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Echo Songs

  • The Princess Pat Click here to play
    The Princess Pat (echo)
    Lived in a tree(ECHO)
    She sailed across(ECHO)
    The seven seas(ECHO)

    She sailed across
    The channel too
    and took with her
    A ricka bamboo

    A ricka bamboo
    Now what is that?
    It's something made
    By the Princess Pat

    It red and gold
    and a purple too
    That's why it's called
    A ricka bamboo.

    Now Captain Jack
    Had a mighty fine crew
    He sailed across
    the channel too.

    But his ship sank
    and yours will too
    If you don't take
    A ricka bamboo

  • The Bear Song
    begins to same tune as above but repeat is different

    The other day (echo)
    I met a bear
    Out in the woods
    A way out there
    (repeat all together)The other day I met a bear, out in the woods a way out there.

    He looked at me
    I looked at him
    He sized up me
    I sized up him
    (repeat)He looked at me , I looked at him, he sized up me I sized up him.

    He says to me
    Why don't you run?
    I see you ain't
    got any gun
    (repeat)He says to me ,"Why don't you run? ,I see you ain't got any gun.

    And so I ran
    Away from there
    But right behind
    Me was the bear
    (repeat)And so I ran away from there, but right behind me was that bear.

    In front of me
    there was a tree
    A great big tree
    Oh glory be
    (repeat)In front of me there was a tree, a great big tree oh glory be.

    The lowest branch
    was 10 feet up
    I'd have to jump
    and trust my luck
    (repat)The lowest branch was 10 feet up I'd have to jump and trust my luck.

    And so I jumped
    into the air
    But I missed that branch
    Away up there
    (repeat)And so I jumped into the air, but I missed that branch away up there.

    Now don't you fret
    Nor don't you frown
    Cause I caught the branch
    On the way back DOWN
    (repeat)Now don't you fret,nor don't you frown cause I caught that branch on the way back down.

    That's all there is
    There ain't no more
    Unless I meet
    That bear once more
    (repeat)That's all there is,there ain't no more. Unless I meet that bear once more.

    The littlest worm (ECHO)
    I ever saw(ECHO)
    Was stuck inside(ECHO)
    My soda straw! (ECHO)(repeat all LINES together)

    He said to me
    Don't take a sip
    For if you do
    I'll surely flip! (repeat)

    I took a sip
    And he went down
    All through my pipes
    He surely drowned! (repeat)

    He was my pal
    He was my friend
    But now he's gone
    And that's the end! (repeat)

    Now don't you fret
    Now don't you fear
    That little worm
    Had scuba gear (repeat)

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