shot at the Judge were brothers of that Baker fella back at Eagle Bend he had hanged last month. Must a been followin’ him… waitin’ for a chance to get their revenge. Well….. they’re with their brother now."

Tanner’s hand tightened around Larabee’s as he squeezed his eyes closed.

"Hell Chris, I was there….. watchin Nathan and that doctor fella cuttin’ into y chest." He ran his free hand through his long hair and sighed deeply, the hot sting of tears filling his eyes.

Vin leant in next to his fallen friend and whispered. "Chris, I saw your heart beatin’. I saw it in Nathan’s hands. I …. I watched him take that bullet out and that ol’ heart a yours kept beatin’."

Unable to hold back now, tears began flowing freely from the younger man. He cursed softly and wiped at the show of emotion with his sleeve. Steadying himself, he continued, "I’ve got the bullet here. Reckon you might wanna see it when you wake up." The sharpshooter paused and looked deeply into the emotionless face. "Hey Cowboy, how about you wake up now and let’s see them purty eyes a yours."

Tanner bowed his head, then settling the gunslinger’s hand across the bandaged chest, he stood and walked to the window. He continued to talk to Larabee as if he was awake listening to him.

"Josiah’s in the church now…….. Buck and the others are goin’ in to…….. the Judge ‘n Mary ‘n Billy ‘n that Doctor are headin’ in."

The Texan turned to look at Chris again. "Billy’s takin’ this kinda hard y’ know pard. I think he’s rememberin’ his Pa when he died. You know, truth be told, he looks up to you like you was his Pa." Vin looked longingly at the blond, then turned back to face the street below.

"Hey Chris" Vin smiled despite himself. "You aint gonna believe this. There’s Mrs. Potter n Nettie n Casey." His smile widened. "and the Smith’s n Yosemite n… aw hell Chris… I think most of the town is headin for the Church."

Vin allowed one further tear to fall down his cheek before steadying himself. He returned to the bed where his friend lay and sat on the edge.

"See Chris, you’ve made a big difference in this town." Tanner said thoughtfully "Aint many places’d have a town gatherin’ in the Church for just any hard arsed, ornery old cowboy. You can’t go leavin’ here …… not now Josiah’s finally got that place a his full for once. Hell pard, reckon Ezra’s probably tryin’ to take up a collection already." Vin smiled and gently took Chris’ hand in his again allowing the physical closeness between them to comfort him.

"Damn you Chris Larabee." The tracker whispered, lowering his head. "Damn it all."







Josiah had arrived at the Church. To his surprise most of the town had appeared, slowly shuffling into the small building. All of the Regulators except Chris and Vin had taken seats at the front along with the Judge, Doctor Andrews, Mary and Billy. One by one, the remaining seats were filled by the local towns folks.

After everyone appeared settled, Sanchez stepped up to the front of the altar and looked out at the people seated there.

"Friends… brothers… sisters." His deep voice rumbled. "It overwhelms me to see you all here to pray for our brother, our friend Chris Larabee."

Buck bowed his head and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, J.D. seemed to be intently studying his hat, Ezra’s usual poker face had disappeared, replaced with a sadness for all to see and Nathan gazed out of the window looking toward the clinic where he had left his two friends.

"I believe it shows us all today that you all have come to accept Chris Larabee as part of this town. I’m sure that if he was here right now, he would be very proud; proud to be included as part of you all."

Josiah paused, as much to steady himself, as anything else. "We are here to offer words of comfort to each other, and prayers to whoever is out there for our brother, hoping that he will recover soon from his injuries and return to his rightful place as peacekeeper,….guardian of us all."


At the front of the room, a small hand was raised. Sanchez looked down and smiled at the young, blond boy.

"Yes Billy… would you like to say something?"

"Mama has been teaching me a new prayer….. I don’t remember all of the words, but I’d like to say it in here."

"What is the prayer Billy?" the preacher smiled warmly down at him.

The child blushed slightly then in a whispered voice began,

"The Lord is my Shepherd

I shall not want….."

Mary grasped her son’s hand as the little boy’s voice echoed in the old wooden building. Josiah and Orrin Travis added their voices to the prayer. Then… little by little the rest of the gathered people began to join in.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside still waters;

He restores my soul

Soon the entire congregation was reciting the words as one; praying for the life of a man who had come to mean so much to all of them.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

For his name’s sake.

