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How You Can Contribute To My Research

At present time instead of actively breeding, Sahiela German Shepherd Dogs is now concentrated on pedigree, bloodline, genetic, and especially color and pattern genetic research of the breed, and on preparing a wealth of historical photos, pedigrees, and other historical GSD material to make it available to all on the web.

Email address for Sahiela Pedigree & Genetic Research Department is now
Photos and pedigrees of German Shepherd dogs of all colors are welcome and will be considered for addition to my websites. Historical breed books, magazines, zuchtbuchs, koerbuchs, studbooks, photos, pedigrees, etc are especially welcome for my GSD historical websites projects. Please email peds, photos, or details of submissions you wish to make via snail mail. If you wish to snail mail copies of photos, pedigrees, koerbuchs, zuchtbuchs, studbooks, breed videos, breed magazines, I will provide snail mail address via email.

Descendants of a number of Sahiela German Shepherd Dogs can be found in pedigrees of dogs and puppies at Raebark German Shepherd Dogs. You can visit Raebark at their own website Raebark's Website

RECENTLY UPDATED & EXPANDED! German Shepherd Dogs & Friends Online Jigsaw Puzzle Gallery
Click the above link to enjoy working German Shepherd Dog jigsaw puzzles online!


Welcoming Your New Puppy
This is an indepth article covering care, feeding, training, and common problems seen in young GSDs. Also included are helpful tips on the safest toys, most practical dishes, and much more!

NEW! Potty Training, Useful Tricks, and tips on how to thwart escape art
A frank, humorous article that tells you the easiest way to potty train a puppy, gives you a few tricks to stack the deck in your favor, and also arms you with some good weaponry against the canine escape artist.

Breeding/Whelping Chart
Click on the link to go to a chart showing the date a bitch is bred, and the corresponding date when puppies may be expected (based on the 63 day average gestation.)
Below are the Newest Additions for German Shepherd Dog Care Articles!
Grooming Your German Shepherd Dog
Clipping Your German Shepherd Dog's Nails

Sahiela German Shepherd Dogs Striving for Excellence in:

Click on the below links to meet Raebark & Sahiela's boys & girls.

Sahiela German Shepherd Dogs photos, pedigrees, and individual info.

Meet the Boys
Meet the Girls

Click here to see some examples of progeny from our dogs!Progeny Photo Gallery

This page contains photos, history, and pedigrees of some of the foundation dogs for our bloodlines and other ancestors of our present dogs. These dogs all have contributed greatly to our producing physically and mentally correct, balanced animals that retain the character and versatility that the breed is noted for.

Freeware My Network Couldn't Live Without!

Presenting a list of freeware programs that I've found useful, enjoyable, or indispensable & lists and links to other things that are free AND worth using or having!

My Ebay Store, Spiritwolf Productions

Check out my Ebay store to see my own artistic creations, including handpainted t-shirts of German Shepherd Dogs and other animals.
I also have my own unique beadwork creations at the store, including beaded keychains, belt buckles, and other items featuring animals including GSDs.
To visit my Ebay store, just click the below link!
My Ebay Store, Spiritwolf Productions

Handpainted T-Shirt Care Instructions Click Here
Since my printer is on strike, I uploaded the instructions for the care of my handpainted t-shirts that I sell on Ebay, so my store customers can easily download, print, or save the instructions.

Click HERE to see our Color Genetic Research breedings.

High quality pups from these breedings are available for those who wish to have a wider range of color genetic potential for their breeding programs. These dogs and lines have been selected for their EXCELLENT TRACK RECORD IN NORMAL HIP PRODUCTION primarily, the opportunity to further color genetic study has been a "bonus on the side."
My hope is to track and publish my findings and photographic documentation on these breedings, since little has been written on color genetics from "hands on" experience and the tendency is for authors to merely repeat material others have written before them on the subject.
The color genetic research breedings have been done not only to study and document the effect and genetics of color, but also because there is an extremely high level of hip soundness in the outcross bloodlines that we incorporated into that program, a much higher percentage of sound hips than can be found in the majority of the German Shepherd Dog population in most American or German bloodlines.
If you have a dog or records of breedings involving color genetics, the contribution of your data would be most helpful to the study.

Contact RAEBARK German Shepherd Dogs 1-317-460-0073 for information on dogs and/or puppies available from color genetics research breedings.
Visit Raebark's own website at Raebark's Website

You can reach SAHIELA GSDs Genetic Research

My Favorite Web Sites

GSD Coat Length and Color Genetics
Detailed explanations of German Shepherd Dog coat, color, and pattern genetics, including photos. Long vs normal coat comparison photos. Illustration of the development of color and pattern of individual dogs from puppyhood to adult. Blue & Liver Dilution Carrier list & Dilute Dog Database, including some pedigrees.

Exclusive GSD Pedigree Library!
GSD Pedigrees and pictures of German Shepherd Dogs of the present, GSDs and lines worldwide, including German working dogs & lines, DDR dogs, AND the largest, most comprehensive American GSD pedigree & photo collection on the web.
German Shepherd Dog Historical Photo & Pedigree Site
This site is devoted to German Shepherd Dogs of the past, from the beginning of the breed until more modern times. This site is also devoted to bloodlines and GSDs worldwide. WANTED: Historical GSD pictures, pedigrees, studbooks, magazines, any kind of GSD material-Help GSD Knowledge become accessible to all who seek to delve into the study of the breed.

Zwinger vom BirkenbaumWhite Shepherd Color Genetic Research Site, including history, pedigrees, photos, lists of white carrier GSDs, and a wealth of other data.

American White Shepherd Association
Excellent informative site on White Shepherds, pictures, pedigrees, and accurate busting of myths and inaccuracies regarding the White Shepherds.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) Website
OFA's website also allows you to search for dogs by name, number, or kennel name-providing that you have the name spelled exactly as OFA also spells the name!
AKC Website
American Kennel Club's official website.
SV (Verein Fur Deutsche Schaferhund-Germany) Website
This is the website of the Verein Fur Deutsche Schaeferhund, Germany's parent club for the German Shepherd Dog breed.
German Shepherd Dog Web Board
I regularly answer questions and attempt to help people with a range of GSD related topics at this webboard, particularly in the topics of pedigrees, bloodlines, and genetics.

If you wish to submit a link for inclusion here, please email URL & link information to If enough good links are received, I will create a separate links page.