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Minor Planet 15017 Cuppy

Asteroid 15017 Cuppy (1998 SS25)
Discovered 22 September 1998 by Dr. Edward Bowell, Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LONEOS), Anderson Mesa Station.
Named September 2003 for Will Cuppy (1884-1949), American humorist and journalist.
Photographed 1 July 2004 by Donn Starkey, DeKalb Observatory, Auburn, IN, USA, 41o 18' 37.8" N, 85o 04' 21.6" W,
using an RC Optical Systems 16-inch (0.41m) f/8.4 Ritchey-Chretien reflector and an ST-10XME CCD imaging camera.
5 stacked 180-sec. R Band exposures
Observed magnitude and filter: 19.1R
Photo used by permission. Posted 8 July 2004.

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