Civil War Page
American History Sources for Students:
The Civil War
Primary Sources
Uncle Tom's Cabin in American Culture - the e-text and a wealth of other information
Broadsides Lots of one page advertisements from the Civil War Era and Beyond from the Library of Congress
Chronolgy of the History of Slavery - well documented
19th Century Documents Project - special emphasis on those sources that shed light on sectional conflict and transformations in regional identity
The Emancipation Proclamation - freed slaves in the territory in rebellion
A House Divided - Lincoln's speech and background
Emancipation Proclamation - text and background
Gettysburg Address - simple and compelling
Freedman and Southern Society Project - voices of those emancipated
A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867 - sample documents
Map Collection - American Civil War - over 30 maps of the era
Civil War Series - information and memoirs of many of the famous generals
THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS - few documents are more famous
Documenting the American South - first person narratives from The American Memory Collection,
Civil War Diary- diary of G.D. Molineau
Documenting the American South - Southern perspectives on American history, literature, and culture
Belle Boyd - Confederate spy information about the time she spent in a prison camp
Civil War Manuscripts - from various on-line sources
Letters of the Civil War - in chronological order
The Black Military Experience - 5 great insights
Alice Williamson Diary - a woman's perspective and links to others
Civil War Women - Documents from females of the period
Camp Life - What was it like for the soldier?
The Civil War Diary of James Laughlin Orr, 1838-1919 (covers Sherman's march to the sea) - the march through the eyes of a participant
F. F. Kiner's Civil War Diary - was last published in 1863
American Civil War Diary and Letters of John S. Arnold - from 1861 -1865
William Mc Cormick Letters - of the 16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Price List of Clothing - 1863 - Pvt. Canright's Civil War diary included this list of uniform prices
Rev. Clay MacCauley - from Chancellorsville to Libby Prison
Civil War Reminiscences - life on the family farm with the army nearby
Fredricksburg, Christmas, 1862 - a letter written home
Letters from the Civil War Look through this great collection from period newspapers of Massachusetts
Letters to and from Civil War Participants - Many interesting insights
VMI Archives Letters from cadets who were in the war.
Letters from the Civil War Wonderful collection arranged chronologically.
Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library - articles, letters and more
Adventures of a Conscript - Younce was drafted into the Confederate Army in the summer of 1862
The Buttler Letters - four years of letters are presented
The War Years - Newspaper transcriptions - a super selection of actual articles
Jews in the Civil War - great sources from the American Jewish Historical society
The Dred Scott Digital Project - all the pertinent documents are here thanks to the Missouri State Archives.
Slave Voices from the Duke University Special Collections Library - voices usually not heard
Excerps from Slave Narratives - from the University of Houston
Testimony of Canadian Fugitives - accounts of those who fled
Slave Narratives - part of a WPA Project
The Underground Railroad - personal accounts and much more
Free at Last - varied document types
The Slagg Family of Wisconsin During the Civil War - letters, background, and more give great insights
Bleeding Kansas - The Shulers and the War on the Border
American History on Line - letter from a laundress and more
Civil War Images - over 200 Brady photographs
Images of the Civil War - well-organized huge collection
Mathew Brady Portraits - great exhibit from the Smithsonian
Experience of a Confederate Soldier in Camp and in Prison During the Civil War - interesting recollections
George F. Root learn about him and listen to his songs while you read the lyrics
Sheet Music about Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil War - part of the American Memory collection
Visual and Music Sources
Civil War images - organized by subject
Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page - 1118 photographs in this collection
Civil War Images - by category
time line.html - putting pictures in time order helps
A Nation Divided -another great time line with photos
Civil War Clip Art - great for adding to a report
Music - Listen to the midi files.
Poetry and Music of the Civil War - lots of lyrics
Civil War Song Book Verses to some of the popular ones.
Flags of the Confederacy -a huge collection of images plus good information
General Topics
Financing the Civil War - an excellent source on an important topic money and it affects on war
This Day in the Civil War great way to keep things in order
The Civil War.Com - excellent site with varied information
Outline of the Civil War - great for introduction or review
This Week in the Civil War - learn a bit at a time
US History - Civil War Cycle - one of the largest collection of links
Civil War Resources - excellent collection from Rutgers
Blue and Gray Extensive link list of good material is here.