Buck, J.D., Ezra and Nathan sat proudly at the front. Their voices forming part of the chorus. Luckily the occasional catch in their voice was drowned out by the rest of the town.

Even though I walk through the valley

Of the shadow of death,

I fear no evil;

For thou art with me;

Thy rod and thy staff,

They comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me

In the presence of my enemies;

Thou anointest my head with oil,

My cup overflows,

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

At the end of the verse, there was a long silence as each person gathered their thoughts and regained their composure.





Chris felt a hand on his. Pain was still the centre of his world, but he was finally finding his way out of the darkness. As he slowly made out his surroundings he heard what sounded like a muffled cough. He could sense, rather than see that Vin was in the room with him. With great effort he squeezed his hand slightly around his friends. Tanner started, then turned wide, tired eyes to the man in the bed.

"Hey pard." He whispered, then smiled. "You’re back."

Chris blinked his reply to the younger man, unable to make his voice work. Vin reached to the side of the bed and produced a cup of liquid. Gently raising the blond head, he held the cup to the gunslinger’s lips. Larabee drank greedily, immediately feeling the dryness disappearing from his mouth.

"Not too much now…. It’s been a while." Said Tanner removing the cup.

"Th-anks." Managed the man in black.

"Damn Chris… you’ve given us one hell of a scare." Vin said quietly as he picked up a damp cloth from beside the bed and began wiping it across the pale forehead. He couldn’t bring himself to talk above a whisper, frightened that perhaps he was dreaming and any sudden move or loud noise would awaken him, and his friend would once again fall back into the void.

Sensing the other man’s upheaval, Larabee offered a quivering smile. "Ain’t goin’ nowhere." He managed to ground out.

"That’s what I’m countin’ on cowboy." Smiled Tanner in return.

"How long?"

"Coupla days"

"Damn." Rasped Chris. "What’ve I missed?"

"Well Pard, a whole lot I reckon." Vin laughed despite himself.

"Aw Hell." Groaned the gunslinger, then clutched at his still healing chest.

"No you don’t." warned the Texan as he gently re-positioned the pale hand back to the bed. "You aint touchin’ nothin’. I aint gonna be the one to explain to Nathan why his neat stitchin’ is all messed up."

The man in black looked questioningly at Vin.

"It’s a long story." Smiled Tanner in return, then his face turned serious. "You come as close as I seen to ……." He paused. "Hell, it was mighty close there."

"That bad?"


"Where’s… everybody?"

"Hell Chris, seems it takes a bullet in the chest to bring out the chatty side in y’. Aint heard you this rowdy since …. Well, ever I reckon."

Larabee smiled wanly at the tracker, suddenly feeling very tired. Seeing the gunslingers eyes begin to droop, Vin lifted the blankets to cover the bandaged chest and rose to leave. "You stay put now, I’m just gonna go get Nathan and that Doctor." He said.

"No…wait." Rasped Chris as he reached out to the other man.

Tanner sat back down on the bed and leant in next to his friend. "What… what is it?" he asked softly.

"Th-thanks pard." Larabee managed, then drifted off to sleep.

Vin smiled and patted the blonde’s shoulder. "Aint no problem Chris." Rising again he quickly made his way out of the room and headed for the Church.






The people of Four Corners began to slowly shuffle from the Church at the end of town. Soon there was only the five regulators along with the Travis’s and Doctor Andrews. They remained seated at the front in silence.

"Howdy." Came the familiar drawl.

All eyes turned to see Vin Tanner leaning lazily against the entrance. He had a nonchalant look to him and one corner of his mouth turned up in an easy smile.

"Aint you supposed to be lookin’ after Chris?" asked J.D.


"Mr. Tanner, I fail to see the humour in leaving our esteemed leader by himself at the present time." Stated Ezra.


"Vin… something happen?" Nathan’s concerned voice echoed in the wooden building.

"Reckon." Tanner replied again, this time though his half smile widened to a full grin.

"You say reckon again son and I’m gonna knock you’re head off a your shoulders." Said Wilmington failing to see the funny side in all this.

