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~Life With MS~

Life With M.S.

Important message at the bottom of this page about this website.
Hello and welcome to this web page. I decided to make this page for a few reasons. One of those is, to try to educate people on multiple sclerosis. Another reason is to show people with multiple sclerosis and their families, that they are not alone in this fight. I hope you enjoy all this page has to offer and if you have any suggestions please feel free to email me. Please take time to sign my guestbook and to take a look at the message board. Also I will try to update this page frequently so come back and visit to see whats new.

The name multiple sclerosis comes from the word "sclerosed" which means hardened plaques or scar tissue located at "multiple" sites of the nervous system. The nerve is covered or protected by a myelin sheath. Plaques damage the myelin around the nerve, and disrupt the transmission of messages to the brain. I have often heard of the myelin compared to the outer coating of an extension cord, and the wires inside are the nerves. MS is a disease that not only affects the person who is diagnosed with it, but also his/her family. This disease is not a discriminatory disease, it affects men and women. No one is sure of the cause of MS so therefore there is no cure, but there are drugs that slow the progression.

~My Story~

I am 24 right now and in 1994 I met a wonderful man and we fell in love. We decided to get married. We had a beautiful son soon after and had a happy life with only the few problems newly weds have, bills, who washes the dishes tonight, etc. In the spring of 1998 my husband was stricken with a pain in his eye, and soon after his vision was blurred. He went to eye doctors and eye specialists and was even fitted for glasses. When his sight did not improve he was sent to a neurologist. There we met a wonderful doctor and great nurses whom we would be seeing much of in the next few months. After an MRI and solumedrol treatments (a steroid used to treat MS attacks) he was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. It tore our world apart at first. All I could do is cry and ask why, and all he did was be depressed and very angry. It was devastating and if we didnt love eachother so much it could have ruined our marriage, but we wouldnt, and didnt let it. So here we are fighting the fight and MS is not going to win!


Symptoms Tests Treatment Types of MS

New Treatments My Thoughts Military

Fun Page New Information My Poem

My Chat Room

Links to other MS sites:

Here are some sites which I found, that I thought contained a lot of information on MS and I believe would help others gain knowledge about this disease. Please go see them thank you.

National MS society

People Helping People

MS World

Immunex Corporation

Paralyzed Veterans of America


~Thank You~

I would like to take this time to thank my husband and son for being my happiness and sunshine everyday. I love you two very much!!!! I would also like to thank my sister for helping me put together this page and for always letting me vent to her. Also my whole entire family that includes my husbands side, everyone has been so supportive, thanks. A special thanks to the good lord upstairs without him I dont think I would have the strength to get through the hard times. Thanks to all of you for visiting my page and God bless.


Many of the facts about MS that are on this page were from a very good book I read called, Multiple Sclerosis A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed. I highly recommend getting this book if you or a loved one are dealing with M.S., it was helpful to me and my family.

The Authors

Nancy J. Holland, RN,Ed.D. T. Jock Murray, M.D.

Stephen C. Reingold, Ph.D.

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March 2000

*This web page last updated: April 11, 2002


I am currently enrolled in school and have a son, husband, and household to take care of, so I am looking for someone to join in with me in managing this website. I would hate to close it down because it has helped so many. Please if you are interested email me with the reason why and how serious you are about this. Thank you.

*The information found on these pages is not to be used to diagnose or treat an illness, without consulting a physician. You should always talk to ypur physician about any symptons you experience, and before starting any treatments.

Thank You