Answers to 'Season 2 - Part 1' Quiz

1) Isabel is destined to be with Micheal.

2) Liz pretends to sleep with Kyle to make Max fall out of love with her.

3) Congress Woman Whitaker's first name is Vanessa.

4) Isabel's name on the other planet was Volandra.

5) Maria says her and Micheal are acting like Skully and Mulder.

6) Tess's nickname for Alex is Al.

7) The first episode of the 2nd Season was 'Skins & Bones'.

8) Max is REALLY in love with Liz in the 2nd Season.

9) Isabel betrayed the other 3 aliens on the other planet.

10) Micheal was killed by Nicholas on the other planet?

11) Tess is living with Kyle and his dad.

12) Micheal killed Agent Pierce.

13) Emile De Ravin plays Tess.

14) Courtney says that Micheal should have been Leader.

15) They found a pocket knife near Agent Pierce's body in the desert.

16) Sherriff Valenti was 2 hours late to pick up Kyle from Football Camp.

17) Max was comparing himself as a Leader to John F. Kennedy in the 'Skins & Bones' episode.

18) Isabel's favorite color of flower is Purple.

19) Courtney told Micheal the excuse was she slept with Congress Woman Whitaker's stepson.

20) Isabel's birthday is celebrated on Oct. 25th.

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