"Sorry Buck," replied the Texan earnestly. He had still to move from the position they had found him in.

"WELL?" demanded Josiah.

"Chris’s awake, or was awake….think maybe your little gatherin’ here might a woken him up."




"Um… sorry Judge, ma’am." Blushed J.D.

Mary smiled. She knew what Chris meant to these men; what he meant to her, her son and father-in-law.

"Ma!" cried Billy. "Can we go see him? Can we Ma?"

"Now hang on son," said Andrews. "I think Nathan and I better go check on him first. We’ll let you know when and if, he can have the rest of you come up."

Buck, Ezra, J.D. Josiah and Billy stood with matching hound dog faces. Finally Nathan broke the silence.

"You go to the saloon, I’ll be over in a minute and fill you in on his condition." He paused, "Go on.. get out of here."

Billy went to leave with the other ‘men’.

"Oh no you don’t young man." Said Mary sternly. "You’re too young."

"But Ma…."

"But Mrs. Travis…" the others said in unison.

"I can sit with J.D., I promise I’ll only have milk.. just like him…. Please Ma?"

"It’s alright Mary," offered the Judge. "I’ll go with them. Got to keep an eye on ALL the children." he winked.

"Alright then.. just this once."

Buck lifted the small boy up onto his shoulders. "Come on Billy.. lets us men go get ourselves somethin’ to drink. By the way Billy, I ever tell you about a little Senorita I met down in Oklahoma? Well she had the biggest…."

"Buck!" came the warning from the newspaper woman.

"Sorry." The big gunman blushed and then whispered to the child. "Remind me t tell y later." Billy giggled and winked back at the man carrying him.



"Hey Chris, wake up now."

The man in black was brought back by the gentle urging of Nathan. Slowly blinking, he finally opened his eyes fully and was greeted by smiling brown ones.

"Hey." Jackson said softly. "Glad you decided to join us again."

Chris tried to smile but grimaced instead.

"Nathan." he managed to say.

"Just take it easy there Chris, the Doc here is gonna take a look at you, make sure everything’s goin’ alright."

"Doc?" asked Larabee as another face came into view.

"Mr. Larabee, you are indeed one lucky man."

The gunslinger turned questioning eyes back to the dark man. Nathan placed a reassuring hand on the black clad man’s forehead.

"We’ll explain later, when you’re better.

Chris lay back against the pillow and allowed the other man to remove the covering off his chest.

After Jacobs finished his examination, he walked from the bed and began to wash his hands. Returning a short time later, he looked at the two men and smiled. "Damn fine job Nathan." he said. "So long as he takes it easy there shouldn’t be any complications. Complete bed rest for a week at least and then he can start to get up."

Nathan snorted. "Sure, sure, I’ll believe that when I see it."

"Nathan, the way I feel" Chris frowned and gently fingered the bandage across his injured chest "I aint getting up for a year."

"Yeah… sure… and pigs will grow feathers and fly." The ex-slave shook his head and headed for the door. "I’ll go tell the others they can come up and see you." As he turned to leave a slow mischievous smile crossed his face. Reaching down he gathered all of the gunslinger’s clothes.

"I think I’ll take these with me. Um… just to get them cleaned up. Shouldn’t take more’n a week…. or two."

"Hell Nate… that’s about as… low as you can get." Chris managed, through slowly drooping eyes.

"Well Chris, I’ll look forward to you taking revenge on me for it when you’re up and about then."




Chris continued to regain his strength over the next few days. He had developed a chest infection followed by a low grade fever. Doctor Andrews had declared it ‘not unusual’ and soon the worst of it was over. They had propped the injured man up on pillows and he had finally been able to eat some solid food. They all new he was well on his way to a full recovery when he had declared that the next bowl of soup that was placed in front of him would end up against the wall and the next hand that tried to feed it to him would be swiftly removed from it’s owner.

The man in black would still grow tired quickly though so he had not yet been released from the clinic. The others had taken turns seeing to their leader’s needs until Chris had threatened to shoot J.D. for fussing and Ezra if he tried to play one more game of cards with him or explain the virtues of correct stitching on upper class haberdashery.

