Season 2 - Part 5 Quiz Answers

1) In Las Vegas, Micheal cheated at 'Craps'.

2) They used Kyle's winnings to bail Max & Micheal out of jail.

3) Sheriff Valenti caught the gang in Las Vegas.

4) Shawn's car is Blue and Green.

5) Micheal is learning how to dance behind Maria's back.

6) At Prom, Kyle referred to Tess as 'his sister' to his friend.

7) Tess and Max 'kissed' during the Prom episode.

8) Liz went to the Bowling Alley after she left Prom.

9) Alex plays the guitar.

10) Alex supposedly dies in a car accident with a semi.

11) It is Kyle's birthday the day after Alex dies.

12) Liz doesn't believe it was a car accident.

13) Maria sang at Alex's funeral.

14) Shawn and Liz broke into the school and got caught.

15) You can see the 'Bernard Star' from Earth and the other planet.

16) The cab company that picked up Liz was 'Red Cab'.

17) Tess & Max slept together at the Roswell Observatory.

18) Alien Pregnancies last a month.

19) The baby can't breathe Earth's air.

20) Leanna's real name is Jennifer Coleman.

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