Technical Difficulties
Hi, My name is Michael Bryant. I'm a guitarist from the Ft. Wayne, Indiana area. My influences are mostly technically skilled guitarists such as Steve Vai, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Zakk Wylde, Eric Johnson, John Petrucci, Joe Satriani, Rusty Cooley, Randy Rhoads, Neil Zaza and of course Paul Gilbert. I play an Electra Les Paul Custom with a DiMarzio PAF Pro bridge pickup and a DiMarzio Paf Classic neck pickup, an Ibanez RG450 that uses DiMarzio Humbucker from hell in the neck, Blue Velvet in the middle position and a Super Distortion in the bridge position and an Ibanez AX7221 series 7 string with DiMarzio PAF7 humbuckers. I play through a Peavey Rage 158 and a Randall RH100 120 watt head with a Blue Voodoo 4x12 Celestion Vintage 30 cabinet. I also use a Line 6 POD 2.0 effects processor. Well the 2nd version of my song Heaven is FINALLY up, and you can listen to it here. It's listed as "The next version" or something to that effect. lol It IS NOT the final verson of the song. It's the first link on my links page so feel free to check it out. It's sounding a hell of alot better now. Especially with the addition of the 7 string. Check out my other friends accounts also. Denny Mishler, Nick Lee and Danny Danzi. Also check out my friend Trey's band Detail,on my links page also. New pics of the wedding, the wife, and the new gear coming soon. Feel free to contact me via e-mail, ICQ, or signing the guestbook.