Chris Larabee was not a patient man, and after four days on his back his patience had all but given out.

It was the morning of the fifth day since the shooting. Nathan had made a quick check of his patient and left to share breakfast with Doctor Andrews. Vin had remained in the clinic to look after the gunslinger who had seemingly dozed off again.

The door the clinic slowly opened and a small blond head appeared. Vin smiled at the child. "Billy, it’s alright. You can come in."

"I won’t stay long Vin, I was just wanting to check up on Chris."

The child took a few tentative steps into the room, stopping before he reached the sleeping gunslinger. He look up at the tracker with questioning eyes.

"He’s fine Billy," reassured Tanner. "Just sleepin’ is all."

Seeing that the child was not making any attempt to move Vin continued. "You wanna sit down…. Stay awhile… I could do with some company. Chris aint exactly in a talkative mood right now."

"O.K. Vin."

"So Billy, how’ve you been? Looking after y’ Ma?"

"Yep." The boy replied still looking at the sleeping man.

"Billy….. he really is gonna be alright. He’s already carryin’ on like a bear with a sore head when he’s awake." The Texan smiled.

"I know.. I just…. aw, it don’t matter."

"Sure it does Billy. Why don’t you talk about it? I’m a real good listener."

The child sighed and then said quietly, "I was scared Vin. I even… well, I even cried a couple a times. Just kept remembering Pa dying and I even dreamed that Chris died too. "

"I was as scared as I’ve ever been Billy. I don’t have no family ‘cept Chris and the others, reckon I was mighty scared a loosing that. Ever since my mama died aint been nowhere I’s called home and nobody I’s called friend ‘cepting this place and that man lyin’ over there. So, yeah Billy, I understand exactly what y’ sayin’."

Billy turned and hugged Vin, wrapping his arms around the Texan’s knees.

"See Billy, it helps to talk to somebody ‘bout how y feelin’. I did a little a that a couple a days ago, and it does help."

"If you two’ve finished jawin’, how about helping me escape this place?"

Four startled blue eyes turned to see two half opened green eyes blinking owlishly up at them.

Billy and Vin turned and stood like mirror images of each other. Their right hands on their hips, their left hands rubbing their jaws.

"What’cha reckon Billy. Think we oughta help this ornery old cuss escape outta here?"

Billy frowned. "mmmm…… long’s he does as he’s told….. I reckon it can’t do no harm."

Chris’ mouth opened and he glared at the two standing before him. "You two been spendin’ too much time together. I’ve got to stay awake more, seems I’ve been missing a whole lot of interesting conversation."

Billy gathered Chris’ boots and pants, while Vin began to help the black clad man into a sitting position. Chris hissed and began to pant as the world suddenly started to spin.

"Hey pard, maybe this aint a good idea."

"Hell Vin, I’ve been lying flat on my back for nearly a week now. I just need to get my bearings and I’ll be fine."

"O.K. then, but take it slow."

Larabee continued to suck in large gulps of air. Slowly his surroundings began to focus and the colour returned to his face.

"You alright Chris." Came a young voice from the corner of the room.

"Sure am Billy, you got my clothes?"

"Yep." Came the happy reply.

"Just as well Nathan decided to bring those back Cowboy, or we’d be totting your naked butt down those stairs." Vin winked at the older man.

Billy giggled at the glare turned toward the tracker. Tanner held both hands out in mock surrender. "Hey, weren’t me that took ‘em. Don’t you go turnin’ that look on me, I’s just here to help y. Sides, you got ‘em back."

"Alright you two, if you gonna bust me outta here let’s get to it."

Between the three of them, they managed to get Chris’ pants and boots on. Slowly Vin edged the black shirt over the still healing chest.

"Sure you wanna do this Chris?"

"I’ve gotta get outta here! I’m goin’ loco being locked up in here. Come on, between the three of us, we can be well clear of here before Nathan comes back."

Billy and Vin helped Chris to his feet. Larabee was still weak from his injury, but determined to leave his medical prison. Slowly they made their way out and headed towards the stairs.

"Hell Vin, you bang me into that railing again…."

"Shut up Larabee, for someone who looks so skinny you sure are awkward to carry."

