Season 2 - Part 4 Quiz Answers

1) Tess say that Kyle could be re-encarnated as a gopher.

2) Maria's cousin's name is Shawn.

3) Valenti met Isabel & Max at Clark Street.

4) Grant kidnapped Lori.

5) They found Lori underground.

6) Lori's last name is Depree.

7) Alex came back from vacation. He went to Sweden.

8) They get Kyle to steal the crystals from his dad's office.

9) Liz wrote 'grow' in mustard.

10) The date on the grandpa pic was 1935.

11) Isabel is 18 years old. (remember? Agent Duff said it.)

12) Lori's Grandpa's house is in Tuson (Arizona).

13) The blue crystals are gondarium.

14) Kyle and Alex get caught in the cave.

15) Grant kidnaps Isabel.

16) Agent Duff killed Grant.

17) 5 humans know about the aliens (Maria, Liz, Alex, Valenti, Kyle).

18) The gang goes on a road trip to Las Vegas.

19) They spent $3,000 a piece.

20) Liz & the Future Max got married at the Elvis Chapel.

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