Outline of the Civil War - great for quick information
The Civil War@Charleston - Great information about the war and the city.
United States Colored Troops - Civil War You will find comprehensive information.
Underground Railroad Here are links to its history in Rochester, NY
Civil War Internet Sources Find out about homes, uniforms, flags, and so much more at this great site.
The American Civil War - You will find battle statistics, life stories, biographies, and more
US Civil War - a hyperlinked timeline
The Valley of the Shadow - a great unique perspective of two communities = a must visit
Museum of the Confederacy Extensive information makes this interesting
Underground Railroad - from Smithsonian Magazine
Outline of the Civil War - massive information in outline form
Causes of the Civil War - well organized information
Civil War Medicine good background
Anesthetics in Field and General Hospitals Learn what it was really like.
Ford's Theater... Background, pictures, and great information are all here.
America's Civil War This is the ezine version of the magazine.
The Civil War Times Another ezine version of a popular magazine - check the archives
The Civil War in North America speculative linking of six actions
The Civil War: Black American Contributions to Union Intelligence - interesting and unique resource
The Legacy of the USS Monitor Lots of information and links to explore
Revised Regulations... 1861 - Learn what was essential for the uniforms of the day for the North.
Wirtz Trial - About the trial of the commandant of Andersonville prison
Battle Information
Crisis at Fort Sumter - documentary resources
Civil War Maps - good visual information
Battle of Fredricksburg many aspects are covered
The Peninsula Campaign - lots of good sections and one on technology too
Gettysburg On line Very complete information can be found.
Battle of Gettysburg day by day information and more
Antietam - A great place to learn.
Carnage at Antietam - 23,000 casualties....
Antietam: Eye Witness Account - From the New York Tribune
Antietam on the Web - good information and maps
The Battle of Brandywine Nine pages tell much about this great struggle.
Battle of the Wilderness: A Virtual Tour - easy to navigate and understand
The Civil War@Charleston - great information
Civil War Richmond - photos, maps, and great information
Surrender at Appomattox the prelude, the terms and the surrender are covered.
Artillery of the Civil War - really complete and worth a look
Civil War Field Fortifications - very complete
the Great Locamotive Chase the Union steals a Confederate train in 1862
Illinois in the Civil War There are lists, places, famous people etc. linked here.
Michigan in the Civil War excellent plus links to other state's information
Official Records of the Civil War Navies They are from both sides.
Prison Camps in the Civil War gateway to excellent primary and secondary sources
Iron Clads and Blockade Runners basic information, but lots of links
Biographical Sources
Wllian Lloyd Garrison - Garrison spoke out passionately against slavery
Abraham Lincoln On line
A.Lincoln - timeline and photos
Abraham Lincoln. 1809-1865.
Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library - Great information from the American Memory collection
The Lincoln Legal Papers - an interesting look at his career and cases before he was president
The Jefferson Davis Papers - the documents and more
John Wilkes Booth - the FBI files
Mary Todd Lincoln Research site - background and more
The Apotheosis Of Robert E. Lee - well organized and filled with pictures and information
U.S. Grant Network Home Page
The Ulysses Grant Homepage
Jefferson Davis Information Page
Rose O'Neal Greenhow Papers - mostly correspondence
US Civil War Generals thumbnail sketches of everyone on both sides.
William Tecumseh Sherman a Georgia notable
The Meade Archive Primary and secondary sources
Harriet Tubman Find out about this famous "conductor".
Women Civil War Soldiers Good background
Important People of the Civil War Barton, Booth, Scott, Douglas, Johnson and more
Salmon P. Chase, Attorney General of Fugitive Slaves good resource
A Simulation
Crisis at For Sumter - superior application
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Web Activities
Interactive Web Puzzle (Pre-war)
Interactive Web Puzzle (Pre-war social themes)
Interactive Web Puzzle (Beginning of violence)
Interactive Web Puzzle (North vs. South)
Interactive Web Puzzle (Crossword)