"Skinny!!! I aint skinny…"

"What would you call it then? Just bones with some skin pulled over ‘em to keep ‘em from falling all over the place." Vin grunted.

"Shit Tanner! You walked me into the wall!"

"Quit y whinin’…… you’re as slippery as a rattler…. You could help us along a little here y know."

"I am helpin’…. Hell, I reckon I’d do better on my own!"

"You want it that way?? Me and Billy can just set you down here on the stairs and leave y. See how… far you’d get then." The Texan said while re-positioning the gunslinger’s arm over his shoulder.

"Hell Tanner, I never noticed how much complainin’ you do."

"Shit Chris, you must be the….meanest son of a bitch…. "

"Me… ME!! "

"Yeah you… YOU!!"

"Billy hand me my gun."

"Damn Chris you put that holster on it’ll just fall straight down. Aint got no meat on them hips to keep it up no more."

"Since when did you start checkin’ out my hips?"

"Don’t flatter yourself Cowboy."

"Just you keep them hands a yours above my waist."

Vin gave the gunslinger a glare that even he would have been proud of.

All the while Billy Travis walked behind the two men, Chris’ holster and gun slung over one shoulder and the gunslinger’s hat on his head. He giggled contently at the banter between Larabee and Tanner.

Finally, after quite a battle and numerous curse words and threats, the three escapees reached the bottom of the stairs.

Gently lowering Larabee to the bottom step the Texan asked, "Where to now Cowboy?"

"After all that, I need a drink." Replied the man in black wiping away the sweat that had formed on his brow.



"Sure you’re alright?" asked Vin trying not let on how concerned his was.

"Yep, I’m fine. Nothing a good stiff drink or two won’t fix."

"What if Nathan’s there? He aint gonna take to kindly to you slippin’ out without his permission."

"You got my gun Billy?"

"Yeah Chris." The gunslinger smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair.

"Don’t worry about Nathan, Vin." Chris smiled mischievously up at his friend. "Sides he always did say he believed in a little fresh air and exercise."

"Alrighty then….let’s go."




Nathan, Josiah and Buck entered the saloon.

"Hey Buck!" an excited voice called.

Wilmington looked around, finally stopping at the smiling face of Billy Travis.

"What are you doin’ in here?" he asked.

"I’m looking after Vin and Chris."

"What?" Nathan, Josiah and Buck asked in unison.

"Over there." The boy said pointing to the corner of the room.

At the back of the room in the darkest corner, were Vin Tanner and Chris Larabee. The man in black was asleep lying across the table. The tracker was lying next to him, his arm laying protectively across Larabee’s back. Three empty whiskey bottles lay in various positions on the floor around them.

"Shit!" cried Nathan

"Lord have mercy!" exclaimed Josiah.

Buck just shook his head. "How’d they get here?" he sighed.

"Me and Vin got Chris dressed and brought him out for some…." Billy frowned, then smiling continued, "fresh air and exercise."

"How long they been here?" asked Josiah.

"Not too long… they drank them bottles real fast though. Then Chris fell asleep. Vin said something about him not having anything else in his stomach, so Vin finished the other bottle and then he fell asleep too." The boy continued proudly, "Vin said that I was big enough now to watch their backs."

‘You done a good job Billy, but I think we best be getting them out of here." said Buck.

"Where to Nathan?"

"Well Josiah, aint no use taking Chris back to the clinic, he’s only gonna try sneakin out again. Take him up to his room. And you may as well take that no good, turn coat with him… let them sleep it off up there."

"Brother Buck, which one you want?" smiled Josiah.

"I’ll take the skinny one."

"And which one is that?" laughed the preacher.

The three men headed to the table and gently lifted their cargo. Both sleeping men stirred. Nathan did a quick check of Chris’ bandage and, finding no bleeding and that the stitches were all still in place, moved out of the way to allow the other men easier access.

"Hey Buck." slurred Larabee.

"Hey Stud. You been out partyin and didn’t invite the rest of us along."

"Hell no Buck, just…. just…. aw hell.." he trailed off as he passed out again.

"He’s gonna have one hell of a headache in the mornin’. " Wilmington laughed as he carefully lifted his friend up into his arms.

"Josiah, that you?" asked Vin blinking up at the big man.

"Yep brother Vin. Just come to give you a ride home."

"Home." Tanner smiled wanly. "Yep… home. Hey… where’s Chris?? Billy?? Where’s Chris??"

"He’s alright Vin, I watched your back."

"Good boy Billy." Vin rasped out as his was thrown over Josiah’s shoulder. "Hey, who turned the room upside down? Shit, I think I’m gonna be ….." any further comment was halted abruptly by the sound of Vin Tanner’s already consumed whiskey changing it’s course through his body and hitting the floor. "Arrrgghhh" he groaned.

"Better out than in." sighed Sanchez.

"That is easy for you to say Senor!" grumbled Inez.





The sun slowly inched its way across the bed, finally coming to rest on the pale face. Blinking momentarily against the bright light, the man in black shook his head groggily, instantly regretting the action. He groaned and wondered why his head ached. Turning his face away from the light, he made out a fuzzy shape next to him. Tentatively reaching out, he touched the soft brown curls.

"Shit!" he cried. "Get outta my bed Tanner!"

"What?? Who??? What the hell??" rasped Vin. "Where’s the fire?"

With a single thud the Texan landed on the floor beside the bed. "Ow" he cried, "what’d go and do that fer?"

Both men were startled to hear laughter from the corner of the room.

"Good morning Mr. Tanner, Mr. Larabee."

"Ezra." Vin hissed as he rubbed the back of his head. "what’cha doin in here?"

"It seems Mr. Tanner, I drew the short straw. I was designated to keep a watch over the two of you as you dreamt your night away… together." He smirked.

"Ezra." Growled Larabee.

"Now, now Mr. Larabee, I assure you I was only an innocent bystander."

"Ezra" growled Tanner.

"I see the two of you are sufficiently recovered from your expedition yesterday evening so I shall be taking my leave. And do not worry my friends, for a small remuneration I am sure that no-one outside of this room will ever know that the two of you slept in the same bed. And far be it for me to impart my observations of the two of you sleeping…." Standish said as he ducked beneath a flying black, silver spurred boot. "…together."

"EZRA!" the man in black snarled.

Turning to leave Standish continued with a dimpled smile. "Glad to have you back Chris."

As the door closed behind the southerner, Vin unsteadily made his way to his feet. "How’d we end up here?" he asked.

"Don’t know. How’d you end up in my bed Tanner?"

"Hey Chris… I done told y’, y’ aint my type. ‘Sides I prefer bigger hips."

"Bastard." Grumbled Larabee.

"So, seriously Chris, how are y feelin this mornin’?"

"Got a headache the size of the Grand Canyon, but my chest feels fine." He looked around his rented room, "and it’s good to be out of that clinic."

"Best I go get us some breakfast then."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Tanner and Larabee exchanged looks, then Vin went to the door. "Yeah?" he asked.

"It is me, Inez, Mr. Tanner. I have some things for you and Mr. Larabee."

The Texan opened the door and was greeted by Inez, Mrs. Potter, Mary and Casey, their arms full of bundles.

"What’s all this?" asked Chris who was now sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Seems the folks around here decided you needed some things, so here they are. Food, clothes, blankets; Nettie patched up your old shirt and Mr. Carter over at the hardware store sent over some bullets for you as well." Offered Mary.

"They just wanted to let you know that you do a lot of good around here." added Casey, "and that they’re glad your back on your feet."

"Although Mr. Tanner," began Inez. "Next time do not return the whiskey you drink back in the saloon…. Si?"

"Uh.. sorry Inez…" the tracker blushed.

"Alright ladies, let Mr. Larabee get some more rest." Announced Mrs. Potter, as she ushered the others out of the room.

"Thank you ladies." Said Chris as Vin closed the door behind them.

"Well hell Vin, maybe being shot in the chest weren’t so bad after all."

Tanner glared at the other man.

"I’m sorry.. it was a joke." Larabee quickly added seeing the pain that suddenly appeared on the Texan’s face.

"Weren’t funny." Replied Vin turning away from the other man.

"I said I was sorry…… Hell…… hey, let’s get outta here."

"Where to?" asked Tanner.

Chris looked up at Vin and the two men began to smile together.

"Saloon." They said as one.



The End.